Signs She's A Slut
Slut traits
eyebrow shaping
listens to rap music
She is attractive though.
She does backpack travelling to "find herself"
Being a woman
Bright colored hair.
Fake eyelashes
Went through a "gay" phase
Takes pictures of herself with guys on Facebook
What does it mean to be a "slut"?
She is heterosexual
Ask your mom
>No marketable talents other than being oppressed
>better empower myself by being a slut
>Oh yeah, um, wage gap and rape culture is real, sure
>Gets jiggly tits
>Gets jiggly ass
>discard after use
>Girl gets older and used some more
>is 40
>realizes that no one wants her after her looks are gone
>Submits to patriarcy
>Gets back to the kitchen where she belongs.
I'm a male feminist and not ashamed.
Hair dye
Hair extensions
Acts like a lesbian
Dances like a niggress
Has a vagina
Based poo
leave it to chexmix to have low standards.
>signs she's a slut
lets a guy turn her vegan
>has scars on her arms/thighs
Matrilinear relation to OP.
This tee bee aitch
>looks gone
Most sluts looks gone around 26 and lately around 28.
Shes from sweden
She uses social networks
She goes clubbing
elaborate that, my good sir.
I know it's so sad. I'm 21 and luckily found a GF that's 19. I gotta enjoy fucking a teen while I still can.
Signs that chick is/was a cutter. Huge red flag.
She doesn't wear a hijab
I wanna dick her
Hairs dyed in shades that are not natural
Moved to "get a new start"
Does not get along with her family
From a single parent household or has divorced parents
Developed early
Has "the thousand cock stare" pic related
Is an artist
Tans a lot
Has lots of guy friends
Hoop earrings
Has lots of brothers
Constantly on facebook etc for attention
Single mother
Mom was a slut
Loving conditions are messy as fuck
dude, you are 21. I'm 23 and banging 17 years hot virgin, she's going to be 18 in two months. And when I was 20, I was also banging 16years old. The moment they pass 20 or 21, they are literally cum dumpsters. Get them young while they are inexperience and deflower them.
You and everyone else in this thread are delusional.
Most women are sluts, the worst ones are the ones that pretend to be prude and nice and traditional so retard betas fall for their deception. Looks are deceiving you fucking queers.
The best indication that a woman is a slut, no matter what she looks like, is if she displays a hostility, whether direct or indirect, around average/lower-tier men. If she is a complete bitch CUNT around normal and lower-tier men, yet she is always nice to Chad and lets him do whatever he wants, you have a confirmed slut right there. Never forget this, you faggots.
The hate doesn't necessarily have to be conscious and direct. Women are dumb so their subconscious thoughts always show very clearly in their facial expression, vocal patterns/tones and body language.
My ex was a cutter. I got her to stop though. Why is it a red flag exactly?
choker neklaces
1. Septum Piercing
2. Nose ring
3. Black nailpolish
4. Yoga pants
5. Drinks coffee
6. Horserider
7. Swoons over sportscars
8. Dyed hair
9. Neck choker
10. Wears toms
11. Wears clothes
12. Cancels your call when she's at her weed dealer's place
13. Smells like latex when coming from "Friends"
are you serious?
she's mentally irreversibly fucked
What's the association between horse riding and being a slut?
Kek If you're legit asking that then you're just as fucked as she is. You two deserve each other.
>wears clothes
>smells like latex
Fucking kek
In what way
Yeah well maybe I am who knows. Doesn't matter anyways she doesn't love me anymore.
horses provide multiple orgasms at full throttle
yes muhammad...a woman coming on a horse instead of getting fucked by jamal makes her a whore...
What happens if i ask her to pull down her pants too?
She has deep seated mental issues, self esteem and self worth issues. She is not worth your time, unless you're worthless as well
>complains about living in Western countries and actively campaigns against them
>wants maximum independence with minimum personal responsibility
>endorses miscegeny but ignores interracial marriage divorce rates
>thinks empowerment is equivalent to behaving badly and boorishly
>favors individuality but adopts a herd mentality with tattoos and piercings
>tries to compete with men rather than coexist with them
Horse women are richer crazy cat ladies. They throw their affection into animals. They have little self worth. They are whores because of their lack of self esteem
Has an account on Instagram
These, except , horse grills are usually prudish and underdeveloped. They'd be cute and innocent if it weren't for the fact they're almost alwayd autists.They're the female version of gamers and anime watchers.
More signs of a slut:
>Crazy eyes
>Always excessively nice to foreigners, very interested in their culture and stuff
>"can I speak to the manager" haircut
>Uses a lot of English words (this is probably unique to Dutch and perhaps other W-European sluts)
>Only has male friends and makes excuses
>Dirty jokes
Would smash. With a baseball bat.
does anybody elses eyes hurt when they look at this pic?
ewww. Grills are overrated.
You're a moron who obviously can't even fuck sluts
>dyed hair
>smokes cigarettes or weed
>shorter than knee-high skirts/dresses
>has a snapchat or instagram
>shorter than shoulder-length hair
>posts bikini pics or tight dress pics on social media
>does "sexy" poses for photos
>has dreadlocks
>wears pic related
>talks about mental issues
>posts on Sup Forums
moar? name? src?
"Artists" are always fucking sluts but I dont see an issue if they draw and care about the actual act of creating something and do try to improve themselves/don't attention whore with it.
Back to plebbit normie. /r/Sup Forums and the_donald killed this place. Luckily the normie traffic is dying down. It has been brutal
Friendly reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being a slut as long as you aren't cheating.
>tfw find tattoos and dyed hair extremely attractive
>tfw have full-on short hair fetish
>tfw have thing for stoner chicks
All the women I'm attracted to are batshit.
>STDs are a-okay
I'm not wrong
>drinks coffee
>wears clothes
what did he mean by this?
Listen kiddo. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That's probably because you're perhaps barron's classmate so I'll educate your virgin ass;
Horse is everything to a woman that a man isn't. Loyal, fast, muscular, horsecawk and many more features are why horseloving women are batshit crazy. Farmer bob's daughter been riding horses since she was 7. A horse made her feel likea real woman at age 7 when you can't even make her feel like half a woman all your life. Farmer bob's daughter is gracious and after getting orgasms from her chad horse she sneaks into the barn late at night to stroke his master class championship winning horse cawk. She strokes it in te dark using both her arms and every so often she slides it against her face and waits for the slide to end at the tip of her chad horse's cawk so can playfully nibble and bite the head of her horses throbbing optimum cawk. She strokes it and licks it from start to finish, all 24 inches of it and then lets him bust jizz all over her feminine, human body.
After being drenched in horse semen, she rubs it all over her body and runs back to her room. She doesn't shower because that thick layer of horse semen provides her with insulation. To her, that's one more reason for her to chase no man but remain wrapped in a thick blanket of horse jizz because to her that's as good as cuddling her horse in bed.
"Most my friends are guys, girls are just too much drama."
"I never find good guys in my town"
"I've never cheated on my boyfriend."
I love tomboys more than anything
But if she calls herself "one of the guys", claims "girls are too much drama", or isn't close to her dad you can bet money she a hoe
I know this is Sup Forums, but
I know that feel, burger. I learned many items on that list the hard way, through personal experience. You just have to be strong and think logically about those red flags because if you don't you'll get fucked in the end.
Nobody ever said resisting degeneracy was going to be easy.
male friend(s) even though she's in a relationship
cares alot about politics
>goes to a psychologist
I'm trying to tell people how to spot a slut when they are hiding as 'normal women'. Looks are deceiving, only retard autists think that sluts look a certain way. Sluts are a very diverse bunch.
Strip upbringing, body, and hormones that affect the brain and you'll find that man and women aren't so much different.
A lot of you are stereotyping and I'm getting the feeling you haven't interacted with enough women.
Anyways ignoring aesthetic appearances, I find the worst women happen to be the ones who are the biggest attention seekers and will push their own friends down for male attention. They have a big woman ego and insecurity issues. They are very deceptive and manipulative.
I found men like this before too, a bit different though. More focused on trying to be alpha as fuck than appearance like women.
Human beings are fucking retarded and narcissistic
All women who have miscarried or lost a loved one and seek counseling are apparently sluts
You're partly right, but a huge number of sluts just don't bother hiding it because they're delusional and will rarely see their own behavior as slutty. It's always someone else who is the *actual* slut. Then again, there are those really damaged ones who wear their slut label proudly.
If you were to look for the most common element connecting all sluts, it would without the doubt be a lack of a strong father figure.
Women who are vocal about how much they "hate sluts" are 99.9% of the time sluts themselves virtue signaling
Also, women who use sexuality as insults are always sluts
If she mocks your penis size, stamina, or ability to attract women she's most likely a slut
>eyebrow shaping
I work in a nuthouse and even the staff you can't even trust.
How about bending your knee and sticking your ass out in pictures.
That first sentence is true though. Have you seen white women lately?
>Sup Forumsack
>hates minorities and their woman
>hates leftists/idiots
>this includes most women
>has no woman friends as a result
>now is not considered dating material by other potential males who are also Sup Forumsacks
>the white race is dying and a buverian wooden flute making forum is why
wears a choker on a regular basis, Goes out drinking every-other weekend or more, Has provocative pictures on her instagram of her ass/tits, Is really into hip-hop subculture.
All women who don't give attention to beta anons are dirty sluts
All women who don't give attention to chads are dirty lesbians
Anons in this thread need to stop trying to protect their ego
Cutter= insane batshit and mentally fucking ill. WTF dude, if she cuts herself, she won't be having any problems cutting your balls and dick off. Ran motherfucker, ran.
hey jusy rape them is they look good and ready for it, but not if you're a non white, only f you're a white guy, no migrants plz
>a lack of a strong father figure.
hit the nail on the head.
IF her father just let's you whisk her away without being overly protective to the point of wanting to murder you. she probably isn't worth protecting by her own father. Her self worth in return will be super low and will take that out on you with a power trip.
>my stumpy benis failed to satisfy her
>s-she's a slut!
Valid points
Excessively cutesy "wholesome" turbo feminine women are often sluts in disguise
Actually, all women are potential sluts
It comes down to their impulse control and other people being ready to shame/shun her
>If she mocks your penis size, stamina, or ability to attract women she's most likely a slut
Then that means that virtually all femanons are sluts. That's how they "debate" on here.
>white women suck! Why cant I get a redpilled girlfriend who isnt one of these feminist whores? None of them give a damn about their country.
>hormones that affect the brain
Hormones and chemicals literally are what control our entire bodies and control most functions including those in the brain. Take away hormones and you don't have man, woman, or even human. Our most basic emotions are "hormones"
>uses a lot of English words
The girls I see use only English words and they're all massive sluts, checks out
EVERY women is hypergamous.
A slut is just one that is able to act on it, usually because of the lack of social consequences.
Slut shaming is good for society.
if she is white and has a vagina
I work at a horse feed store and been dealing with horse riders (english riding) for quite a few years now. While they aren't all degenerates like this saudi's friend I can confirm that horse riders are married to their horses first and family/boyfriends second. They are unreliable as fuck
Not really. Pic related is a virgin and look how disgusting her pussy lips are
Jose, horse girls are crazy fucks. It's a well known and proven fact.
Sounds like youre referring to a specific sloot, heartbroken portuguy
Sorry, but reality hurts
Women who use sexual insults when they're upset are without fail, whores
Sex is a measuring stick of human value for them whether it's scorning another slut or mocking a virgin
Quads checked. Don't stick your dick in crazy though, seriously man.