She should have been president.
Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million
If she's not going to prison she might as well be
Sup Forums did not believe she won more votes than Trump. But I was right after all.....................
nice bait, leaf
If fraud was legal.
I would say yes.
But since anyone with common sense KNOWS she only got these votes by voter fraud
Im sorry, no. She doesn't get to be president
I know these are all bait threads, but I picked up this dope ass meme yesterday I wanna share with y'all.
R A R E ?
2 Million counting voter fraud not limited to dead voters, illegal voters, multiple voters, rigged machines, and bribery.
It'll be hilarious when Stein's inquiry into the votes finds that Trump actually won more and Hillary cheated.
>she only got these votes by voter fraud
No indication of that.
Only Russia has been known to hack the election.
>dead voters, illegal voters, multiple voters, rigged machines, and bribery.
Stories made up by Trumpshills.
Thanks for making this thread.
Now I'm going to add the words "popular vote" to my list of filtered and hidden threads. It's really so easy to do.
>She should have been president.
considering the amount of money, the whole MSM including FOX shilling for her, Trumps own party pulling support, your right she should have won.
But too bad. America woke up, became informed and voted for the outsider.
Id love to jerk off to the idea of the first female president as much as the next guy but she was too fucking corrupt.
its always a fucking leaf
go back to your camp already.
>dead voters
yeah she won it big alright.
>>dead voters
But thats not checkmate
Technically, no, she didn't. Unless you really want to remote all those illegal voters.. You're fucked either way in the expose.
Constitution says otherwise my man.
Don't like it? Changing it is easy! Just convince three fourths of the States to give up one of the main Constitutional provisions that keeps their heartland constituencies relevant and represented.
Good luck!
Talk about sour losers. These liberal fags are not going to give trump a chance. You guys are the biggest babies ever. I just sit back and laugh at all the crap yall cry about, guess what NO ONE CARES!!! But please keep crying it makes this whole thing worth it. The democratic process worked i just thonk back at all the times yall laughed that trump was running. Laughed and said he had no chance, laughed and celebrated and the beginning of election day and then cried like babies when yall lost. I dont even care that trump won and o dont give a shit that Hillary lost america was fucked either way but all you fucks crying and protesting like a bunch of bitches, man yall make americans look like cunts. No wonder the world hates us. For the past 8 years people like yall were in charge. Yall ruined the society yall lost an election now stop crying about it, man up and quit being a pussy. Your all being laughed at you cry babies
>you sent all your fraud voter teams to the wrong states
>Unless you really want to remote all those illegal voters.
No proof of that.
Unfortunately, there's an easier path to doing away with the electoral college, and the Hillshills are well on their way to bringing it about. Google "national popular vote". I have a feeling we're going to see them pick up several more states in the next few years.
>Yall ruined the society
Talking about crybabies..............................
Hillary out spent Trump on campaign spending by $1 billion dollars.
Neither of those are what determine if you actually become president, though.
...yes it is, user. It is checkmate.
My got, that picture. Bitch hit the glass ceiling so hard it fucked her face up.
>Hillary out spent Trump on campaign spending by $1 billion dollars.
No, it was $500 million.
It's called photoshop.
Yes it is, retard
>relevant opinion
why don't you go suck a dog dick or whatever it is you maple-niggers do
Stop making this thread several times a day, leaf
>why don't you go suck a dog dick or whatever it is you maple-niggers do
>California should choose the President for the rest of the nation
WTF I love the electoral college now.
>pol is a single person
>me a normal Canadian citizen understands the politics of america more than the founding fathers