Would you still hate muslims if they were white?
Would you still hate muslims if they were white?
Yes. What a dumb question.
Those things aren't white though
isl;am is only for racial iunferiors.
i'd hate them even moar
fucking sell outs
pick one
of course
yes, islam is a satanic religion.
Muslims are white. Muslims are brown. Muslims are black. Muslims are yellow. Muslims are not a race, they're followers of the Islamic faith. And no, I wouldn't tolerate anyone that abides by such a backward ideology, regardless of their skin color.
White Muslims are worst than browns they're all SJW fags who believe that they're making a change in he world for the better
I first hate them because they are Muslims, 2nd because they are cowards who run from their land and come to Europe, and lastly because they are either shitskin or niggers
islam is a terrible ideology, and they still live like they're in the middle ages
skin color has nothing to do with the hatred
A lot of them are.
Thats like saying you like white serial killers more than black ones. Both are serial killers and should get the rope.
yeah, it's a yonic symbol.
The ancient Semitic peoples (pre-Islam) were degenerate polytheistic pagans and one of their top deities was a Goddess.
Your country needs another purge
And if they defended white ethnic/racial identity i would actively support them.
You retards
I'd rather have my daughter marry a black christian than a white muslim.
yes muzzies are fucking stupid af
I hate white Muslims more because they had to go out of their way to become part of the bedsheets wearing cult.
Jews pretend to be white and we hate them. Fuck semites entirely. Fucking trash people
There are a lot of white skinned mudslimes here and seeing them wearinga hijab still triggers me
ID hate them even more
I already do
Are you serious?! I have a special place of hate in my heart for them. They are far worse than the regular immigrant mudslime!
Yes, I don't wanna blow up from Mohammad of Iraq or Eugene of the UAE
Not as much.
i hate all muslims
kek. Also yes
>All the annoying things about muslims would go away if they were white
Yeah I still would
Many muslims in the UK are white. There are 5,000 converts a year. 90% of them are female.
we don't hate muslims because they're brown; we hate them because they have shit for brains.
Reminder that Russia is 20% Mooselimb
Women destroy everything. No loyalty.
would you still hate yourself if you were white, op?
Not as much, but yes.
Yes all white people should be Christians,I'm annoyed Bosnia is Muslim it's a waste of white genetics.q
it doesn't matter the color, islam is a cancer on humanity. period. amen.
fuck the mudslimes
Lmao You idiots. Muslims were your ancestors and you dont even know it. Under Europe is the middle east and Africa. Where your ancestors came from... As albinos.
Under Russia there is Turkmenistam Khazahkstan, uzebekstain, Ajerbaijan. The news never shows you these countries because they are FULL of WHITE MUSLIMS.
You people are so blind and afraid but I will show you the unforgiving, absolute, and universal truth here and now so that you never forget. There is only 1 human race. Youre just albinos. And ashamed/clueless/willfully ignorant of it.
i might hate fuck one or 2 tho
Your freckles and birthmarks 100% come from your darkskinned likely muslim acnestors.
But also because they're brown
Yes, even more that Mormons.
Where asians come from. Everything is connecd the blood in your veins is the same as every other human beings. It all traces back to the same ancestors. Its just albinism.
What they fail to mention, is that everyone has African DNA
Yeah of course, it's their IDEOLOGY I detest, not their fucking skin color you MONG
Your whole world is fake. MAde up o keep you in your human farms. Youre cattle. Divided up. Kept weak by your own programmed vanity and greed.
like turkey white or real white?
How come I poo in the loo then?
Check mate evolutionists
Yes, even more. They had every opportunity not to be a muslim.
Yall aint ready. You can't handle the truth.
>implying I haven't learned from the Bosnians that came here
No. Muslims are based.
It doesnt matter if you believe me or not. Your concious is smarter than you. It will connect the dots sooner or later regardless of your euro indoctrinated hate. You will learn to love your brothers and sisters one way or another. In this life or the next. No excuses now.
i hate white muslims more.
I would like murderers if they weren't killers and love Arabs if they were Slovenians. And if sun was a cube i would... fuck off retard.
Sure lad, they r worst than gypsies
Of course. Hate them more, if that is possible.
Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim, black, white, yellow, pink or whatever color you are you piece of shit
What based Hans said.
of course u fucking roach
This is how fascism dies. It melts in the face of the truth. "b-b-b-b-but...but.." But nothing. This is the reality.
I don't hate them, i just dont feel like they belong in my country. They belong in Germany, Canada or Sweden, not the UK or the US or Australia or New Zealand.
because you haven't come from them, you are them
I'd hate them even more.
You would like to force me to like or even tolerate Niggers, Mexicans, and Mooslims?
Good luck with that shiet ever happening.
Islam is fundamentally based on the idea to oppose Europe and oppose Western society.
For 1400 years its followers have been waging war and causing destruction in Europe.
Any Muslim is, regardless of how 'moderate' they are, a sworn enemy of the West and should be treated as such. No exceptions.
I don't care about the colour of their skin.
Like pottery.
Yes, whites who have converted are even worse
Etheopians as well as arabs are clasificed as caucasions. Hmm I wonder why that is. Herp derp. Its cuz they gave birth to caucasions. 2016 and the europeans dont even know where they came from or their connection to the human race 25 years after the internet.
>Muh white skin
>Muh depleted soul
>Muh hate thy nieghbor
>My favorite satanic zionist website /pol
Islam is not a race.
It's an egocentric ideology passed down to you and your kin by a pedophile warlord.
He's the eptiome of perfection in your eyes.
The best you could do...the best any Muslim could ever be...is a kiddie fiddler who annexes land.
Stop crying about the kikes beating you at your own game.
They are only opposed of the west because the west is not muslims and are degenerate.
It isn't about skin, it's about culture.
Islam was created as a countermeasure to Western culture and expansion. It is founded on the idea of hating the West, be it conservative or not. Nothing to do with our degeneracy, which i acknowledge we have in plenty
You can call them what you want, but your just an albino. Actual subhuman projecting inferiority. Actual inferiority. Youre missing melanin and hair protein. Thats it. Google Etheopians. Look at their faces. Thin lips. Narrow Nose. Black skin. Classified Caucasion. Youre nothing special. Thats just what they want you to believe albino monkey in pants. You are easier to control when you have a stick up your ass.
Arabs and Pakis aren't a problem, plus they're caucasian.
It's the fact they're mainly muslims.
Islam in the problem, no matter what the race is.
That stare
He can't wait to marry and deflorate her
And she knows it
If my mother were muslim. I would hate her.
I'd hate them even fucking more if they were White
white muslims are even more sad than arab muslims since it means they shopped around for a religion and decided to be the worst one in existence
> Would you still hate muslims if they were white?
yes, we have a lot of those in france and I hate them even more than shitskin muslim,
I also despises the french cuck marrying muslim girl and then convert or live in a total state of submission with no pork at home and christian values thrown into the gutter. muslims bring nothing to western society
only until a moment they stop being muslim
What's up Obama
There already "white" Muslims and they are usually the most violent and evil of the bunch
There are white Muslim converts. We hate those traitors.
>Islam was created as a countermeasure to Western culture and expansion. It is founded on the idea of hating the West, be it conservative or not.
Where did you get this info? Read this article from page 30: azelin.files.wordpress.com
The number of blacks in your country
Your ideology is poisonous, you idiot.
That's a stupid question. The problem is the ideology and accompanying culture, not the ethnicity.
Yes. Islam is cancer.