How can we encourage this? I'm a lurker. I never, ever post. I don't think I'm smart enough to contribute anything of value, but, I love reading here. At least, I used to. How do we encourage the obvious, massive influx of new people to just keep their mouths shut?
But what is considered worthy of posting to you? Anybody can come here and say anything. Welcome to the internet, you little faggots.
This is a good example of what not to post, you faggot ass leaf.
No, there should be more baneposting, especially by aussies
Indeed. Their humor is excellent. My main issue is how objectively unfunny the newfags are.
An Australian isn't even in this thread, and there's an American already sucking their cock. If any kind of posting needs to stop, it's this.
By keeping your mouth shut
Foiled by my own ruse.
I can post anything I want, you pathetic little bitch.
Seems like i found the newfriend containment thread.
You fucking assholes.
I thought I could sleep knowing America had turned a new leaf and that we could reject all of the evils that infected our country. As kids I think most of us just took for granted that many of us didn't think that anything like this could happen that love and tolerance were just engrained into us in order to stop the cycle of hate. But I'm walking home from work and see a poor pregnant 13 year old girl just fiddling with her cell phone. And this is normal now because she knows she can't just get an abortion. The Trumpets made sure of that; the first thing they did was to storm the local Planned Parenthood and vandalize all the equipment and I heard the staff was so scared they just decided to close it down.
So that 13 year old girl I was talking about? Get ready to see more, you selfish pricks. Get ready to just walk past men in Trump hats raping women and you do nothing because you know the cops are just gonna wink at you and say Nice. Get ready to see black people beaten in broad daylight and innocent Muslims terrorized by our religious nutjobs. Get ready to have our schools teach our boys its okay to rape, and to teach our girls its okay to be objectified and even paid less on top of it. Get ready to be afraid of everyone you meet, because odds are half the people you see walking around want to rape or subjugate you.
Well, way to go you stupid ignorant pests. You won. Hope you feel good about yourselves. I'm literally shaking right now.
Of course you're depressed, you're a little faggot OP.
I see you heard about the blowjobs.
Get fucked, you poutine slurping, syrup gargling nigger. I hope your country gets annexed by leaders who aren't as cucked as your shameful government.
Here's a good list of what not to do:
>exclamation marks
>using more than one question mark
>hitting enter after each sentence
>capitalizing the first letter after the > when non-quote greentexting
>using emoticons unironically
>having an image that has a filename that isn't the standard UNIX timestamp or custom filename when posting reaction images or old content (esp. if it has an imgur, twitter, KYM, or facebook filename)
>phoneposting (usually found through filenames such as imge.jpg or IMG_XXXX.jpg)
>using the common cliche-phrases-as-seen-on-r/Sup Forums when posting, such as '>be me'when greentexting, 'the absolute madman,' and 'my sides'
>simply replying to a post with a reaction image and no comment and/or replying to a post to only note how "hilarious" or notable it was (a form of upvoting)
>saying Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
>addressing to Sup Forums as a whole, unified group when talking about posters
>replying to multiple people individually within the same post, using memes which are obviously normalfag (ex. kys) or have gone mainstream/killed by normalfags unironically
>posting images with watermarks of any kind
>'[board] approved' threads
>'What does [board] think of this' threads
>twitter/social media screencap threads
>e-celeb/e-drama threads
>unironically replying to bait
>claiming to be an oldfag
>not lurking more to know basic board/site history
>using ED, Lurkmore or KYM as sources for knowing the history of Sup Forums
>not being able to access sadpanda
>getting autistically defensive when called out on newfaggotry
>'muh sekret klub' posting when called out on newfaggotry
>putting many quotation marks around a word (ex. """""""""meme""""""""")
>unironically typing in lowercase outside of Sup Forums
>complaining about anime
>thinks opinions belong to any one board
>screencapping threads
>posting thread screepcaps
>thread screencaps have the epic reddit '[date]: the day [board] [X]'
>using '[board] was never good' to refer to any board other than Sup Forums as a justification for newfaggotry
>being excessively edgy outside of Sup Forums (ex. fuck you you fucking niggerdick sucking cuck. kys.)
>actually believing the 'Sup Forums is for free speech' meme, and further, using it as justification for newfaggotry
Good list, but I think it oversteps a bit.
If all of those are widely implemented, it doesn't leave much room for humor.
Thank you for your input.
Just Google how to ban leaf IDs, it's just a simple add on for 4change or just simplely ignore leaf posts. 99% of Canadian posts are absolute garbage
The reason you don't post here is because you are autistic. I can tell by the way you type. You are trying too hard to fit in. Go kill yourself you little faggot bitch, I do what I want. You are depressed and you are subhuman scum.
>tfw lurked for 5 years before making a single post
Was completely horrified of it. Passed out the first couple of times I did.
Are you turning over a new leaf?
Sad how that image is an accurate representation of nu/pol/. The level of discourse on this board has dropped significantly since last year.