I am half white and half mestizo and I absolutely despise my own people, they have such annoying mannerisms especially the ones in America they try to act like niggers and thug out.
Like why can't they be like le subhuman indio meme? They don't have any white genes but they're 100% more civilized than the mestizo counterpart? What causes this? Culture,genetics or kikery on the American mexicans.
Hispanic hate thread~
no one cares, fag
no one cares, fag
t. Dwayne
You're proxy fucked up, you seem to care if you replied idiottt.
it's the american mexicans. I have to admit, american pop culture is toxic. WIthout counting narcos, the worst people in mexico are like the lower class in states like Guerrero. Even then it's nothing like the worst parts of most US cities.
hate to say it man but the US cities are done
if you want to raise a good family, best move to a rural area and hope trump brings back the factory jobs
>half white/half mestizo
that's called Castizo lad
So american mexicans are the ones with the shit culture?
My mom was from Northern Mexico and she was an upstanding citizen, always helped in the communities drives and stuff and cared about Canadian politics not Mexican.
I feel like American-Mexicans take their citizenship for granted I mean they let you come into the country be grateful familia.
Who is this moisture magician?
Lul nah, I got unlucky with my genetics.
My sister is light brown hair with blue eyes and extremely pale skin.
Other sister looks just regular white.
>Mexican mustache
>light brown eyes
I'm darker than my own Mexican parent lmfao.
Rose Bertram bro.
just race mix with a white
honestly, i feel that race mixing is the only way we are going to finally get over identity politics and create a new American race
you don't see a lot of racism in brazil for this reason
yeah yeah call me a jew or whatever, but the whole reason we have identity politics is because of conflicting identities
show pics of sister
>just race mix
you guys complain about identity politics all the time, i'm showing you the solution to getting rid of it
I mean I took a 23andme test and i'm 76 percent Euro and the rest is North African-Arab and native american.
On Sup Forums absolutely not amigo.
White bois mad cause im race mixing with their women :^)
if your country ain't homogeneous it's a non country t b h
understanding race mixing is needed for America not to collapse is the final redpill
exactly, when we all mix together, it will create a new American race
no more black, white, or anything - all just one
it would practically kill off the Democrat party and we could think of ourselves as the same race
not really, i am happy for you as long as you support conservative ideals
Nice digits
This is now a Canadian cuck hate thread
Should we close our borders? Yes.
Are tumblrinas triggering and pc culture annoying? Yes.
Was donald trump a good candidate? Fuck no.
close enough, enjoy your white gf
i didn't say it would be pretty, but i guarantee most of those people don't go to black lives matter marches
and besides mexicans have much bigger birth rates so if the whites isolate themselves they'll become the majority and a time will come when there'll be no more white majority states
I'm pretty sure it's better to mix when the demographics are still majority white than in the future when they ain't
your choice
right, if we close the borders now, and people mix of their own free will, we could keep the country with white majority genetics
>no more white
Gee, i wonder who is behind this
>They don't have any white genes but they're 100% more civilized than the mestizo counterpart? What causes this? Culture,genetics or kikery on the American mexicans.
You are retarded. I have INCA genes. Amerindian people are asians who migrated to America through the Bering zone.
Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA.
We have a bit of neanderthal DNA or something.
That's all.
Our problem is mostly cultural and economic.
actually if we follow the ethno nationalist logic non-europeans in Europe would be deported so whites would still exist
in Europe, where they belong
no more white in America, i am fine with Europe staying white
but in America, we need to create a new identity, away from race. mixing would be a way to do it - it worked very well to get identity politics out of Brazil
yes, chicano culture is degenerate. The broader point, though, is that chicano culture is the result of american pop culture. American blacks are by far the worst blacks in the world from a cultural point of view.
>no more white in America
you live in iceland, what we do over here doesn't concern you
>post a nigress
>welfare minorities have more kids
Just cut the welfare they will starve and whites will have the highest percentage population again.
The absence of different races obviously will destroy democrat leftist shilling. But it's a painful process for the white man and me.
Maybe eugenics is the answer.
If beaners didn't act like niggers I wouldn't hate them.
But they do, so I do.
even if the demographics stay the same, a democratic country needs to be homogeneous for it to work
if they want to stay seperate then they might as well divide America into 3 seperate countries
but if they want the US to stay one they need to mix till America is culturally homogeneous
I can't stand Puerto Rican's, always talking how great is it there- then why the fuck did you come to the us? American born ones always have this chip on their shoulder but when confronted they bitch out or get five other guys to back them up. Can't trust them either, snakes who try to weasel their way to try and get to your girl then when called out "aw nah man! it's not like that! chill bro!"
Latinas, a gift from God. I know this girl, too
Did you know that there are groups of niggers who aren't chimping out in Europe?
The thug bullshit is condemned over here. The main problem over here are the gypsies fucking around with everyone every now and then in some neighbourhoods.
We haven't high numbers of niggers here like muricans have, the momment they reach high numbers in the same place they began to chimp out.
blacks in Europe have to go back till they ain't enough to affect the native culture (1%, at best 2% in countries with a shit ton of them)
There'd a hot latina milf at work (different department) who I occasionally say hi to but absolutely want to smash. Similar body to this chick but tits aren't quite as big. How do you game a latina? Hnng
It is true, there are some elements of Hispanic culture I despise.
But most people are pretty decent.
yeah it does, the shit you do affects us.
also neck yourself you fucking kike. your shit idea isn't gonna happen.
You need to change your name, El Matadero suits you better than El Salvador tbq
the kikes gave them a culture that glorifies drugs, violence, and poverty
while the government introduced a welfare state
effectively paying women to have children with no fathers in the home
and you know what happens when single women raise kids right?
God knows
Isaiah 3:12
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
You know Ivy Doom Kitty? Have you fucked her?
>the whole reason we have identity politics is because of conflicting identities
>implying hueland doesn't have shitty identitary politics too
these postmod leftists will never shut the fuck up, burguer, take my advice
Seconding this question
those lefties only appeared cuz of american degenerate anti-white culture being exported everywhere
even Denmark has identity politics now
you learn how to play the acoustic guitar
Following Ivy Doomkitty on social media doesn't mean you "know" her m8...
>Be Spanish conquistador
>Fight tooth and nail against Indian tribes for almost 60 years
>Finally conquer them
>Kill all scientists, astronomers, philosophers, religious leaders and royalty in order to prevent insurgencies
>Left with a bunch of dumb peasants who can be appeased with showing them pictures of la virgen de guadalupe
>hurr durr why are mestizos so savage and thuggish!
Blame white people like always, we wuz actually kangz and shit but you killed our best and left us with a bunch of savage peasants
>snakes who try to weasel their way to try and get to your girl then when called out "aw nah man! it's not like that! chill bro!"
This so much, I am Mexican and noticed this shit right away. Started many fights for more in my time in the Army. Puerto Rican culture glorifies cucking other men, that is all reggueton talks about, fucking another dude's girlfriend.
Says the kike
Oven is almost ready ready for you Shlomo, when u get shoved into it try to reflect into this.
So mostly Chicanos are the problem.
Spain you shouldn't talk your country has gone to shit and is in shit.
It was for people to look at hombre.
My girlfriend is Mexican. She wouldn't be my girlfriend if she wasn't white on the inside, went to college and doesn't speak a lick of spanish / hates her family.
Her family though... Holy shit these people.
I'm white, so I automatically get no respect. Any time another brownie shows confidence around them he's glorified, but I get called arrogant for doing the same. I don't bow down to her mother, so the whole family thinks I'm rude. I make 35k a year as a teacher but I still dont make enough money for them to be happy, even though not a one of them has a job outside of construction. One of her brothers got froggy with me for being white and when I choked him out I was hated on for months. I can't touch anything in her mother's house without washing my hands with thyme and basil for some reason, and even after that I have to do the little cross over my chest 12 times before I can enter. All the closets are filled with skeleton shrines. My GF's sisters are these shallow bitches who cheat on their baby daddies 50 times a month, and her two brothers are these useless pitbull breeders who kill cats all the time. They wipe their ass and put it in the trash instead of flushing the toilet, and they think a good meal is refried beans and ugly colored rice.
I can't WAIT to get their daughter a thousand miles away from them.
We wuz astronomers and shieeet.
Honestly Inca and Mayans and the civs such as these would fare better without Euro genes, it made us unique and shieeet.
>I will never be a Jaguar warrior
>I will never be a knight
Race mixing sucks, you can't choose who you love :(
Good luck, make sure you fucking teach your kid traditional ways. I was a liberal degenerate yelling "RACIST" until my father showed me the way and proved other people are racist too not just whites.
Media is fugging everyone up.
Oh, and not a one of them has an IQ over 80. You can't carry a conversation with them unless it's about how to fix a low rider, how to beat your kids properly or what shit the mom needs to hoard. My GF laments for her nieces because she loves them but their parents are FUCKING them up.
>I make 35k a year as a teacher
>wonders why his wife's family doesn't respect him
My goodness, it's a mystery.
They must just be racist.
Sucks for you my Mexican side is pretty intelligent all went to UNI :)
You realize I make more than most of their family combined, right? The oldest brother, the one with the best construction job as a foreman, makes 19k a year. On hourly. You're fucking retarded, we ca't all be STEM.
Wait wat?
My father was in construction and he made 160,000 a year and only worked 8 months?
What fucking jobs do you murricans have?
Most contruction jobs out here are 10$ an hour m8, and they try to keep you at or under 50 hours a week. He makes like 1600 a month, and works on holidays.
Youre pretty funny, but you still have to go back
Wow that blows.
They're wildly unsuccessful. No race riots, even poor blacks I know think affirmative action sbould be social and not racial, black movement and racialist politics only influential among rich people since they're anti-christian and disconnected from poor blacks, no black churches, no talks at all of "marrying outside your racem" or "the black vote", etc. Most black people also have some white relatives due to high "intermarriage" rates. SJW racialism is top-down here, not bottom-up. Even black activists complain about the "lack of colour consciousness" and are currently trying to pivot from talks of "racism" to talks of "colorism". American black activists in particular try to stir shit up but largely fail
Even an italian (wtf) black activist named Livio Sansone has a book talking about how black activists in brazil sre frustrated by the lack of racialism and that even he must concede he doesn't know if we'd be better off with it.
Man, I consider myself not racist but Christ, I was born and raised in Cali with Mexicans my entire life but I have never met fucking subhuman Mexicans this bad before.
At school they were the biggest niggers ever, trying to fight and intimidate everyone.
At work, they try to be tough dude tryhards with their stupid, "ayyy Mexican Pryde bitch!" garbage.
They're never fucking happy. All of them are in shitty moods all the time and hate seeing other people happy.
Fuck Mexicans, they're assholes.
It depends on the type of Hispanic
Caribbeans, especially Cubans, are huge pieces of shit and I hate them with all my being. They are rude and arrogant and are on par with nogs.
See my reply to him. This is largely only an issue with university students and some very shitty criminals in favelas who try to use racialism to excuse their shit. Out schools and media and establishment push this shit every week but thank God they're not being nearly as succesful as they wanted and constantly have to bitch about it. I saw a blog from a black activist (actually light skinned parda) once bitching about how her daughter (with her white husband) was very light-skinned and she had to basically brainwash her into thinking everyone was out to get her because she was "black" and that her husband thought she was actually mixed, not black, and disliked this bullshit
My city is less than 20% white and we don't have none of that BLM kill whitey shit here, thank God. Thr problem in the US was that the one drop rule made them the only country without a mixed race category and made blacks a sub-culture and nation within the nation. And now they try to export this shit
Just a reminder that Brazilians aren't hispanic and we absolutely despise these subhumans.
I'd tell her that too, "stop being insecure user! omg they're not like that!" yeah she came back and told me I was right
she didn't think her actions of hanging out with that crowd would have its consequences. fucked her till she fell in love and then said because of that I didn't trust her. begging and pleading trying to convince I was wrong just made it worse. fuck that