i myself study math and i´m literally fucked. 1 month in and haven´t done shit yet.
What is Sup Forums studying and how does it work out?
Cs . Also 1 month in. Easy so far, but math sucks
Music, going for my fourth semester next January
It's been pretty good
Public policy
Going well. Stopped using pol as much since the election... but still go on almost daily
Pharmacy. It's hell but in 4 years i'll be a dcotor
Dual major, here sempai.
Im studying both Programming and Cyber Security.
Going well, sempai. In a few years I should be able to finally take down the establishment and throw humanity into a 500 year long golden age.
Kek wills it
Pharmafag here burgerbro
Nothing, I work. Get a job loser
Cyber Security.
Good, when I'm not looking through email leaks.
Also this
It's maths. Speak English.
great plan tbqh
thanks for correcting
i know 7 people going in the same direction. can you even find a decent job with this? i mean the market is pretty much floated.
fucking degenerate
i wish i could study pharma. loved chemistry in school but my other grades are not as good. was probably too busy jerking off and here i am
pharmacy is evil. At least here in the states. Pharmacists are just cogs working for insurance companies in the capitalist machine.
Nothing wrong with pharmacists at all unless you live in the states
Pharmacy is the bastard child of Chemistry and Biology. Go with one or the other, not the half-breed science that pharma is
atleast you get a decent paycheck in the states. and europe is not better. our markets are way more evil than you would think but i don´t have to pay massive amounts for this shit what is nice.
can somebody recommend something against the stress? already smoke and drink the coffein jew every day.
i already work a shitty job to pay for my shitty shitty apartment so?
call me when your one good "song" gets stolen by Carlos Santana.
What kind of music?
Economics 3d year. Shit's hard and I have like 4-5 hours of sleep everyday.
But I still shitpost on Sup Forums occasionally. Like right now instead of writing my macro essay.
Majoring in finance just to have a Bachelors in something i can use. trying to get into air traffic control as young as possible
Just started inventory management training through work which is really boring, hence why I'm here.
Economics and Russian, going well. Getting offers from the public sector.
I study engineering but I'm about to drop out and get a ccna. I have a good foothold in working with networks so I think its for the best as a career move, otherwise I won't graduate til I'm in my 30s
Try to excercise more and eat healthier, it will have a massive impact on your overall body and it helps you cope with stress because it takes your mind off of it
5th semester aerospace engineer bachelor here
Keep your head up, focus your remaining braincells on maths. The first semesters, they only want to filter out the lazy and dumb. If you manage to finish the hardest math exams in the first three, you are good to go.
Phases where you don't study at all are normal. You need to kick your ass sometimes though. Go to the Tutorien / practise lessons. They help you shape what you need to know.
4th semester onwards gets easier as you finally progress into the direction you want to graduate in (spaceflight here).
That's bretty cool senpai, I wish I had the patience to study something like that
Comp sci,1,5 years in
Fucking hate exams here. If the course is not some theoretical wank, you have to sit and write code on paper with a pen. Most of the times we don't get any tips, like some sample methods or functions, we're supposed to have it all in our heads. The exam for web development course was particularly infuriating. We had assignments in HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, JSON, XML and Ajax (often combined up to three in the same assigment when it was about scripts and data storage). Again, only pen and paper, no tips or anything. Pretty sure I flunked it hard.
Got a pass on our C# exam today though (and it was a first try as well), so I'm actually really happy.
Grad school on physics, best score in my class when I got my undergrad title.
I'm in my senior year and I have a GPA of 2.6.
Probably going to end up as a cashier in a Walmart...
Philosophy with a Political Science minor. Life is frustrating. Surrounded by liberal bullshit much of the time. I enjoy my studies though, and look forward to contributing in the future. The right needs a voice in academia again.
I got a shitty basketweaving bachelors and was neet until age 26. Then I started programming heavily, became great at excel and coupled with language skills I eventually ended up in supply chain process automation at age 30 for an american fortune 500 company. Its accounting but at the corporate scale it gets pretty complex for a massive amount of reasons.
Point being, you are what you can do. Degree is just a way to get it.
Chemistry here, 3rd semester, I got a pretty good average so far and I'm hoping I can find a job in Canada or the US when I'm finished.
Also CS, which general area are you in?
Yeah, there's many IT jobs.
Every average sized company and above needs to have an IT department now.
You can also get into ML (on all skill levels) and have very few competition and earn a lot of money because your boss thinks you're doing some kind of magic.
you sound like an Englishes major
>not getting a trade
I'm becoming an aircraft mechanic so I can actually get a job once I finish college...
not really, more of an uncommon
You can still make it desu. Success is not always linear
Political Science and History, already graduated. Then got a scholarship to study in Egypt for a year and am now going to meme abroad (China then not sure where). Not sure what I'll do long term. Maybe try technical writing or get a trade. Maybe fall into something through this.
Going to try retiring early and teaching community college. Hopefully through investing and being frugal I can do this. No regrets because I graduated with no debt and I was able to graduate early so even if it were a waste of time, I'm still on track.
Won't make as much money as STEM majors but as long as I'm stable, I don't care
I feel you, had to take a Fortran exam purely by paper, it's pretty hard because you don't have as much perspective.
You should compare the amount of taxes you pay, because the money still has to come from somewhere.
(Although the US health care system also has other issues that are completely unnecessary)
Currently on the fifth semester of translation studies.
I have to clear 4 academic arrears before December 19th and if don't do it then I'm pretty much fucked.
Comp. Sci. I am stumbling over Java-XML interaction in Android Studio right now.
shut up you nigger
didn´t went to the gym for 2 months now :/ don´t know how to build up motivation
thanks m8. i want to believe. the thing is that i have to make 50% of the weekly assignments to be even allowed to write the exam in february but they are just way too hard. i was pretty good in school but i can´t understand how i could possibly learn this much in such a short time.
jerk off more? helps me not to lose my shit
sounds awesome. atleast you make something enjoyable. that is worth a lot.
>i´m a mechanic
sounds like shitty saleries.
i study in hessen but this place is full of sandniggers. we even have more memets than asians in maths. 2 even stole my tobacco in the elevator when i stood in front REEEEEEEEE
sleep tight mein führer
> sounds like shitty saleries.
What does? Random IT jobs?
Maybe - depends on where and what you do.
> i study in hessen but this place is full of sandniggers
I'm also in Hessen, Marburg.
Sandniggers are everywhere now.
I heard Giessen has even more than we do here; are you from there?
how do these subhumans even get to university. in school the majority got purged over time. no i´m not from there but i don´t even care where i study tbqh. a degree is a degree
Losing my shit isn't a problem, but the requierments to pass the exams here are fucking ridiculous.
>We only started studying German last year but the teacher expects us to translate stuff from German literature with word-by-word perfect accuracy using literally nothing. Not even dictionaries are allowed.
>Hey user, want to know how to prepare for your linguistics exam? Well, you better take this 300-page textbook and learn it by heart! :^)
Racial quotas? We have this garbage all over in Brazil, so it's reasonable to think that Germany has it too, in the present time.
I honestly don't know how they get through school.
At the school I went to they were the ones with the least work morale, which is pretty much the only thing you need for good grades.
About your degree:
You really fucked up if you haven't done anything so far.
If you don't stay on track in STEM it's nearly impossible to catch up.
Cut your losses and only continue fewer modules than you do now (1 or 2).
You may just as well enjoy the rest of the semester and start fresh next one, desu.
that´s my main issue aswell. too much shit at a time. german is good to learn but it takes a lot of practise. look up german online boards and discuss things you like. it will make it a lot easier. i learned english by watching american stand ups (george carlin) but german comedians are pure cancer so i can´t recommend you that.
reality hurts sometimes. i had to deal with a lot of shit of my family in the last months and was high almost every day till last week so i sabotaged myself pretty good so far but let´s see how much i manage to catch up. i learn 5 hours a day right now but i would naturally need 4 to even learn the newest material. it´s amazing how fragile our life actually is. it´s so easy to fuck up
Don't worry too much (yet), though.
One semester is not a huge loss and even if you fuck up your whole degree,
that doesn't mean your life is fucked up.
I had my own issues last semester and only took part in and passed one module.