>feminism literally destroyed in 4 minutes BY A WOMAN

PLEASE share with every woman you know.

Other urls found in this thread:

too important to be ignored

That was pretty good, a bump for you.

Thanks user.

must be watched by Sup Forumstards

will continue to bump...


i liked it bump


great pic user

What's her name though?

bump because this video is important

This video is ridiculous. White people have never experienced oppression. They have all the power in this country and just basically elected Hitler. These people care only to extend their privilege over POC and Women.

camille paglia




No shit, nice. I've read bits of Sexual Personae, pretty cool.
>Paglia argues that the primary conflict in Western culture is between the binary forces of the Apollonian and Dionysian, Apollo being associated with order and symmetry, and Dionysus with chaos, disorder, and nature.

but also males are more Apollonian and women Dionysian.

I remember she wrote that she feels proud of male achievements and argued that Apollonian and Dionysian should co-oparate.

What the fuck is wrong with you leafs

When I was in High School we got thrashed in a rugby match, so severly that they had to call the game off in the second half.

When we got back to school our Coach gave us each 3 lashes and we had to go up on stage the next Monday, infront of the entire school, place our hands on our head in the shape on an L and proclaim "We are the worst team, we are the worst team".

I actually look back at that sort of thing with fondness, I hope my children have similar experiences.

Did you do better in the next game?

I didn't even know you cunts have schools


In a generation, I will be saying that about white people in Germany


I hate bob costas

lol this picture


>if you win, you lose

Hail Justin!


That is the smartest woman that I have heard in years.

She would make a fine mother and a wonderful spouse.

if I dare say... she's almost TOO smart to be a woman

Camille is my desu.

good video.. here is a bump!

She is high-testosterone for a woman. She's said so herself. Turns out, testosterone doesn't make your moron.

When will women learn that men don't want to marry "liberated" trash?

The woman in that video is everything that men want in a partner.

>understands personal responsibility
>intelligent, but not haughty or condescending
>expresses feminine charms conservatively
>talks WITH men, not AT them
>cognizant of gender roles
>mindful of physical appearance

You can't find any of these traits in modern women.

Feminism has outlawed almost all of them, and it shows.

Oh fuck, Germany just got destroyed.

fucking awesome video!!!
IF you dont want to fuck! Dont go out with us women!
Also all pregnancy is woman chhosing to fuck without birth control!
end all baby payment and divorce payment

Based lesbian Camille Paglia
Here she talks about Hillary

she looks like a white woman version of ben carson

It was okay. I feel like it's a minority of women who fuck a guy and later say it was rape and it's usually for defamation reasons.


Here she talks about feminism

I don't need a woman to tell me that women are dull as fuck and can't live without men.

holy shit why did no one tell me about kenyan bants?

>"The dignity and freedom of women will not be achieved by the overprotection of women, it will be achieved by women taking personal responsibility for themselves"

Pretty much the answer to anything feminists have to say. You can't demand MUH FREEDOM without any of the responsibilities that go along with freedom. Freedom is also the assumption of risk - the individual gets to decide what to do with his or her life. No one can be scapegoated for your own shit decisions and poor choices.

Dislike feminism, but it's a pleasant surprise to see a feminist that seems like she would make for good-hearted, intelligent conversation. One reason I prefer Marxists and commie leftists over your standard Western liberal these days is that they're able to actually talk, instead of shriek random platitudes.

Holy shit kenya bringing in the bantz!

Why do people post this alt lite shit on 4 chan?

We're national socialists user, we already know all the jewish tricks. Stop trying to make Sup Forums into another "muh sjws are so bad" circle jerk. Sjws are just a symptom of a much bigger problem: kikes.

What happened to all the people like that?
The world really is going backwards nao

Who is that woman? She is based as fuck...!

This is real feminism.

camilla paglia
>if you have the balls share it on your social media

>keepin the dreem alive

came to say this. looking at OP's relentless self bumping made me remember just how many the_donald faggots have come to Sup Forums since the election

Truly worth it, spread it you twatter faggots

What the actual fuck. That is just disgusting.

I played chess against blind people, 10 year old girls and a guy in a wheelchair with a life expectancy of 20 something. Never have I even gotten the idea of letting any of them win on purpose.

This picture is just so wrong on so many levels.

>Hillary Supporters

>Lead writer for Rogue One
Welp definately not seeing that movie, now.

Here she rekts transgender bullshit...


>Marxists and commie leftists
>Able to talk without shrieking platitudes

Nigger WHAT? Pick one and only one motherfucker

never been there. just thought this was important Mohamed.

the more people that watch this video the better. period.

thanks user! let it spread!

have any hashtag ideas?

its true. your country will be a 4th world country soon tho, you have more important things to worry about

Hmm (hashtag)RealWomen ?

will bump until thread reaches 300

not strong enough


I get the feeling you haven't been here too long.
Protip nobody gives a fuck. I watch redpill videos all the time and the only people who watch/share them are right wingers/ autists like us. Nobody else gives a shit and you aren't changing anyone's mind. It is a good video though

>yfw Sup Forums is an echo chamber

fuck off reddit

thanks user. on my way to 300

and I'm totally aware of all you're saying. im just here to troll a good video. its not really that complex.

Fuck off you fucking defeatist faggot. Your jaded cunt ass posted this black pilled tinted post on Thanksgiving of all days, it would have better off not been posted and still achieved the same effect you fucking nigger

have a bump OP

Reminder: This is the new brand of shill.

>I agree with Sup Forums except for this one thing