What is Sup Forums's position on racemixing?

What is Sup Forums's position on racemixing?

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i don't care about the future enough to care about race mixing but if i knew a girl was a coal burner i'd not be attracted to her

We are neither against nor in favor as long as it's not done for progressivism's sake or out of hatred for one's own culture and love of the cult of multiculturalism.

I'd rather have my daughter bethroting some young thomas sowell than some young john oliver

Anglos and Slavs shouldn't racemix. I'm also against Slavs and South "Slavs" from mixing. Too much Turkish blood.

I couldn't care less.

Burn the coal, pay the toll

holy shit

That's pretty fucked up not gonna lye.

just look at how Brazil turned out

saw a cute HS aged girl in cat ears with pretty makeup talking to black guys. Just felt kind of sad.

oh fuck

You're right. It wouldn't be fair if a Britburqa was to pollute our white genepool.

She paid the toll for burning that coal.

When people racemix, they look at it as having a part white baby is an upgrade on a full black or a mexican. So in the end, more whites will come about, just mixed with dark

it's ok when i do it.


He's already blurry lmao

Fucking hell LMAO

Yes. We need to team up and produce as many beautiful WMAWs ad possible.

>30 years in prison
>Not the death penalty

Got off too easy imo. Should have been some Kentucky Fried Coon happening.

I like that. Progressives need only take the saltiest of old man balls in their mouth.

What's my position on racemixing as a Sup Forums fag and racemixing 5'8 Mexican spic who's married a beautiful pale, blue eyed pale Aryan who's my height and mothers 2 of my children?

White people race mix the least and white men cant say shit about their women because they're 2 times more racially loyal then they'll ever be if you put a brown pussy infront of them.

I used to think racemixing was a "problem" but observing my and my wife's family i can say the real problem is the fact that whites don't have children. Whites would rather invertedly self indulge themselves with safe luxury (which creates liberals) then have families and take risk which builds character.

If you get mad at race mixers then you're probably a beta who doesn't have any social skills or a stormfaggot who needs someone to blame. The reality is most women just want you to be financially independent and have minimal social capbility. Here's pro-tip for all you beta faggots, confident is fucking EVERYTHING when it comes to women. You get confidence by trying to achieve your goals / dreams or working out or getting life experience that isn't infront of a computer or by taking out your social filter that tells you "don't say that" and by being fucking based and not giving a shit what other people think. You're only scared of hot girls because you don't think you deserve a hot girl (confidence) when in reality your more interesting and stronger / smarter then women in every single way.

I also think 3/4 race mixing is master race tier in the sense 3 grandparents are white and 1 is non-white so that non-white and the key to attractiveness is link related.

I can't wait to have an innocent little blonde daughter so I can encourage her to get blacked.

I will set up a hidden camera in her room then fap like I've never fapped before when she brings over Tyrone to get blacked.


The Irish are alright.

Reminder that racemixing doesn't hurt white people

Katie piper had a black boyfriend.

If values, culture, and IQ are compatible, I don't give a fuck.

She wanted to break up with him.

Race mixing is pretty fucking sexy, especially with white people, the color contrast of brown and white skin is the best. I approve so long as there are no niggers involved unless its a redpilled black faggot then thats ok.
- a spic

So he threw acid in her face, if he couldn't have her then nobody would.

I know this a place to shitpost but you need to cease your life functions.

casualties of war

My only issue with racemixing is this becoming a reality


>color contrast is sexy as fuck
This. I'm married and there's a few coworkers that want my cock and if i wanted to i could probably get away with cheating. However i literally have no desire to cheat because i never get tired of white + brown skin contrast. I think skin contrast is a thinking mans fetish or some shit. Every time i have sex with my wife it feels like i'm raping her, a vision of all of europas achievement and contributions to mankind flashes in my head for a moment before i start thinking of a bunch of derogatory shit towards my race and then see my ugly brown dick going inside my wifes clean white pussy i feel like i'm an ugly monster making love to an angel. I know its racist ass fuck but i just cant get enough of it.

>falling for 8th grade liberal propaganda

You can easily dismiss the shit by pointing out that this shit has happened in Texas and for 100 years its people are either white or mestizo. Non-whites dont have colored eyes and blacks and whites don't race mix nearly enough to even get a nigger-based facial features. If anything pic related will be what America will look like in 50 years.

Its ok so long as there are no white women involved.


Once you go black, we don't want you back.

Your dad does if you know what i mean. ;-)

Im saying your mom fucks black guys because your dad is a cuckold. Fyi
