Is earth really flat? Then why are (((they))) hiding the truth?
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Can someone answer what would be the point to lie about earth being round?
This is a slide thread
When the basis of our reality are lies, then (((they))) have complete control over us.
If the earth is flat, then please explain GPS satellites, communication satellites, and the ISS which is visible to the naked eye and spotted all the time from around the world.
this is the earths shadow you fucking nigger
>just tried to post this map
>says theres a duplicate image
>it links back to this thread
>it still doesnt exist
hmm very strange
Jews are behind your theory, goyim.
Shills. Do not pay any attention
>there are no forests on Earth
Flat earth is more govt memetic warfare research.
Reminder that the KGB was behind spreading such conspiracy theories as water flouridation to keep you dumb and AIDS being man made to target minorities.
Many conspiracy theories are designed to discredit/distract the real fuckery. But they also provide a useful cloak for spreading the real truth while you're written off as a harmless schizo. Which is why Icke said "reptoids" when talking about the bloodlines. The lugenpresse still targeted him relentlessly, people calling him "nutter" in the street, reptoids becoming a punchline. It was clever on his part. Why would they attack him so vehemently when he's one a million nutcases? In any case, people will read up on it for the kitsch value because they gave him so much negative PR, so who's laughing now?
This, work in satcomms beaming shit up to satellites all day, what am I actually doing if they don't exist?
what? any idea what a wide angle lens is?
inside cam at 0:14 clearly shows it flat
now fuck off
1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a big hoax which did a lot of damage.
2. Therefore, every bad idea about the jews is a big hoax designed to marginalize the privileged overmensch.
Social Media Manipulator ops would go into Truther communities, already filled with idiots, and spread "hologram/no plane" theory. Then amplify conflicts. Basic COINTELPRO shit.
They do a lot of open research involving manipulating and statistically mining social media.
Flat Earth was discredited like, even at the time of the Greeks, it''s a myth people really believed it up until a couple centuries ago. Flat Earth Society is actually satire, probably run by Subgenius or the like. Then it appears out of nowhere. They are gauging gullibility, spread, imagery/word effectiveness, looking for communities of interest and demographics to target.
Fuck you, Achmed
Felix (((Baumgartner)))
sure this is the (((truth)))
Nigger shit. Where's the incontrovertible evidence, OP.
I wonder why this whole Flat earther movement gained so much traction in just this year alone there are hundreds of youtube channels devoted to flat earth theories.
Stop posting disinfo you dumb niggers.
You can see my house in that pic
The (((View))) from Space - (((Earth)))'s Countries and (((Coastlines)))
Flat Earth is a myth. The Earth is round. It's also hollow.
>no body understands this hence no (you)'s
Lol brainlets fuck off
Provide a reason WHY the Earth is flat instead of disproving that it's round
Explain this faggot
Rappel quotidien que les USA ou les Russes ne sont jmais allez sur la lune et qu'il n'y a jamais eu de Mars rover...
Divergent lines
Consider this? Education attainment / SAT scores / etc. used to be a good general gauge of the knowledge and intelligence of the populace. Now that there are more NEET's, and everyone has the internet, people that never finished highschool are getting educated off all kinds of shit online in a totally uncontrolled fashion. Of course also picking up all kinds of bullshit as well. This could be a fairly innocuous way to gauge some of that.
Another reason is everyone is starting to run psyops now. Russia of course are big time at this, Vlad being ex KGB head and all. Europe was shitting themselves about RT and calling for its ban as open propaganda, even though it's one of thousands of sources avail in the West, some extremely biased. There is a crisis of faith in media in general and they were worried aboit the massive popularity of RT.
That's just the surface. Psyops runs a lot deeper than just that. So they need to experiment in case memes are weaponized in such a way that they can cause mass hysteria. It's a classic arms race to get inside all of our heads.
Flat-Earther memers should be insta-banned.
This reddit-tier shit stopped being fun long time ago.
Why the fuck can't I see Mount Everest with a telescope? Nothing should block that view.
Also, why doesn't the water fall off the earth? Did someone build a wall around earth and why isn't it any pictures of the edge?
I wonder what they did with the bodies of the people down there.
Stories of the 2-thorned having met some extremely horrible people, what he did to them was that he "melted" an iron-like dam over their village, the only explanation for a dam over a village is if it was underground.
because it's the truth, once you actually look into it, you never go back to being a spherecuck
>this is what happens when people stop caring about facts and get all their fake news from social media
Damn you Kek. We've played with fire for too long...
what the fuck are divergent lines you insufferable retard. there is no holding your ground on this fucking mongoloid trashbrained theory that the earth is fucking flat when you see footage of a ship disappearing over the fucking horizon.
divergent lines, you faggots are just digging shit straight out your ass now. feel good about yourself faggot, you've gone and pissed me off
Just out of curiosity, when you say "look in to it", what are your sources?
Starting from most reputable.
If these Flat earthers actually believe the world really is Flat all they have to do is to travel to the supposed edge of earth and see the truth for themselves. But the only thing they do is attempt to discredit basic reasoning and logic itself.
here, shitstain
is OP really retard??
Mais c'est vrai mon gros Bubba semi attardé...le moon landing est juste le meilleur Jewish trick de l'histoire...
>most reputable
first of all, you're going to have to shake off this slave to authority attitude
if you're not capable of at least turning that off temporarily, don't even bother
>please explain
There's no point, a lie is a lie no matter how much you argue about it. It doesn't matter if you find 1000 arguments supporting a false statement, it's nature hasn't changed.
I think the real secret is the geocentric universe. Everything resolves around Earth, and their is nothing outside. We are literally the sum total of creation. And we suck.
>mfw nasa faked the moon landings and everyone believed them
It's a meme, there's no single person alive with more than two digits of IQ who believes this.
All flat earthers are LARPing, they actually gather in a specific forum to roleplay about this, they try to create the most convincent and serious argumentation in favour of the flat earth theory and other people have to dismantle their argument. This cancer later spread to Reddit and the so called Atheist/Rationalist/Skeptics neckbeard circles. Now it's spreading here.
It's like an extreme form of contagious turboautism.
Report and sage all their threads.
The Earth is round, but works flat because actually space is curved around it.
On a 40 million dollar tunnel I built the surveyor used a flat grid for his points. The city used a curved grid with curvature of the Earth built into the system.
He told us we were 10 foot off and 3 foot high. We came into the shaft 0.04" off.
The city surveyors were stunned. Everything curves with the curvature of Earth, even light, even lasers.
Everything NASA has done is bullshit.
I don't get this. This morning I left work and the moon was hanging to the east as the sun rises and it had a crescent shape shadow still on it. How the fuck does that work?
Post some flat earth evidence, retard. Oh, wait.
Can I join in on the role play?
Sorry, faggot. Not everyone has watched that video like you have.
Écoute l'heure au complet, Bubba...
I'd just like to point out that it's strange you cited this as immediate evidence of OP being an idiot, but there aren't even any shots of the round earth in the video, precisely as OP stated...
What fucking timeline did I wake up in? What the fuck did you assholes do now? STOP BREAKING REALITY WITH YOUR MEMES
>he thinks it's role play
Fuck off kike
I would love to believe you, I want to believe you so bad that all these fucking assholes are just larpers, but look how much effort and time people put in rationalizing this shit to themselves. the rabbithole goes too deep for these people to just be having a little larper giggle out of it. these faggots are totally real and should be gassed
holy shit no need to sperg out just because your argument just got refuted
> argument meme
I didn't even make an argument faggot. think before you speak
you as in the not flat earthers, it ain't my fault that you don't into geometry
Some people are just Larping other people actually belive that the earth is flat. That's why you sage report and just post something that they can't argue against. Matador
I'm glad you're having fun baiting me. otherwise fuck off you inbred retard. a flat fucking earth would btfo the possibility of half the technology we use a daily basis. also come back and talk to me about geometry when you've actually studied topology and then try once more to tell me the earth is fucking flat ffs
fucking sage
and some people literally know nothing about the model they believe in, but are so fucking smart on pol
fuck off faggot
You slutty, naughty Brit
>Why aren't buildings slanting away over the curve when viewed from 60 miles away
Pic related, Capital of the World Toronto viewed from shithole of the world new york - the magnificent tower is tilted on the horizon many degrees from dirty americans.
>a flat fucking earth would btfo the possibility of half the technology we use a daily basis
can you name an example?
here, retard, same effect as boats over the curve
>he traveled six miles down river and could still be seen
Spend time learning about optics before investing so much time with flat earth. Every assumption you and they have is based solely on imagery and the appearances of objects at a distance.
>literally knows nothing about the model they belive in
Please tell me more about the flat world you believe in. Now fuck off nigger monkey
If the earth is a ball why don't people see upside down and sideways as they circumnavigate the globe?
completely land based, not dependent upon heliocentric theory at all.
What the fuck I hate spheres now!
Thank you OP! This truly made the cogwheels in my thinky thonky go full overdrive!
>Spend time learning about optics before investing so much time with flat earth. Every assumption you and they have is based solely on imagery and the appearances of objects at a distance.
Oui, écoute les bon Juifs de la NASA, Bubba le gros...
Their orientation never changes as they traverse the plane retard.
and what the fuck do you know about any model faggot? are you ready to discuss tensors and geodesics with me? didn't think so, seriously wtf do you know
anything tech hinged on satellites, like fuck dude part of getting the orbits to work is doing calculations based on a round planet. but you won't accept that will you, you don't know shit for math but just trust borrowed schizoid opinions from youtube channels. ffs people who run the calculations on satellites have to even apply some principles of general relativity to make up for minor time dilation.
with all of this shit working, the fact that it all exists is enough evidence by itself to completely disprove any retard fantasy about flat earth
Learn how to speak french too.
Why would I watch a 20 minute video explaining why the earth is flat - can you just answer my question?
Why the fuck does the CN Tower in Toronto appear 184 meters shorter and clearly tilted away from jew york from 39 miles away? When clearly it should also be tilted Westward away from dirty fucking Slovenians
no, that ignorant attitude is the reason you still believe in a fucking spinning ball
die, trash
I like how you never actually posted any sources.
Just kill yourself you flaming faggot.
Flat earth bullshit on here every day. I am assuming it's just some bullshit to discredit the factual threads on this website.
>Learn how to speak french too.
Dit un negre incapable d'écrire une autre langue que la sienne...
Mirage effect. Look at 3:45 in that video to skip right to a clear example of the mirage effect with water. Happens with our fluid atmosphere as well though.
are we supposed to force feed you like a whiny ignorant fucking baby that you are?
fuck off ape
it's not going away, it's the truth, no matter how long you deny it
This dude is probably trolling if not, I seriously that any child/ sister you have becomes a fucking coalburner.
People like this pisses me off, probably just falling for the bait but still.
>die, trash
You're right, I should just end it all. Hol up I'm just gonna walk to the world and fucking jump off
O wait I can't because it's fucking round
The sail boat disappears within a short amount of time, uniformly in only one direction. His model of a bay over a period of 12 hours is not applicable to the sailboat video.
>are you ready to discuss tensors and geodesics with me?
Try me, faggot. Let's hear this kooky theory of yours.
>the mirage effect depends at all on the amount of time you witness it happening
I'm sorry your so closed off. Good luck friend.
It's a fucking satellite system that goes around and around the fucking earth because the earth is fucking round.
Jesus fucking christ these LARP faggots seriously need to be gassed.
You are fucking retarded
>What is surface tension
>denial making you this angry
open your tiny mind, little faggot, and look into it
your ignorance raging is hillarious
>i believe it's round
good for you, faggot
yeah and even nasa can't track its own rockets in southern hemisphere
>b-but muh satellites
>muh dishes and space
>ignorant autist calling others retarded
Dense faggot.
>i will pray for you
>I'm so sorry
>I'm leaving now, really
These are bait posts.