I'm literally shaking
Stop the hate
Shave your beard you goat rapist
>Implying these animals are capable of rational discussion.
Wow they are just like us. Put their bomb vest on one arm at a time.
How can he go that long without stopping to pray towards Mecha?
"another" civil war
implying germans vs goatfuckers would be civil war and not humans vs invading shitskins
should be asking Ahmed how many teenagers he raped today.
That's funny, all I've seen are obviously fake kikebook posts
Is this a LOL thread?
>But minorities are making this up.
Who is this based redpilled madman?
>pretty much every single tranny webcomic ever drawn.
Guys the violence is real. Stop trivializing it.
it sure is
At least the comic shows the truth. Import more sandniggers, get a civil war. Of course blaming the natives for that outcome is just ridiculous.
I barely checked that comic for the longest time, but that was the one the cemented me just outright deleting the link and scrubbing it. And no lie, this chucklefuck is a Canadian, yet he's not writing about dogfucking or firestorms.
I don't get it.
Hang on, it takes two faggots to 'write' this shit? You could throw crayons in a retard pit and get better content!!
One writes it and one draws it
Then how about posting the video instead of writing a comic about two culturally enriched homosexuals?
>4000 mile wall
That's not even factually accurate. US-Mexico border is less than 2000 miles long.
>telling someone to shut up is the same as denying their right to free speech
Fuck off weeaboo, your kind isn't allowed on this site anymore
>anime scars
It's a silencing tactic which is triggering.
I've stopped reading dozens of webcomics in the past two years because they've all of a sudden turned into social justice preaching. It's crazy how much people started jumping onto the bandwagon.
I only read Whomp because it's funny and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils because I want to fuck the smug unicorn.
>SJW claims to be pro free speech
>Ends up being anti-free expression
What a shitty argument, especially since practically no one harasses women because "Vidya did that", and saying so is like whole fucking "Vidya causes violent outbursts" bullshit from years ago.
We need more red pilled comics.
Jesus. That's clearly makeup...
What do you mean by harrassing?
Someone coming up to you saying 'go home sandnigger' doesn't count as harrasment
>What is a two layer wall
It's like you've never been in prison
>does does
Anything I don't like is harassment.
>bloody nose and cut cheek and cut lip
>bloody nose indicative of blunt trauma
>cut lip could be too
>for a cut like that on your cheek you'd need to be punched really fucking hard
>no visible brusing or swelling
yeah no fuck off
fake as fucking fuck
>Sup Forums - Medical Experts
I think this is a shoop because of some of the pixels and having punched a few faggots in my time
>Get hit in head
>Bleed out like a mother fucker
>Still standing
>Decide to smile for picture and post on facebook
>trannys existing in the 90's
Why are liberals so fucking incapable of drawing nice looking things
Why do they have to make EVERYTHING so ugly
Everything is triggering, even this post is triggering.
Modern beauty standards are oppressive.
I have yet to see actual proof of anti Muslim hate crimes, yet have seen ample evidence of false reports and violence of leftists.
DUMF BTFO!!!!!!!!!!
But I'm triggered more.
This one was thoroughly debunked
Because they're cowards. They only feel confident when there's many of them and there's not much of a resistance.
Why do you think the Ackbars in Murica are spineless compared to the DurkaBurkas in Europe? Sandniggers in Murica have seen what Muricans will do to them. They know about Guantanamo and the torture, humiliation, and inhumanity that goes on there. They know Murican history and how Mudshit aggressors are treated (like how Moros were defiled with pork blood). They know that every time one of their own does something, they all pay.
And there's no one that could save them.
If Muricans keep at it, and intensify the subjugation, they'll eventually develop Stockholm Syndrome. Break their spirits. Remind them there's no hope. Keep them in constant fear. Make them turn on each other.
none of that was game related
>mage strategies
>thin girl manages to turn super fat
>joust champion
>"jakeface" on tumblr so he literally made up a charachter to prove his point
fucking pathethic
Wow. Really makes you think.
so where did that baby actually come from
>a process that produces the next generation
>heterosexuality has nothing to do with it
delusional trannies and faggots must hang.
I've been trying to become a political cartoonist but I've never tackled Islam as a subject before
Any constructive criticism?
No you fuck off, stinking newfag. Sup Forums is an anime board before everything else.
The biological woman in the relationship identifies as a man. Thus two dads.
>2 guys making a baby
that's literally impossible
Lol good thing its make up is still intact.
I used to rough up fags in my edgy teen day's, belive me couple of good punches to the head will leave a lot more mark then a few cuts.
He literally looks like a rapist
You better be thankful you're in our country ahmed. Start shit here and we will end you.
Having had the shit kicked out of me numerous times due to being a shit fighter with a big mouth, I consider myself something of an expert on the subject so I can confidently say those are the fakest fucking 'injuries' I've ever seen.
do these people believe that when they fuck eachother in the ass, they shit out a baby?
that would explain all the niggers.
For now. Science my boy.
New reaction image
I can't risk even opening this file, sorry
Assuming this was real
>his friend literally looks like he tried to kiss a freight-train
>"I'M hurt, please give ME sympathy"
Disgusting selfishness from the left once again
>Leafs are triggered by file formats
she looks like a fucking velociraptor
Maybe muslims can go two months, collectively, without one of them blowing themselves up on the planet in a suicide attack.
Just go two months.
If Muslims can go two months then we're all just wrong assholes.
Is that what they look like in Belgium?
I'm from /k/, and that depiction of loading a gun triggered me.
Libcucks have no fucking clue about guns.
Lol she sucks at make up. I'd just kill myself with a brick to get the message across
>live together
>Malcolm X
That's a direct contradiction.
>Not posting the original with her saying at the end. "What's a Mage."
>Malcolm X
Maybe near the end of his life, but most of his life he promoted violence
I want to bet who ever drew this comic is also atheist because "Christianity breeds hatred"
The one posted is the original.
Thank god someone is beating these faggots.
How many sandniggers in the US?
Too many
This is good. I always fucking hated Doonesbury. Not surprised to learn that the writer is a cuck.
That last panel really needs to be changed to the Muzzie saying
>Cuz it's my dad who is harrassing my sister and my mother
In the Directors Cut. The fag says "What's a Mage." At Fat Fag
Fun fact, the Joust champion of that year was actually a dude
When someone pointed this out to the creator, she got mad triggered and deleted comments
>He never watched Ace Ventura
>protecting their views as if they're valid
The audacity of this abomination
This, it's 3000km (2000mi) and 1000km of it is already walled
>trannys never existed outside of comic punchlines in the 90s
>I view things I once enjoyed as unacceptable due to my indoctrination.
One of these days your people will learn to read filenames.
I was watching old 90s episodes of cops and saw a few where they refer to trannys as "he-she's" and cross dressers or just gay. Pretty funny
Wow its almost as if i dont actually hold these opinions and was conditioned these past few years into thinking everything s some kind of "obic"
Isn't that the MO of cults? Force you to hate anyone you associated with and anything you used to like?
Anyone else wish they'd at least make it more convincing so I could feel more validated about my vote?
I'm trying to get smug here bitch, put some effort into your victim blaming.