Will you be hiding your power level this Thanksgiving?
Will you (like me) be seeing family that voted not the way you did?
Looking forward to seeing the anti-Trump family squirm.
Greentext your political talk holiday stories.
Will you be hiding your power level this Thanksgiving?
Will you (like me) be seeing family that voted not the way you did?
Looking forward to seeing the anti-Trump family squirm.
Greentext your political talk holiday stories.
>amerishit families are all so dysfunctional they can all universally relate to le awkward genocide day feast
I don't have dinner conversations
Only Amerisharts would invent a holiday that lets them stuff their fat faces and celebrate genocide at the same time.
>tfw spending Thanksgiving with fundamentalist Christian cousins who hate muslims and Jews
No need senpai, they're crazier than I am thanks to my uncle.
Canadians do it too, you inbred faggot
wtf I thought the whole world did it
Canadians do everything you do tubby, just with a dick up their ass.
ours is in october since we're civilized
>not celebrating the triumph of the white man over the red savages in a comfy annual harvest feast
My family is redpilled. I still avoid talking about politics though because democrats make my grandfather angry and he has lots of heart problems.
>reminded every year about how victory can be so close yet so far away
Lessons to be learned
right europe can't afford feastdays of any variety right?
Half my family members are "working class whites" while the other half are "city slicking liberals".
Considering I'm the only one who's conservative and lives in a major city (NYC- Crown Heights, Brooklyn) we will just see how this turns out...
Luckily all of my family voted for Trump, except my sister but she won't be there for Thanksgiving.
Why would anyone want an entire day where you only eat potatoes?
Celebrating the white man landing and discovering the greatest country on the planet.
>celebrating European conquest
>discovering the last European related country that isn't cucked by mudslimes.
Most redpilled holiday of them all
Christians are so stupid they can all relate to three kings bringing valuables to Baby God in the dead of winter.
The reality of holidays is that they often have little to nothing to do with their origins. Christmas is Saturnalia, and Thanksgiving is pilgrim dinner. But really they're just two excuses to get together with family: one for eating like a motherfucker at one family's house, and one for exchanging gifts at the other's.
Figures the only one who doesn't value family also doesn't value family.
Keked my friend
that about sums it up
I love america
>my entire life is composed of concealing my power level...parents sad old hippies, GF who I live with thinks I left the presidential ballot blank because I "didn't like either candidate"
mfw every single day is a glorious googlefest of SJW butthurt and liberal implosion
thank goodness my family is so dysfunctional that my libtard parents can't bear to even meet up with our conservative hick cousins so we are having dinner at a steakhouse just the 4 of us