>biggest corruption scandal in the entirety of Brazil's story is unveiled, involving Petrobrás
>hundreds of politicians and billions of stolen money involved
>operation lava-jato begins (literally pressure washer)
>congress stealthily voted a law that, if passed, will effectively FUCK the entire operation against all this corruption and pardon the ones who have been arrested and investigated until now
>millions of brazilians in the streets
>civil war impending
Biggest corruption scandal in the entirety of Brazil's story is unveiled, involving Petrobrás
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No one cares about the 3rd world.
Didn't you guys have some major protests a few months back?
Was that a different matter?
Bumping for interest.
Brazil is about to explode?
>>civil war impending
Explain and sauce or GTFO
>>millions of brazilians in the streets
>>civil war impending
Fake and gay
1 million protesters on the biggest avenue in são paulo, this had no previous planning. everyone just got mad as fuck and shit's getting serious.
post pics of protests and brazilian chicks
Please back this up and provide us with more information.
You always say this and then nothing interesting happens. Call me when there is literally blood on the streets.
You Do. Petrobras had alot of Burgers investment. Your country will investigate the matter. Sorry but this time its your problem too.
pics or didn't happen
basically they're voting for a law that permits ANY foreign donations to political campaigns and, well, that's just obvious as fuck
they did it in the middle of the night btw, so nobody would notice, but apparently people did and they're prorrogating it to next week
WHAT ? so wait a minute. Parties cant get money from national companies but they can get international money ? OHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!! Temer is a globalist.
can i get a link. The normal media is not showing it.
Uhhh, it could be deja vu but didn't something like this already happen recently? All talk no action, fuck 'em up already you cunts.
>são paulo
Well thats not what Globo is saying :
they passed the lavajato thing, but with a twist :
politicians are amnesty to the money they stole. And they can charge judges now. Moro will be arested, and lavajato will stop.
Great job brazil, we fucked ourselves again.
But Lula and Wilma are free, Aren't they?
course, this is brazil.
Indians attacked with peperspray.
God speed hue hues
>Civil war impending.
Você sabe que isso não vai acontecer nem fodendo.
This, didn't your prime president step down?
No, she got impeached.
But this is a different matter.
I think OP is a retard or a 15 year old that has no idea what is happening.
The social unrest in the country is at a minimum compared to what it was during the impeachment.
The worst thing happening now is some angry lefties occupying some universities.
There is literally no way in hell a civil war is remotely possible here now.
kind of different, but its linked. its all about the structural corruption created by our gommie ex president and her predecessor. Since alot of people in congress received money, and since the police is after them, now they are trying to pass a bill "against corruption" that will give them a free pass out of jail, forgiving them from all past crimes. YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP!
Dude, i really htink that if they indeed pass this bill, vai dar merda. People will chimp out and start taking guns to kill politicians .
It's called caixa dois in Brazil. You can translate it if you want.
>start taking guns to kill politicians
Long this should have happened already.
any live streams?
I myself am going to be one of the people who are going to do that.
Fuck this shit. Seriously. this makes me mad as fuck.
>Civil war
Aqui é o Brasil
Só traficante tem arma nessa porra, seu macaco.
Wild Favela chan spoted
Translation : you cant punish anyone that steal money to finance a political party. No matter the source of the money. Respect, peace!
new government is gonna free the shit outta them
gommie shit
gommie shit
not even gommies, literal useful idiots
globalist and based skinhead that will stop cultural marxism.
Uhm maybe you shouldn't have impeached your former president just because.
temer is a retard globalist cucksucker, but atleast he is not a gommie.
you can always spot the bootlickers in a society
>just because
And let her run down the country like Maduro? No thanks.
I hope it passes and the economy crashes. It will be easier this way.
Oh right. She was left center at most.
Now you have the most corrupt non elect president you could ask for.
>left center at most
She was literally part of the Trotskyst wing of the workers party, you dumbass. The economy would be in shambles, we would have hyperinflation and shortages by now if she stayed in place.
I don't even care anymore.
They already tried it like 4 times and no big union gave 2 shits.
Did you guys ever find out who was behind it all?
Can Brazil provide ANY noncorrupt politicians? Seems every year there's a profound amount of fuckery
December 4th on the streets!
Soros Fund Acquires Shares of Brazil's Petrobras
Really makes you think.
You can thank the military junta, which created artificial state in the Northern region to stack the senate with northern/northeastern politicians who were loyal to them and their money and now stop any attempt at a meaningful reform, because they are literally thugs. I'm tired of trying to fix something that is inherently broken, that's why I'm pro-southern secession now.
>artificial states
>average day in Mexico
im from rio, and i hope you guys get it passed and the rest of the states start following your leat into secession. UNIÃO is a fucking mistake.
Soros Fund Acquires Shares of Brazil's Petrobras
SAO PAULO--Soros Fund Management LLC, which invests for billionaire investor George Soros and his family, acquired shares of Brazil's state-run oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, in the third quarter, after the company saw a change in leadership and a fresh focus on debt reduction.
Soros Fund acquired a total of 1.56 million shares of Petrobras in the period, according to the fund's quarterly report filed on the website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Since 2014, prosecutors have documented a sprawling scheme whereby Brazil's largest construction companies formed a cartel to overcharge Petrobras for major contracts and pay kickbacks to former executives at the oil company. Petrobras has said it was a victim of the corruption and that it has been cooperating with prosecutors.
In May, Brazil's then acting president, Michel Temer, named Pedro Parente the oil company's new CEO. Mr. Temer was later confirmed as president after his predecessor, Dilma Rousseff, was impeached at the end of August in connection with allegations of accounting irregularities related to the country's budget deficit. Ms. Rousseff was also damaged politically by the Petrobras scandal.
Mr. Parente, formerly the top executive at the Brazilian unit of U.S. agribusiness giant Bunge Ltd., has been concentrating his efforts on reducing the company's debt via the sale of assets.
Petrobras is the only Brazilian company in the Soros Fund portfolio, highlighting the challenges local firms face in attracting international investors amid the country's deep recession. After contracting 3.8% last year, Brazil's economy is expected to shrank 3.5% this year, according to finance ministry projections.
they will once it's too late
Brazil was a mistake. It was like trying to unite all spanish colonies from Mexico to Chile, thinking it would work just because of the language and colonial past.
mabe its time to buy ! hueheuheue petrobras is something like 16 reais right now, i used to trade it for 32.
This, OP has been in a coma now or something, no happenings besides some retarded leftists students occupying schools.
>The worst thing happening now is some angry (((lefties))) occupying some universities.
dude shit is happening. this vote was something to be afraid. it might stop lavajato and coerce judges and the police into not judging electoral crimes. see this :
Well where's all the noncorrupt people with guns? Seems like every asshole in the country joined the military. Heads need to roll, make em scared. What can they do against some hundred million angry street rats?
esse que tinha que ser presidente :
2018 precisa acontecer o quanto antes.
Every time.
You provoke them, they will react with brute force, arrest separatists leaders and so on, just like they did in the 90s. The southern separatists are gaining momentum now with this crisis and their membership went from 25k in 2014 to more than 250k nowadays and now they will launch candidates for the state assemblies in the 2018 national/state election. It's a slow process and you have to be really careful, but it's safer and more effective this way. Just look at Catalonia. They didn't elect separatists that are going to break away from Spain next year in 2 years, it was a long and thorny road.
the queen of the impeachment is saying that they are trying to amnesty the culprits of caixa 2(i cant translate it in english) .
my milf wilfu too.
shit she is getting fat.
You don't know what you are talking about.