Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

Today on Thanksgiving, i will attempt to redpill my entire family, over 20 members will come. last time i spoke to them was 2 days before the election

Wish me luck

P.S: Trips decide what subject i will redpill my family, will post proof next day

>entry level: democrats are racist
>extreme level: ((()))
be careful user


Soros and professional BLM agitators

Start with something they can't refute:
"The world would still be in the Dark Ages without white people."

Pizza parties

Talk about how the Democrats plan, as said by Biden and Tim KAINE?, was to make whites a minority

why niggers are the inferior race

Stock up on evidence before you do, your parents will probably call you a lunatic if you dont.

Also rolling for a sucessful redpill on the migrant crisis and the kalergi plan. youll never know when it happens to you.

why niggers should be killed

why niggers deserve to die

The value of prepping. It won't completely ruin the holiday but they'll still think you're crazy.

Tell them about the great kike in the sky

I'd go with my idea Then bring up the migrants and Europe so they realize it's a conscious movement with tentacles everywhere to destroy Europeans


ye you are right. rolling for your idea again.

Just drop the jew redpill on their bitch asses.

God speed OP.


The holocaust is a lie. gas chambers with wooden doors.


Re-rolling for migration and kalergi plan

Casual Tier: Why the wall is a good thing
Normal Tier: Actual racial differences between races.
Hard Tier: Muslims are actually an invading army in Europe
Legendary Tier: There was no Holocaust.

What's in your closet


-never cede the moral highground on anything or give any hint of ceding
-if they detect weakness in you, you are wrong. be strong and confident
-be willing to ruin relationships. don't let them hold their relationship over you hostage. you don't want closed-minded friends who believe in lies and are willing to ditch you for those lies anyways

Ben "Ghazi" Garrison tier:

Let me tell you about the jews.

>Legendary Tier: There was no Holocaust.
my dad is the one making jokes about holocaust inflation whenever the topic comes up

redpill them on Islam, and its incompatibility with the civilized world. That's usually a redpill even the most cucked liberal will understand.


Just gonna throw this out there but me and the entire family are arabians FYI

>Me and the entire family are arabians

Oh, in that case Ali ibn Abi Talib did nothing wrong.


Tell them about their death cult and get disowned.

JK, tell them about the importance of ethnic homogenity.

Should be fun for OP

None of us are religious and most of us have english accents, you got nothing to worry

Who the fuck is he?

like i said, no one's religious in my family so this wont work lad

Shia Islam, and you still have to do it as the trips have spoken. Now get to your religious studies.

Don't you edge lord

i cant redpill something that no one knows but if you wanna waste that get then fine, this will be boring

I taught my sjw co worker that(as a gay of jewish decent) that jews are the most racist people in the world,and how all that white 1% hate is more accurately antisemitism and the reason jews rule the 1% is because they believe they are God's chosen people and almost exclusively hire and marry other jews. I also told him about the Jewish socialist rebellion that caused the Germans to lose the great war. I let him fill in the blanks.i also explained how jews control all main stream media,and why is connected to my previous explanation and why jews are jewish and liberal just for money.

Islam is the best religion and way forward for mankind

You gotta put some effort into it, like try looking up a hadith for every single topic of conversation and insist that they discuss it, then go on and on about the significance of Ashura until they tell you to shut up about it.

This is Thanksgiving, there are supposed to be recriminations, shouting and tears.


Race and IQ


You dont understand

my family will LITERALLY wont care if its even close to arabic religion, me speaking about it wont do shit dude

Holocaust of course.

Have fun spending Christmas by yourself.

What did he mean by this?

lurk moar

thinking you can be rational with people who dont already see this happening one wrong move annon and ur fucked use ur words carefully nothing to red pill start them off on a road that they will walk down themselves u cannot argue with an irrational person,they will think ur a maniac they are blind to the truth you need to show them how to learn to see again not tell that waht you can see

jews zionistjews there are sdo many newfags i thought id give you a heads up also echoes are retarded and blue text when?

>Be OP

>Makes requests

>Doesn't follow through

This thread is pointless

Remember to ease in gently. Don't mention Jews. Portray it as nationalism v globalism. Pride in your country or it's destruction.

Pic related may give you some starting points. Show them the left doesn't practice what it preaches.

Defend incest

You need to lurk more, son. Your not at the required power level yet.


it will work

Fine so be it

Don't do it user. It takes so much education ... it's like jumping into a cold lake. Yes if you swim long enough you transition to the temperature but if you just dunk someone they will think the lake is cold AF and you are crazy for swimming in it.
Family is forever. Hitler, God bless his gentle soul, would tell you to keep your family close and dear. Don't mess it up. Drop subtle hints. Starts this thanksgiving and aim in 5 thanksgivings to have one point across.
Introduce points during a good time like "yes I agree it is too bad we are so divided, but I saw a message trump released and he seems really committed to helping the inner cities. Even Barak said we need to route for him so I guess we are all in it together."
Don't sperge and be a spastic dissapointment.

user, red pill them on homosexuality, sjw and how the NWO fucks shit up, also red pill them on how everyone needs Jesus or God in their life e_e

You will destroy your relations with your family.
They will not accept or believe what you say,
even if they do they can change nothing.
Reconsider or ---->/adv/

Please please please videotape the encounter and put it on youtube

Man I am hoping this Trump victory leads to a bunch of overconfident neckbeards coming out of the woodwork and spillng spaghetti in public