What is your black friend like, Sup Forums?
What is your black friend like, Sup Forums?
He really likes Kingdom Hearts
Like, too much
he died a while back...i miss him
He joined the military to get away from his white wife and their child.
Litterally who?
Gay and very liberal. Ok guy tho. I let him suck my dick once.
He has 3 baby mama's, was shot 9 times, but really is trying his best, bless his heart.
likes anime a lot like unhealthy a lot
I don't have one
He's so tall he has to use some metal shit under his clothes to keep his spine straight
He also got me an SR 620 for my birthday so he's a pretty decent dude
Dates with a white girl, but is red-pilled about Islam and is not a useless turd
He just needs dem programs man
She steals everyones food and no one really likes her, just a very boring person as well
He's black.
Yup. Also Yu-gi-oh back in the day.
I don't really have a black friend, but I've had a lot of deep conversations with homeless people/drug dealers I've seen in Baltimore.
I literally learned how to give a proper handshake from a nig heroin dealer. (don't judge me /pol, I wanted to see if I could vape that shit for scientific purposes, apparently I'm opiate resistant).
She is liberal and very sweet: great at cooking and making friends. She made a charity to give out food for the homeless in their tents.
He has a job, and actually works, I shit you not. He supports all those illegitimate kids, none of them are on welfare.
I work at KFC with a lazy nigger who leaves the kitchen a mess when my shift starts
did he die driving a truck by any chance?
Not very close to him, he's just smart and funny and I have a class with him. We talk but I don't go out of my way to hang out with him. Literal niggerfaggot also. Surprisingly, he finds racist jokes funny and he's not sensitive like the average black. Most of the other blacks I know are stupid and hypersensitive to 'problematic' things
which one?
He smokes heron and cooks fried chicken for me. We play guitar and get fucked up.
I miss you Satan. You crazy negro.
He's a nice guy.
She cleans my house for $1.00 an hour and has to show me her pass whenever I ask for it.
What's the deal with black guys loving JRPGs so much?
there are no blacks here.
We've been good friends since freshman in high school. He's currently getting a masters in law. He's very political minded.
He's into fighting games, weeb stuff and programming, talks kinda funny in the way that he keeps repeating the same words before he gets through his sentence. Like stuttering, sort of. Laughs in the nerdiest way I've heard
She makes racist jokes all the time, mostly about being black. I like her, she lets me be Sup Forums around her.
Is he your slave ?
My black friend has posted on FB some really funny and also stereotypical things, such as:
>Bringing da "gat" to a football game to rob fans of the enemy team.
>Beating up a bus driver for making a racist comment (this one is kinda funny, fuck bus drivers)
>Getting chased through da ghetto by a Pitbull and running into a wall.
All this in the last year alone! And more!
Yo momma let's me be the /pole/ around her
All of them are from africa. 1 from Senegal, 1 from Nigeria, and 2 are from Zimbabwe >tfw. Funny enough 2 are mudslime but they act normal.
I don't have one.
Then again, I don't have any friends at all.
>pol being unironical itt
im literally shaking rn.
like don't ge me wrong, im not that type of a person "killing blacks and jews 14/88" but neither i am that kind of person who would want to have neighbours of a different race / ethicity.
I like him more than his white girlfriend.
Shes a token SJW who want mulatto kids, typical coalburner but she picked the whitest black dude I've ever met. She seems to be all about the status of having mixed kids and a black man. I don't know.
He's a computer nerd who is totally self aware and knows that he should take advantage of him not being a ghetto nog, and use affirmative action to it's fullest extent. He knows it's bullshit.
Really awesome guy, too bad his soon to be wife is a bit of a maniac. Goes on raging tirades about how people give them leers and treat white tables better at restaurants now that Trump won.
I live in a neighborhood that's like 70% white, 30% Jewish
My black friend's family are the only blacks i've met around here and they're pretty well off
Affirmative Action only worked to push already middle class blacks up into a higher middle class.
Ghetto niggers got nothing from it.
I'm in the marines with a few black guys (infantry so not many nigs) and my roommate is mixed black and Hispanic. He's a trump supporter and hates pc culture but he's still a typical #yoloswag fag who likes banging white women
My dad always told me when I joined the military id learn the difference between black men and niggers. How right he was.
Hey is never stingy with the weed, but he snores louder than any human or animal on this planet. And has sleep apnea so if he sits still too long he is asleep. Its funny because even though its obvious to everyone he was asleep due to the snoring, he still always denys he was. Pretty good guy tho, good morals.
How come polacks think they can be arrogant when they are Europe's bottom of the barrel. Like, there is really no difference at how (actual) Europeans look at niggers and poles. Your people are thieves.
He's a huge weeb who smokes a lot of pot and cigarettes, and just got picked up for shoplifting ;_;7
Cute. Half white half black. We are sort of seeing each other. She's doing her masters, games, loves the same stuff as me.
Can't argue with that.
Only completely black friend is based. Works hard, kind, looks after his child and is a decent guy.
I guess that comes with not living in a city?
>Slave who has never seen any nigger in his life.
Well I can understand you, but you know it's not that rare in the rest of the world.
Also he got shot in Harrison Arkansas once upon a time.
No, but mine did.
Has a lisp and is a gigantic natty bodybuilder. Despises niggers because he is from the hood although he still listens to the raunchiest rap when in private.
Hates niggers about as much as i do and prefers whites
There are no blacks where I live
he has dark skin
This is a tough one, on the one hand you're disrespecting your country and your people by fucking a halfnig.
On the other hand if hypothetically speaking you were to have a child with a halfnig and that child had a kid with a white person then your grandchild would be white thus nullifying the nigger blood.
lmao truly fpbp
but there are pakis
>having even one black friend
I have 1 female friend on skype and even that's pushing it
traditionalist and very catholic, goes to church everyday, pretty chill dude, even though he used to have anger problems back in HS
I'm not fucking her. Yet. She said she likes me so we are hanging out together more. Nobody knew she was half black. Looks like a Pacific Islander.
A friendly black is the kind of black that voluntarily walks into the gas chamber.
He's pretty based tbqh, his dad is rich, he gifts me Dota 2 items (some expensive af) and he's an Electrical Engineering major.
He's semi-redpilled, he hates blacks but he thinks jews are white.
>Black father leaving
What a surprise
Black guys at work are all right.
One guy lets me call him "Big Black Dingus" and we always make jokes about him being a nigger.
The DJ at my local club always puts on my favourite shitty songs without me needing to ask.
is your black friend 50 cent?
>defending the bbc this hard
don't worry, you can can keep em, its your choice. I'm simply stating what I want for myself and my country.
>tfw no black bro
selfhating weeb wishes he was white
He was so racist towards other niggers that he would make white people blush. He talked properly and used lots of Sup Forums rhetoric.
A few, not many. I'm from the rural south west
Sweet guy. Into gaming and weeb shit. Socially awkward. Funny. Understands that being realistic about race issues is not racist. I managed to redpill him on (((media))) because of the US election and he isnt sperging about Trump winning. I have another friend however that thinks Trump winning will cause a race war and unironically thinks it will unite black people and they will win despite me debunking that ever happening multiple times.
Who the fuck says dingus? You must have aspergers
One is really laid back, the other is kind of weird like serious Malcolm X type growing up, but he shares a lot of my hobbies and he's OK most of the time.
I don't have one, there are very few blacks here, but many muslims.
The closest to black person is a friend from romania or bulgaria or something.
Nigga loves his DBZ
>black people in Germany
Isn't bahamas pretty much 100% black?
Again, it's always fucking Germanistan shitting on Poland, it's really incredible.
>Slavs look like niggers
wew lad
>works at KFC
You are the nigger friend.
>black friend
All of my friends are black
pick one faggot
and I'm saying poles aren't better than niggers. i wasn't defending anybody with that lol
Does he have a mixtape?
Let me tell you all about a magical thing called DragonBall Z
If you could afford cable and watched this show, you literally turned out to be a different black kid
Used to sling dope with mine. He was shot in a car in the middle of the day and his killer was never found.
RIP Black
He says from Germanistan. Hope you're having fun watching your wife and daughter get gang raped by dirty Arab """refugees"""
you are also the OP of this thread.
I have not had a black friend my age since college but recently I played in a pool league with a black guy in his 40's.
-White wife
-On disability since he fucked up his back in some warehouse job
-massive pot head
told me to shoot game at girls and just be confident
He's pretty redpilled. Doesn't speak in ebonics, hates rap and actual niggers, voted for Trump etc. Is a huge weeaboo tho.
Sounds exactly like my black friend.
My black friend redpilled me and introduced me to this website / board.
It was fucking hilarious. I could not believe he comes to this place.
wouldnt go as far as calling him a friend, but my cousin had heroin problems and i suspect that guy was one of the people that hooked him on it. last time i saw him he was out of his mind on i have no idea what - probably heroin
all blacks loves DBZ
I never had friends.
Sandniggers here LOVE DBZ too...
He's 52, he moved to Delaware from New York. He keeps to himself and doesn't get into situations where he can get in trouble. He tells me most blacks are stupid niggers that act without even thinking, and not to relax around blacks, not even him. I'd wager he's on the higher end of the bell curve for blacks.
Smelly but a solid dude. Former military, works as a bouncer. Just has that black guy smell, you know?