Any reason to preserve Endangered species?

Is there any reason other than muh fells to do anything to preserve endangered species?

is there a reason to preserve americans?

Why shouldn't we sell you into slavery and use your mom for a fuck toy?

They're cool

This is a gato-maracajá

Animal equivalent of a tank.

Shoot them with RPGs for fun. Fuck Rhinos.

Yes I played far cry 4.

Collapse of food chain. Extinction of one animals means the food that they consume is no longer consumes and is so able to grow. inb4 some other animal will consume it. Yes they will but what do you think will happen to that animals population? And so on.

If you knew anything about biodiversity you'd know it's crucial for the nutrient cycle and human survival.

Preserve for future hunt .

This is an ariranha

They look a bit like otters but are very angry

>implying we haven't preserved the French for over 150 yrs. Thanks for the copper statue and all but we aren't saving you from self destruction anymore

Agree, chinese people should be genocided

If we don't preserve them they will go extinct!

This is a lobo-guará

They are omnivores and have a very important role spreading tree seeds in the Cerrado biome in Brazil

hello lobo-ggguraawaaaa

Yes it's very important. Poachers should be shot on site.

I used to go salmon fishing (catch and release) in Russia with my Dad once a year on a massive nature reserve in the Tundra. It was run by a very wealthy eccentric British guy and he hired about 20 russians to be guides and run the camp.

Anyway, sometimes they would get poachers hunting bears and stealing fish, not often but it happened and when it did their way of dealing with them was fantastic. They would take their guns, clothes, food, tents etc so they had nothing then chopper them another 200 miles into the tundra, drop them off and leave them. A certain death sentence with the freezing nights. Where the camp was based was already 250 miles from the nearest civilization so they were literally dropped in the middle of nowhere.


could cause a chainreaction. cause more work to preserve human life. I'm lazy, let's not get us more work.

rhino horn makes good penis medicine

so does your mum

Biodiersity helps to hinder disease growth.
Also their will be more strains to choose from for modifying organisms. That's not even forgetting the effects it could have on the food chain.

Keeping them alive is actually a big deal.

i saw one of those very close they are big AS FUCK!

Yeah. I like there to be lots of different cool interesting living things in the world.

Do I need a better reason?

I see a bunch of them because of my job

No. More species have gone extinct than exist. Earth would find a way.

A lot of them do play an important ecological role. Besides, I want my grandchildren to be able to see elephants and rhinos.

Actual animals - of course

Black People - nope

Go fuck yourself

You should kill them to save them.

unique DNA never know what could be important, also God made them you fucking heathen.

Just like how eating brains makes you smarter

They keep the money flowing

Poaching, anti-poaching and recreational big game hunting move tons of dosh.

Other than that it's just done for muh feels and for environmental concerns

it's not about earth, it's about science

biodiversity is a magnificent treasury for genetic engineering

every species that disappears makes it harder for us to understand the full scope of how genes interact with each other

I'm not talking about the polar bears dramatized by greenpeace, I'm talking about the thousands of species of plants and fungi that disappear unnoticed every year

species = valuable data

also every now and then we find some crazy useful compounds produced by natural life, you might have heard of something called penicillin? that's just one of many examples, today we have extracted compounds from nature that are being studied on treatments of alzheimers, cancer, aging, etc

it's mathematically much less time consuming to observe successful species to find useful compounds that support and enhance life (after all they withstand the test of natural selection) than to randomly engineer and test every possible variation of organic molecules

Good publicity?

Population control and species protection helps us not die of radical climate change and biosphere catastrophes though.

Depends. Rhinos are useless for anything other than being the owners of a well known shamanic aphrodisiac.

Some fill important niches in local food chains. Some are completely replaceable by other species and are mostly worthless though.

Is there any reason to not murder and eat the rich other than your contrarianism?

>some are completely worthless
cough desert tortoise cough

*cough* humans *cough*

Seriously though. What good are humans? All they do is destroy everything. Where the fuck does this mentality come from that other species are "worthless" when your own is a net drain on your own home planet?

Also polar bears. I don't even know why that species still exists, they fill pretty much the same spot in the arctic food chain as killer whales yet are only able to survive in an extremely narrow set of environments while killer whales can go fucking everywhere.