Britain appreciation thread

ITT: We take some time to show our appreciation for one of the greatest Kingdoms throughout human history.

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cheers mate

thanks. you're also really cool, sweden

Thanks buddy. Have a scone.

Yeah, they're alright.


kohai noticed me. :))))

Yeah so great not even Farage wants to live here.

Daily reminder that the English built the world and you should be nice to us in our retirement.

Complete backflip. Greatest country in the world to one of the biggest faggots.

Brexit probably won't happen. They'll prolong it indefinitely.


>New Zealand



Holy fuck lad....

Glad to see so many British posters ITT. I genuinely hope your nation is restored to its former glory.


Sweden Yes!

Cheers Sweden. I like your Krisprolls.


Are we the baddies?

In a neocameral state, (as described by Moldbug), the CEO acts to maximize profits.

It should be pointed out that whites are not the most profitable race. Ashkenazi Jews are. Since they have the highest average income, followed by northern Asians, and THEN followed by whites.

Why do you think Moldbug, (half Jewish) favored it?

In terms of manual labor, whites are also not the most profitable race. Blacks are, (when enslaved), due to physical stamina. That is why they were brought to america to begin with--by monarchy no less. It was Kings who first created slavery in the Americas.

All pro-monarchy talk in neoreaction assumes an unreasonable faith that the king will have your ethnic interests in mind. This is because historically kings did not betray their own ethnic populations. But then again, historically, neither did democracies. What changed? Well, modern transportation was invented.

Simply put, mass immigration became possible. You take it for granted that monarchy will defend your ethnic interests, but it hasn't historically. Monarchy brought African slaves to america first before democracy adopted the practice. There is no evidence for faith in kings where immigration is concerned.

Granted, it does not have an incentive to replace its own voters like liberal parties do. But is DOES have an incentive for profit, and that has been enough in the past.

If you get a King you can look forward to being the white house cleaners to you Asian an Jewish overlords.

Reconsider your support for pure monarchy please.

You know what, lads? All the shit I say about this country and I still can't think of a better country to be born in.

You gave technology to savages which allowed them to breed out of control and cause vast ecological damage. And then you invited them into Britain.

Well done, retards.

Scones are the best thing ever created

Brexit will happen, sorry mate. You're supposed to be pro-Anglo anyway, what the fuck are you doing.

Just popping in on behalf of Ireland to thank you for the penal laws, enslavement, famine, wars and sectarianism your great kingdom brought us.

I feel the same way about mine. It's weird how much you appreciate what you have when it's fading away right in front of you.

Please unfuck yourself Britain. I want us to be bros again like before Waterloo.

lord give us the strength to uncuck

It's your own fault, you spent 50% of your time drunk and the other 50% fucking and breeding.

Sorry if the British were a tad more evolved.

>Greatest kingdom
>Spent most of it's history doing the jews bidding
The Anglo is doomed. It can never reverse the corruption so deeply implanted within by the jew.

I know the feeling lad never had the desire to move anywhere else.

VERY good video

>Implying spending your whole life drunk or fucking is a bad thing.
Besides I wouldn't call what you shitlords did to our country "evolved".

Make the British Empire Great Again

It is when you want global dominance.

You took that route, you got fucked by a more powerful country, in the times of no UN, no Nato and in a dog eat dog world.

Deal with it captain salt.

desu ireland is the only country i feel bad about, the irish are sound I wish we just intergrated you properly into the UK without all the oppression.

>Global dominance

Please save Europe and germany buy extra british goods.

If all economy does lot better exspected more french will vote Marine La pen in.

And we can end this europeam dictorship.

I beg you buy extra british goods to save use all.

But we don't make anything, our economy is based on Jews Jewing money around.

Monty Python is kinda ok, I guess

mind if I leave this bag ITT?

Is it full of potatoes?

I don't think anyone would mind user but I reckon I should head if you're planning on doing that.

wouldn't worry about it

sure thing lad here you can borrow this backpack until you get your bag back.

na m8 i insist, i can't let you leave without storage, go on lad put it on.

british things i like:
1099990029393. their money

not sure I could fit 6 whole counties in there now la


Good point actually: What are some affordable British goods for everyday use that you can actually buy over here? I've been gifting people high-priced import alcohols from there on certain holidays, but the "Made in EU" label makes it hard to tell what's from where.

Only if you promise to stop Merkel from trying to fuck up Europe. We don't really consider ourselves 'european' in the same way as the rest of your continentals, but we do still kinda like you and consider you as brothers to our nation.

How about you rejoin the union? We'll be nicer to you this time.

You forgot:
>1099990029394. cleaning their toilets

Machines, engines, pumps: US$63.9 billion (13.9% of total exports)
Gems, precious metals: $53 billion (11.5%)
Vehicles: $50.7 billion (11%)
Pharmaceuticals: $36 billion (7.8%)
Oil: $33.2 billion (7.2%)
Electronic equipment: $29 billion (6.3%)
Aircraft, spacecraft: $18.9 billion (4.1%)
Medical, technical equipment: $18.4 billion (4%)
Organic chemicals: $14 billion (3%)
Plastics: $11.8 billion (2.6%)

Buy lots of Jaguars

I'll see what I can do. She should be gone come next election, but I don't trust Obama to not have her pull something on his way out.

Thank you swedebro.

>argenigger defending uk
crazy times we're livin in

its not our fault monkeys like shiny things

>tfw no gem-studded flying Jaguar with onboard medbay that refines its spent gas into utility plastics
Oh well. Let's see how long my car still lasts then.

this some salty as oven dodger

These may be crazy times, but don't worry - I still like you, Poland. And it is good that your country exists.

i'm pretty aryan
i like how poles and germans have 10 times better relations on Sup Forums than in real life

Italian Referendum 4th Dec 2016
Netherlands Election 15th Mar 2017
French Election 23rd April 2017
German Election 22nd Oct 2017 (latest)

Once (If) Article 50 is triggered, exit from the EU can take 2 years from that point..
Quite possible the EU disintegrates before Brexit ever happens.

Me too. Honestly though - normally me saying things like that results in like five Polish (You)s to the effect of "It's official, this is some kind of bizarroverse" even on here.

The good nations will leave, (france netherlands belgium denmark and, norway and swiss leave the eec). Germany will be left caring for the rest of the shit and the Euro will be dragged into the dirt.

I can't wait

>"I still like you, Poland. And it is good that your country exists"
...Yes. Agreed. It is good the invasion couldn't wipe Poland out of existence. Quality Tradesman at affordable prices! Good indeed.

"I get down on my knees every night and thank God for making me an Englishman. It is the greatest honour He could bestow. After all, he might have made me a chimpanzee, or a flea, a Frenchman or a German!" - Lt Col A D Wintle MC

Anglo-nordic empire WHEN?!??


>can afford a bag

Pick one