Question to Eastern Europeans...why do you guys dislike the USSR so much

it was once a mighty empire

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Communism doesn't build anything.

It seizes what capitalism has built and eventually destroys it.

Because they realised how worthless they are now.

the USSR is literally the most humane and advanced civilization in all of human history


Communism is horrid.
Socialism is ebin

That's why the Russians took various Mongol and Chuchki tundric tribes in the far east and turned them into functioning, prosperous cities with industry, infrastructure and roads, right? I wonder why its all gone to shit now that the region is (((Capitalist)))

Depends on the generation. Old people don't like soviets because yeah they were rapist murderers, middle aged people liked socialism because they were pretty well off doing that period, just disregard the fact that all our neighbours were starving to death. Younger people have no concept about them and they think they're living in 80s America.

Because Jew Communism genocided pretty much anything in Eastern Europe?



Capitalism is literally based off exploiting labor. It builds off other nations backs, ruining them, while enriching itself. I'm no communist, but Capitalism is a destructive ideology all the same. You just live outside of ground zero so you don't notice or care.

I dunno much about venezuela but having a socialist party elected is not the same thing as socialism.

that kills you or imprisons you if you don't agree
hivemind is not for all you sheep

So were the Mongols, but the world would have ultimately been better off without them.


Don't be such a Serbian.

> flooding other countries and cultures with subhuman slavic waste
> most humane and advanced


>t. race traitor Estonian

What you call "Communism" is in fact "State Capitalism".

The Capitalist class has been replaced by an identical class of exploiters.

The Chinese would never have built their walls and stayed behind them. All of Europe would have been dog eating scum by now.

Genghis Khan organised the silk road thus increasing trade and scientific development within Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Subhuman scum.

What did Ukraine earn from commies?
Oh well

Just because a party is elected that can impose some regulations, the companies won't stop their capitalist practices. If every company and every factory is directly governed by the state under socialist directive then that's socialism.

>gommunist occupying military
>raping/killing people
>cucking murika from helping the economy
>stealing everything
Nothing good came from that shit, only suffering.

Because you fuckers are the reason we are 20 years behind Western Europe.

>governed by the state
>that's socialism



Goulash communism was fine, slovaks and romanians got massively shafted by the soviets though.

>m-m-muh oligarchy!!!

Whoa there, Front National

>destroy power of state
>why did a dog eat a steak on the ground
>it's not true communism we must try again

>functioning, prosperous cities with industry

Communism put the first man in space.

>I fell to the ground
>why did my face hurt
>fugging bourgeises
I love gommie shit.

Are you being racist against Estonians?


same reason I don't risk russian roulette is reason why I don't like gommienism, I'm fine with just higher wages yo.

Cold War put the first man in space. And woman. And on the Moon.

>some factories
>some family houses
>some commie blocks
Other than the fact that the picture is taken during winter on a cloudy day I don't see anything wrong.

Huh, I thought the first man went into space when Ronald Reagan unleashed the free market to send Tom Hanks to the moon in the Apollo rocket, which was made entirely of Rearden Metal.

Stalin did nothing wrong.

Because it was shit
Russia is now practically a 3rd world country (except for the (((elites))) ), and the USSR completely destroyed the economies of every single nation within it

No, German engineering put men in space, after Germans died US and Soviets couldn't reach space.

This comrade gets it

Bet this looks like your standard gypsy village in Hungary then.

Communism killed far more Russians and Slavs than Hitler was ever able too

The USSR was garbage. Putin Russia is bro tier.


people just want to run businesses and trade goods and services for capitol

you're retarded, capitolism=working for a living

not exactly, communism is when the government owns all the businesses, there is no competition, no growth, none of that, the government regulates the market. So fuck all that, fuck the government, their only responsibility is to secure its people, not fuck with their business

this isn't a secret, and many people in Eastern Europe are working towards that goal

>the free market
>I stap ownership of capital to capitalists
>you're free to exchange services when all true value is for the capitalist class only
>the freedom for 100 people to take all the capital
>the freedom for men to enslave others

You are in Ukraine, 1932. You own a small piece of land the governement gave you. You work very very very hard, but barely earn anything. You work, work, work, sleep, and then repeat. After some time it ends up being hard to feed your 5 children, as everyone got an equal wage in the USSR.

Suddenly the army comes and burns your farm eks dee

picture on right is Communism.

t. (((commie)))

>turned them into functioning, prosperous cities with industry, infrastructure and roads
top kek

i hope you are trolling faggot

You can look at a normal town during the winter and say "HAHAHA LOOK HOW SHIT IT IS". It still won't make it shit.

Communism was a failed economical model.
Stalinism was a failed political model.
KGB did their best to maintain it, which meant being very bad people.

Fucking kill yourself, you idiot.

And what would an Estonian know about food?

Whats the difference between Slavic and Finnic peoples? A few % points of mongolian admixture?

I really hope you're joking Hungary


Stalinism was a Jew run transfer of wealth from land owning Slavs into kike hands.

What do you think about putin? Is he one of ((them)))?

Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians are literally the master race
The Soviets were so jealous they committed a genocide against us

Decentralize food production, centralization of food production is state exploitation.

Finnic people look totally different both in body and face.

fins don't have slavic dna, slavs do.

Finns have uralic and 50% germanic dna, slavs are 0-3% Germanic.

Russian are finnic slavs though. The mongol thing is a dumb meme. Mongols never migrated into Russia in large numbers.

That's literally the only thing they think about

Americans are 100% retard, thank you for your attention

>you work work and work very hard, but nothing ever advances

The fact that you wrongly think that the USSR was the most advanced, and treated it's people mostly humane- is already rather gullible.

But if you look at Scandinavia today, I don't think there has been any nation anywhere near as progressive in terms of treating it's citizens well.

Agree or disagree with social democracy, that's just a fact.

and fins are Germanic Finns.

Oh look the same city during but somehow looks a lot more vibrant now. It's almost as if pictures taken during summer on a bright day look a lot better. Fuck off with your stupid shit.

Russians aren't finnic, that's bullshit. Female Russians look very feminine, while female Finns look pretty manly.

Maybe some North Russians are Finnic.

Trips of truth

>communism is when the government owns all the businesses,

Stop posting

(Captcha: STOP MEXICO)

>Maybe some North Russians are Finnic.
#notall. Sure. But finns in finland are a different mixture. Any "mongoloid" features of Russians are due to finno-ugric admixture not literal mongol.

Putin's a patriot, but also an oligarch. He isn't perfect, but he is very good, all things accounted for.

If you're against free market capitalism you're retarded. And if you're unironically a communist or socialist, you're a buttfuckingly retarded blight on humanity and should end your life.

Sure, the average Stormfag probably dreams about getting pussy all day, but it doesn't mean he's ever actually seen one.

For a lot of countries communism hasn't represented much more than a political movement. Well, this is not the case of Romania. For Romanian people communism meant much more than this; for some of them it was a way to live, for some their archenemy, for others it is still that monster that have passed through Romania and killed their relatives, their models, their principles. But all in all, communism is a page of history that has drastically influenced the lives of so many Romanians who lived there in those times, but also the lives of their children and of their children's children.Well, talking about communism in Romania, this was a very bad thing because we had our lives totally controlled by the communist party which was the unique party, forbidding the existence of any other party by constitution. So, our life was totally controlled by the party through the Security. Even if each of us had a job, it was forbidden not to have a job. We didn't have a competition. The differences between the salaries weren't too big and it wasn't any real competition between people. Advantages? I don't see any. The censorship through the mass-media was total and we didn't know what was happening in the world. We only knew what the party wanted us to and we were thinking exactly what the party wanted us to think. So, we were some kind of robots programmed to think, to work, to put their ideology in practice so we were totally controlled.

Russia Kills the 1ns that dont get in line. they R Fucking Liars. DOnt trust the weak, courpt, delutional idiots

They believe that if you bark loud enough about how USSR was the devil, West will let them eat shit from it's capitalist anus.

>not exactly, communism is when the government owns all the businesses, there is no competition, no growth, none of tha


Communism is a Stateless and Classless society.

What you've described is "State Capitalism", and authoritarianism. In a Communist society there is no government and no state.

>this isn't a secret, and many people in Eastern Europe

In the East a bunch of tyrants took power. In order to justify their power to the masses they adopted the ideology of "Marxism", and told the people their subjugation was part of a plan for a better World.

This was bullshit, of course.

>if you're against ideology of exploitation, you're a retard!
How can you be so fucking retarded and gullible holy shit.

subhuman shit.

>durr profit is theft

Fucking kill yourself like I told you to, retard

fucking communist destroyed the really great heritage.

Dunno what you're on about. Looking at photos it looks like a perfectly fine city to me.

People tend to forget that commies acted strictly upon the will of the people; and in Baltics, it is the local natives that wrote over 90% of reports (on their own neighbors, most of the time) that were used as a basis for the said 'genocide'.

daily reminder the best ideology is the moral anti expolitation ideology, centraliozed authoritarian gommienism is immoral and exploitative,

But the Baltics have food now, as we aren't part of the USSR anymore

>profit is theft
when did I say that you fucking retard?

Failed economic experiment/project that made EE nations 30 years behind. Time to move on to bigger and better things. Like transhumanist robot collectives.

If you lived under the Tsar as a peasant (like most Russians) you would have joined the revolution too.

Oh wow I wonder why people in Sweden weren't too fond of a communist dictatorship superpower at our doorstep

it's not like the british working class was much better off desu