Jesus Christ western white women are cucked to no end. At what point they will offer free blowjobs to niggers as a kind of reparation? Look at this CNN bitch literally crying because of offensive word used by stinking white trash for glorious black men.
Jesus Christ western white women are cucked to no end...
>stinking white trash
Charles Kaiser's a homosexual Jew.
Everyone just tweet her the nigger word.
Female suffrage was a mistake.
Week willed.
This is why people in the Muslim world laugh at us and are currently trying to flood our countries.
Literally crush half our population with simple words.
>>stinking white trash
Bashing poor whites is a way to absolve yourself of racism. It's blue pilled as fuck.
what's her twitter ?
>stage name
>only has her job because Rick Sanchez named the jew
>that user who posted all her pics with black people
so glad people are turning on white women
> Beeped out
how do they do it?
Looking now.
See also:
here it is un-beeped
Tape delay
God I love that comedy special. Are his new ones any good?
We live in an odd world.
what song/track is the music in the final logo thing from?
this bitch looks 45 yo, but google says she's 30
found it @BrookeBCNN
>paid left wing shill
>representing even 1/4 of white women
Sup Forums is fucking deluded at times. I blame the /reee9kuck/ refugee crisis we had.
Is she .1% black or something? I mean damn, she's taking it as if he called her it and she's part of the African American community. What an over reactive fucking dyke.
awesome, thanks user.
Typical coward bitch. "Where's muh rich white dude to marrry".
But at least a leftist faggot copped the wrong end of this virtue signalling.
No, it's just empty signaling.
> "I'll be offended for you black man!"
>Literally crying
>Watch video
>No literal tears
Are you retarded?
It amazes me that she is so upset when the guy who said "nigger" said it as part of a quote, and he intended to make the quoted party look bad. All he was doing was reporting accurately. If "nigger" is such a horrible thing to say, then it's worth talking about who said it and why. Shutting down an interview over a quote is missing the point by a mile
The definition has been changed.
Literally in her eyes in the literal OP pic.
Why does she stop everything and make it about her? All she did was make the situation worse.
Pretty crazy that it only takes one word to set people off. One word hahaha.
I know how liberals think. The moment she heard nigger she immediately thought that her show and livelihood was in danger because leftists are pricks and they always try to get people fired for stupid shit. So she forced some crocodile tears and pretended to be so offended so she couldn't be blamed for anything. Her shutting it down was purely self preservation.
mad white boi?
Get to it men, for kek must be glorified
More like someone in her earpiece told her to SHUT IT DOWN GOYIM
She goes from slightly surprised to insanely triggered in a moment
muh newsfu
she got mad because nigger being said on her show probably cost them some hefty fines
majority voted Trump, there is still time
>At what point they will offer free blowjobs to niggers as a kind of reparation
white men are already doing that
The guy who said the word is not white. He is a Jew.
joos hate black ppl
this is the actual version used in the video
Yeh, they're tough as nails. They wouldn't even bat an eyelid if you said to one of them that the "prophet" Mohammad was a pig fucker.
Seriously though, this attitude annoys me. Gangster gangster rapper bois and mudslimed are more fragile than any white man. White men have to listen to the media attempt to emasculate them every day and they still push through to success.
Nigger has rising to being a magic spell where the very sonic vibrations of the word can do 1d12 per level damage
Honestly that's the reaction I expect from most white middle class white people. They're sensitive as fuck about everything, but then again I work in Seattle.
I had a lot of black friends, not like nigger niggers, more like the yugioh/video games playing black dudes, but we tossed the word around like every 10 seconds desu.