Who is this man?
Who is this man?
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some guy who ought to get a job
Mentally ill, homosexual Scottish NEET
a cool guy.
Why are there no memes of this man?
A silent protector.
What is his name?
Post it bong
>A RACIST Scots video blogger
unknown, but he is known to commit hate crimes.
Who is this dude?
Why does nobody know his name?
very good man. met him irl desu
>Why does nobody know his name?
What a fucking biased article. Why can't they be non partisan in there reporting? I feel bad for you bongs cause this is shamelessly ideological. The author doesn't even make an argument as to why he is 'ignorant' he just insists he is.
Why do they need to have his identity? just to harass him. Hope the lad stays in the United States.
This guy saved my sanity. Was going through a rough breakdown of how astronomically ass sweden is. Finding woes to put some thoughts of mine into clarity really helped me and even though I disagree with some of his stances, he might have made me bail from that shithole. I would possibly have gone to jail if I stayed for longer.
If I become something I'll legit donate some large sums.
Do you think it would be possible for him to seek asylum in the United States based on articles like this? I mean, they're literally trying to find out who he is to ruin his life, and writing defamatory articles, could this be construed as reason enough not to return to his home country due to safety concerns?
His swedish author craves beheading video is funny as shit if you're interested. He just gets so pissed off, listened to just that one like five times just to laugh.
Nope. He's a "racist" and thus gives all his rights to privacy away naturally. Especially so if he actually lives in Scotland, not very keen on rights up here. Keep in mind someone was arrested for making his dog do a nazi salute here.
Christian extremist
a slightly autistic comfy dude
Which is why I said asylum in the US, not asylum in Scotland. Obviously the US would look more favorably on someone persecuted on account of his political views.
He is a manlet.
I didn't say about seeking Asylum in Scotland, if he still lives in Scotland he's fucked. US won't take him in either.
You're a brainlet.
He's a FUCKING WHITE MALE. An actual racist too. I like some of his videos, but they tend to be too long.
And probably a dicklet too..
I'm not sure actually. I mean to claim asylum you literally just have to have proof that you face persecution.
A dumb guy.
Nice guy.
Literally had dinner with him this week.
He looks quite big to me. Maybe a bit fat, but if he's a manlet he does hides it very well.
There's a picture of him outside a house and he's tiny.
No, unlike you I didn't have any of my dick cut off at birth. U jelly? Yh u r.
>arrested for making his dog do a nazi salute here
What happened to the dog? Did they put it in re-education?
>US won't take him in either.
Are you sure though? You had people beating up the attendees/reporters on the conference he was in, you have that politico guy doxing someone and calling for people to turn up at his home with baseball bats, and so on. It doesn't look good.
My crush T.BH.
Well, going from relatively insightful "modern society sucks" rants, to associating with American white supremacists, most of which are likely plants and various kinds of agents, isn't very smart.
I pretty much knew this was going to happen to him sooner or later because of who he associates with, and the recent videos were just repeating the same rhetoric these people have been repeating for decades and decades, just compare his early stuff to the new stuff and you see that they've been feeding him ideology he for some reason jumped on gleefully without even understanding most of the things he talks about.
Which is really weird, because he seemed pretty bright earlier on.
Notorious Scottish white nationalist terrorist working for the infamous hacker called "Sup Forums".
Damn. I'd expect that kind of language from a fanboy pissing on the opposite team, but that seems so out of place for a 'news article'. It's like the author had a comprehensive list of bad English adjectives, and he just tossed them randomly around. All he managed to say was "I hate hate hate this guy!1! Where does he live?!1" Why would anyone hire such a guy to write anything, when he's that incompetent?
>Which is really weird, because he seemed pretty bright earlier on.
Your definition of "bright" probably is "agrees with me". The moment you disagree, he becomes stupid.
>white supremacists
White Nationalist=/=White supremacist
White Separatist=/=White Supremacist
Where is this Supremacy meme coming from? One can wish to preserve western culture and white genetics without claiming superiority over other races. I'm pretty sure you can love your race, culture, and honor your ancestors without hating other groups. Opinion discarded.
I know his name. His initials are R.S. I know who you are manlet woes.
Really sexy.
Is it ok to be a supremacist without being hateful? I mean whites are obviously the best race overall, but I still don't wish ill on other races, in fact I'd like them to get better so they don't have to leach off us.
Well, obviously, since I'm always right.
By that I specifically meant this blob of old rich guys in suits who are funded by who the fuck knows who, and write ridiculous books that get sold to and financed by who the fuck knows who, which are extremely suspicious. It wasn't a comment on the ideology.
He needs to fucking tidy himself up.
He looked like a fucking hobo at NPI. It's bad enough dressing like shit when you're at home recording a video. When you're on stage with Jared Taylor and Kevin Macdonald, both wearing suits, at least put some fucking effort in.
Maybe a suit is asking to much for this guy. Even a polo shirt would be better than his raggy purple t-shirt that looks like it's been worn without showering for the past week. Fuck.
A sad, benefit scrounging, fat fuck and an unironic homosexual.
Also, the saviour of the white race.
>that looks like it's been worn without showering for the past week.
Whats wrong with beastiality?
Don't even joke like that
I still don't think he is dumb croatia. I think MW is much more concise than richard spencer. He does need to work on his presentation like post pointed out.
>Is it ok to be a supremacist without being hateful?
Of course it is. You can love your dog more than anything, but you can still acknowledge that you're better than it in almost all aspects.
I see your point, but I'm not convinced whites are the supreme race. East asians tend to havea higher average IQ for instance, and yet they do not seem to innovate like we do. I love my race, but I really don't see other races as inferior just different. I would just prefer to live among my own.
He's been doing some kind of tour in the US and in ever video he's wearing the same shirt and hoody, disgusting desu senpai
A cool guy.
Samuel McHyde... is that you Alan Mcjewen? how does it feel to work for that shit rag the mirror?
>>I still don't think he is dumb croatia.
Look, I don't think he is in general, it's just that he picked a completely wrong crowd to mingle with. I think he's socially inexperienced and a bit autistic and doesn't really get his position in the world, so to speak, which is kind of obvious from all his self-introspective videos about what he's going to do as the leader of the alt right, and rambling about his website for 2 years, and things like that. Then from all this "omg I must not do the wrong thing the whole world is focused on us now" you have him appearing at neo-nazi conferences.
Why are you such an autist? I understand, he should clean up, but why do you keep screen capping these images? it's creepy yo.
Why exactly are they neo nazi conferences? What about them other then the roman salute from a bunch of sperglords makes them neo nazi?
Why? Because he deleted the vid that showed him sperging out in a fit of anxiety and these screencaps are the only evidence left.
Well, I personally do consider whites to be the best of races, but that's actually irrelevant. You can value something even if it were not objectively the best. You love your daughter even though she's not the smartest in her class, you can love your job even if the pay is not the best etc.
We protect many animal species even though they are objectively too bad to even survive on their own. And, for instance, wanting to protect the Bengal tiger doesn't mean you hate domestic cats.
Most importantly, though, we should want to protect the white race, because we are a part of it. We really do not even deserve to survive, if we are not ready to accept that we should survive. And if we are ready to accept extinction, there is really no point to suffer living, making children or bettering the world.
I watched the walmart vid and i have no idea how he really sperged out. he was just awkward.
Meh seen a few of these threads today since the articles where released in some scottish news outlets, my guess it's people working for them trying to out him... fucking savages if they get his name and release it he will most likely be arrested for hate speech when he gets off the plane from america and yes that's how bad things really are here.
Did i hear ya saying you have a problem with bestiality?
Well, I can point you to the group of old guys in suits, to the speeches rambling on about Jews, or to the reports and the public perception of them. I mean it's comedic hyperbole on my part, but you have to be aware of how this is seen by, you know, everyone.
You know that America has this contingent of people financed from dubious sources who have been the ideologues of KKK, neo-nazism, American white supremacy, etc. and it's mostly been the same group of people for the past 60 years, right?
Most of the self- or media-defined "alt right" is trying to distance themselves from those, because there's absolutely no sense in being just the next generation of skinheads.
I watched it too and it just seemed to be typical MW, nothing out of the ordinary. This is weird, why would he delete it? Didn't even know that he did.
>just awkward
Not even my autistic stammering cousin acts like that in public.
I can tell by your other comments that you're some kind of fanboy.
Here is a meme for you, lad.
Is he really gay? I thought he had a gf.
Yeah, I enjoyed his rant about victorian britain. I think he is pretty articulate, but i agree he is awkward as fuck at times.
He is bi sexual
An awesome man
one thing
ah don't know why
I went to a conference for the NPI
keep that i mind ah was invited to fly to DC on their dime and
the limelight's a valuable thing
but know it looks like it was a government sting
watched it go down while ah was having a cig
it all crashed with a seig and
A notorious nationalist terrorist.
ah didn't take a change of clothes
watched the time go right out the window
tried to shoot guns but I didn't even know
your thumb gets mashed if you take the wrong hold
ah kept mah anxiety and even though ah tried
mah spaghetti fell oot
what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
It doesny even mattar i still hiv to buy ma coke and fags from the blackpill.......
why the fuck does he drink so much coke? its literally a garbage drink.
>browses Sup Forums
>doesn't know Styx
Hello newfriend
>there will never be a Styx/Woes crossover
imagine the memes
been here for like 4 years
But have you been online 24/7, shitposting like you were a Canadian in Australia?
I have hosted him. He has more than 10 of those purple shirts
A shill for the establishment. The Scottish hate speech laws should have shit him down long ago. Also introduced known snitch and spy Knightmarez into the alt-right and is pally pally with Dickie Spencer, another shill.
Think his first name is either Clive or Colin.
The Parliamentary Acts that Hate Speech is prosecuted under were passed in Westminster. No such thing as Scottish hate speech laws.
You cannot actually believe this, surely
>Also introduced known snitch and spy Knightmarez into the alt-right
Is this the EVE autist? Story please, I've seen a hangout with him and he seemed like an obnoxious LARPing nerd.
Anyone got a pic of Mike Enoch at NPI? I heard there was a video that has since been taken down.
>in ever video he's wearing the same shirt
Sammy McHyde
Is this the guy who shot up Dunblane?
He got arrested by the police for hate speech and agreed to cooperate in order to not be charged. He works for some sort of program, 'Prevent' I think it's called.
The video is full of autism but the meeting he had to discussed here
Bollocks, Scots are being arrested for tweets just like the rest of us. Woes channel is definitely inciting hatred which is a crime throughout all the UK.