lol, nice ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''thanks'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''giving day you got there, ameriturds
Other urls found in this thread:
Survival of the fittest.
>Indians act like they were raping warring tribes and cutting people's scalps off
I'm sure they were a people of peace, right?
What we learned: Immigration will kill you.
>North American Indians gave white people corn
Wasn't it Aztecs et consortes? Or Incas? I am pretty sure that all that shit came from south of Rio Grande
That's shit happened 300 or more years ago
Down here we did worse to the natives
Stop bitching
Who cares? They were killing themselves.
>your land
Uhmm.. racist and sexist much?
ITT: Sup Forums practices mental gymnastics to justify genocide.
>Injuns teaching europeans how to farm
When will this baseless meme end?
Yeah Lol. The Pilgrims coming from a Prosperous Country needed Stone Age Indians who didnt even know how the wheel works to feed them. Read a REAL history Book instead of your Hippy Propagande
Genocide is always okay if it's against inferior race
If you think the Amerindians were accomplished in agriculture whatsoever I have some shiny beads to offer you. lol
>teach a man to grow corn
are they still on this meme that the pilgrims had no idea how to farm, hunt or fish?
don't forget we ruined their "peaceful" and "harmonious" society
they were killing each other for all of time, loved having allies with guns, etc.
Corn originates from Meso America, but made its way to Northern America over thousands of years via tribe migration.
>diseases with unsustained rates of growth which killed 90% of the natives are the fault of early American settlers
Damn. I wish we still possessed this "plague-mancy" ability our ancestors had. We'd literally be unstoppable."
Okay buddy. Whatever props up your ego. How the fuck is that justified?
Who decides what an inferior race is? I think you French cowards with a culture built on autism and xenephobia are inferior.
>Being this retarded
>natives share their land and food with you
>slip them smallpox blankets and keep it for yourself
I'm Shawnee/French Canadian by blood. Serves those cucks right. At least my people fought back.
Actually, the first wave of settlers were largely useless at farming and bushcraft, because they were mostly middle and lower class bongs who left for religious or political reasons. The farmers and builders and true pioneers came later, once settling in the New World became a popular thing.
You're welcome.
The South American indians gave the Europans smallpox, which absolutely ravaged Europe when the Spaniards brought it back. The first strains were extremely deadly and ended up dying out because they killed their victims faster than they could be spread. Modern syphilis is a milder strain than the original.
>When will this baseless meme end?
never, fits the lefty narrative
>Indians teaching Europeans agriculture
>Indians farming at all
Also, I thought being welcoming to immigration even if they are set to destroy and conquer your land was admirable and doesn't have any negative side effects at all?
>smallpox blankets
Myth that's been debunked.
The Pilgrims got along very well with the Indians for decades.
Mind you this was four centuries ago, whereas savage slavshit croats like OP were slaughtering each other just a few years ago.
ITT: a cuck tries to act like the voice of reason while he gets bummed by a pozzed faggot
Yeah but they were savage shitskins who ripped each other's hearts out. Their descendants are the reason we need a wall.
>not realizing you can also grow wheat
>Plymouth Settlers
>Smart enough to bring wheat
The entire colonization attempt was a clusterfuck by inbred hicks. They were lucky Squanto was an ambitious retard that fucked over his own people and himself for political gain
Its a leftist lie to make people fell sorry for Indians. The true story is that the pilgrams were able to pay off their debts within a year or two because they jacked up the prices when selling shit to the Indians so they had a huge feast and invited the Indians
Every society in the Americas that wasn't in the far north, Great plains or Amazon Basin was agricultural you fucking dingus
>People who traveled the sea need to be taught things by people who couldn't even kayak
Its not mental gymnastics. Some people believe that land and resources should go to those best able to use them, rather than those who just reached it first. I don't see why that is so unreasonable.
indians are bellow niggers, they could not even invent wheel. literal subhumans.
And yet we condemn thieves and robbers. It's just ex post facto justification.
However, everyone must realize that regardless of what ought to be the case, violence is the ultimate determinant of what happens. The Indians were conquered, and that's that. Nobody can even return land they ostensibly owned even if they wanted to, because Indians kept no written records or maps. And modern Indians got far more out of colonialism than vice versa, so they were hardly disadvantaged in the long run.
>some Indians represent all Indians
>Vikings were acting like they weren't raping and pillaging villages
Yeah you imported niggers now look at South America
I agree with this post.
Whew at least you're okay with all those Africans and Muslims becoming the prominent people.
>it's not genocide if we let it happen
This meme always gets me. Some were peaceful some were not so peaceful.
Just like whites
Feels good man
>culture is 5,000 years behind
>try to go to war with super advanced Europeans
>get owned
>receive benefit of mercy instead of genocide you deserve
>try your hardest for the next 150 years to make us regret giving you the benefit of the doubt
>europeans STOLE the land from the natives!
but i thought you lot didnt believe in borders and shit
It wasn't even the whites it was the Spaniards
They almost starved to death in Jamestown.
We killed a lot of them retard.
>had cities bigger than NY in the 1700s
>did invent the wheel
>domesticated animals
>domesticated plants
>some of the most complex languages some on level with Latin and Russian
>mayans were some of the first people to use zero as a place holder
>sees flag
Oh I forgot I was talking to a nigger of Europe
That was the style of warfare of the time. There are ethnic groups in Europe that don't exist anymore, because they got wiped the fuck out. Unlike the Indians, they didn't get the benefit of nice peace accords, reservations, and permanent gibs by their conquerors.