How do we get black people to vote Republican?
How do we get black people to vote Republican?
stop voting Democrat
Kill jew.
crash the democratic party
offer them shiny things. niggers are attracted to shiny things
Aren't they already voting?
I've heard that uneducated people vote Republican.
we've already converted Kanye, the rest will fall like dominoes in time
can confirm
Promise safety and jobs to the ones who want it, convince them that the hoodrats are the reason they are in a rough stop.
This is how.
You are too late
yes only 'educated' liberal arts students vote democrat
But I already did.
Take away their vote. Women too.
Give them all the power and money and then they will all start voting Republican.
Don't believe "educated" memes.
beleaving the iq jew what if i told you that iq means shit
But, OP.. I did vote republican
Get rid of state education and the welfare state. Then they have nothing to get from big daddy gubment.
That's what sub 100 IQ people say or jews trying to jew white people into accepting brownies in their society
if we all mix together, we would get rid of race and identity politics
Seriously we get it niggers you're incredibly insecure. Why do you have to post this shit everyday
Redpill black men on feminism
they are already pretty redpilled on it, that's why a lot of them date white girls
Through diversity we can end up all the same.
Why do you people reply to these kikes nigger spam? At least sage ffs.
kek agrees, time to create a new American identity
Segregation. Free boat rides to Africa.
stick a white girl in the republican booth
Very true i asked my nigg coworker why he was going to the trump rally and his response was to go see his gold plane
We should encourage white women to date them, so that they can slowly change the black bulls views.
What would "educated" even refer to? College? Not everyone can go to college. You don't need to go to college to know about politics.
Deporting them back to Africa.
You're the only user I've seen on here use the term hoodrat. Good on yah
why don't you just bring back slavery ? this will cancel their vote.
>ibn for segregation
we are not the tolerant left guys.
As long as the left keeps pandering to them they will always vote Democrat.
You just have to convince young white people to vote Republican.
go the social media route. just make thousands of t-shirts with on them. why are you trying to do work when other people can do it for you for next to nothing?
haven't you learned anything by watching the trump campaign user?
>get blacks to vote Republican by making them not vote
I don't think you know how this works...
they'll just say LBJ was a white man, and it will cancel out what party he belonged to
i'm telling you, we need a new, mixed American identity for the country. you could win over people that way.
>1 post by this ID
>a blatant pro-racemixing imagery with a completely unrelated topic
>idiots reply unironically without saging
Jesus fucking Christ, it's like you faggots don't know about subversion
I want nu-Sup Forums to fucking leave
>we need a new, mixed American identity for the country
kill yourself kike
Stop being racist for once, is it seriously that hard?
rape them, rape them all
You guys realize, and I say this as a black guy, we are only in it for ourselves. Blacks don't care about SJWs and Climate and all that shit. Economy and other black people. That's all that care about.
Pretty much every black person is either "Not voting because neither side gives a shit about us." Or "democrat because they are the ones fucking us over less this week"
Just pander to them, and they'll drop Libs. Wouldn't have to change any other positions.
or we could create a new mixed American identity where people aren't black or white
But it's funny to see how quickly IQ is handwaved away when you try to argue that SE Asians or Jews are objectively superior to whites
We give them our white wimminz in fair trade
>South east asians
at least learn what you're talking about
bad idea. this will only result in a "who's more pure blooded" contest between the dark-skins and light-skins
see: pretty much every carribean nation
Go back to plebbit, nigger. I'll stop being racist the moment last nigger is dead.
Except we usually don't do that. We acknowledge that niggers are inferior to us due to their awful iq. We also do acknowledge that Ashkenazi Jews are the smarterst people on the planet at the moment. We even acknowledge that East Asians are slightly smarter than whites on average, but their societies do not reflect this, so we don't really care. Also, fuck off to plebbit, nigger.
>victim post
>put on your white guilt
>privileged muddafuggas
not really, because you don't see brazil having identity politics problems
Simple, You get them to break the "snitches get stitches" faggotry that digs this hole that they can't get out of. Get them to turn in the repugnant trash that poisons their communities to the authorities; where they will see justice in a public forum - judged by their peers.
Then, and ONLY then will they make their communities safe for investment and development.
They need to understand that romanticizing gang culture and crime ultimately prohibits their communities from benefiting from the American dream. Get them to blame the media for shit-shoveling this narrative that they all can either become Lebron James or Jayz if they nigger hard enough.
PROTIP: This is the unavoidable result of winning the inevitable meme war against the mainstream media. We will welcome these communities into the American dream.
We don't. We encourage the idea that the Democratic party has a mission to help blacks, and ensure that Democratic brand = black gibs and black identity.
The Republicans are already the White party, but we take anyone who loves Ameeica and works hard.
Asians and Latinos will have a choice: be subservient to niggers in the Dem party, vote Republican, or don't vote.
Hint: Latinos like gibs, but hate nigs. Asians hate nigs.
a latin country that doesn't have social stratification issues? i'm not buying it. one of you brazilians lurking this thread since i'm reading the opposite
>In Brazil social hierarchy, the upper class belongs to the wealthy communities. In this class people are supposed to be white.
yes but our culture is more egalitarian, so i don't think we would have those problems
plus our genepool overall would be whiter than the brazilian genepool, but the mix would help ensure the end of the Democratic Party, which should be our long term goal
Let there be a Democrat black President for 8 years.
Proof you are Kenyan and I'll put you in my collection.
Khan, pls.
This video of Nazis bombing muslim refugees gives some good strategy.
>How do we get black people to vote Republican?
Republicans are scumbags and deserve nothing more than to be crushed under my boot and a bullet
Invade the South with Federal troops again?
You'll be easy to spot with your safe place guns
It seems like the seeds have already been planted.
Got a source on this? I want to share it on normiebook.
Undo the damage that was done by the Southern Strategy, The republican party used to be the party of civil rights for black people until Nixon chased the blacks away by openly courting racist southern democrats disillusioned by the dems backing the voting rights act and the civil right act.
I'm a black republican
Do Black Lives Matter?
History books have to be rewritten and nothing less.
If every school history course pushes that America has a racist legacy then you can never expect blacks to be conservative and patriotic.
In the fifties there were many military officials that noted that blacks were less likely to affiliate with communist groups because they displayed stronger loyalty than whites on average. How can blacks be more loyal if America was really so horrible for a black man to live in?
MLK was a racist, pathological liar and leftist extremist. The last five years of his life he campaigned against capitalism. Asking children to respect MLK is asking them to see BLM as legit.
There was a lot of race riots in the sixties. MLK only sold the nonviolent narrative by associating with riot agitators, even having some on his payroll, so he'd have violence to denounce. Where King went the riots followed. Many black communities actually banned him from visiting them.
King's rhetoric: "I don't believe in violence to solve problems but if our demands aren't met and Congress doesn't act to gibz then some of my followers will lose patience, I won't be able to control them, they'll riot and then do something worse if they don't get what they want after a riot. We're gonna get the gibz violently or nonviolently so choose the nonviolence."
Nonviolent protests were mainly just blocking access in and out of the city the way BLM today died.
If we correct the historical record we can get blacks to be Republican.
No lives matter...
Everything is dust in the wind
It's really not that many that date white girls
Make them think the left is against their own interests
Dude... I was trying to out a SPY!
women will never vote republican
as for the men, bring lots of jobs and dismantle the matriarchy
Make the dems the black party. More blacks as candidates. More black representation. More black centric issues. Meme this. "Our party"
Offer them more free white women.
I think blacks already could vote Republican if Republican politicians were better at articulating why their policies benefit blacks. The seeds of it are already there.
That was a talking point Trump totally could have used, saying how he'd bring more jobs to poor black communities and possibly something about cracking down on gang violence, but he never did.
Guarantee you they'd stop voting Democrat if they found out how they were tricked into doing so to begin with
>How do we get black people to vote Republican?
Pointing out that the DemcRATs are literally gay and literally want to make America extremely gay might help.
hes being MKultra'd bruh
>mfw Sup Forums is all "fuck that ooga booga" when you could have the biggest useful idiot of all time
you know whats impressive about that IQ map? some of those southern states are like 55% white. yet they are almost 100 IQ
blacks voting all dem is one of the best things possible for the republican party. fuck niggers
>How do we get black people to vote Republican?
Stop being Republican.
I think you are nuts
What republican politician is going to offer more gibs to niggers? To let them get away with their drug dealing or crime? To promote race mixing, and to call all whites racists?
Saying you'll bring jobs to black areas is nonsense because no business wants to employ these animals, and only a fraction of blacks WANT jobs.
This. Politicians are too worried about not having their words turned around against them. They'd rather not appease to black voters over claims they're using blacks as cannon fodder.
This is part of why nontraditional candidates such as Bernie Sanders, Trump and David Duke have such an appeal. Whereas normal candidates use their speeches trying to get good sound bites out and avoiding saying anything that can get used against them the nontraditional candidates has to demonstrate why he is as legit as his opponents.
Take individual Senate debates across the country. In near every debate, Republican and Democrat candidates avoided answering questions unless they could slip a sound bite in by answering directly. This is the safest route add the news never reports on these debates anyway unless one candidate said something which can be used against them.
The nontraditional David Duke, not tied down by any limits, answered everything directly and offered supporting arguments behind every claim he had
David duke got 3%...
fuck the niggers. they are a lost cause. we have to ally with hispanics, most of them atleast have european blood in them