Would someone here have the courage to date a mestiza?
Would someone here have the courage to date a mestiza?
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BR is danger zone, you want to tap that ass but afraid of catching some life threatening disease.
that white chick looks better
Hell no. See pic related.
Italian-Argie here.
I am currently.
I already do lol
I'm blonde with blue eyes so it was easy to get a top mestiza
Did once and it was one of the worst mistakes of my life
I am VERY curious on what that woman looks like naked.
Did your dad rape your mom? Or is black on black crime not a big problem in Argentina?
fat and ugly
I am one. White guys don't like us.
How old are these girls?
get this pedo shit off this board.
mods mods mods
Do you like them?
No. Interracial relations are degenerate. Fuck off.
Already do
All day, every day. And when it hits 24 or gets podgy... I'd kick it to the kerb
Is that Warwick Davis in drag?
Right middle is not mestiza
Cause you be like 20x more crazy angry than any white girl
You women bring knives and 20 more hoodrats
You do have some wonderful asses though.
Wayyyy too loco for this whiteboy.
They are fucking servile stupid housewives, that suck and fuck well. That said, they will muddy your genes, and she'll pop out a little papi chulo. He will have a spic brain and spic features. You will have failed to secure the future of the white race, you'll put another nail in humanity's coffin
Mestizas are the rarest and most exotic breed.
It represents only 8% of the population
Why not?
Just don't breed them
Dude, if you live in America, eventually you are going to have mixed lineage down the line, so you might as well accept it.
I bet the whitey tastes like sugar
More like 19
Defeatist faggot attitude. Yes goy bend to the narrative just accept it. Fuck you kike. I'll make white children, she may not be pure, but at least my kids will be white
Word up
The 20-26 will paper ya tho if they are a white girl
Agreed. However, submissive metizos are top tier
Married to one. The love of my life. I'm white, and we will have qt babies.
Imagine her and jeb going at it hot sweaty and wild but also low energy at the same time
As a white guy I can refute this. I want to fuck a wide-hipped, big-tittied Latina more than anything. I have mad bean fever.
lol look at all his salt
No they are fucking disgusting.
Get to my age and 19 is young enough to be my daughter....
Im white w brown eyes, dark hair. Ill be damned if I don't fuck a bitch that isn't a redhead, blonde, or strawberry blonde. With some elmers glue pasty as fuck skin. Them ghost women ftw.
Dated one a couple months ago, she was a whore.
lol epic
also stop posting underage girls, OP
I've been to Mexico. The amount of meztisos I saw I could count on one hand
>tfw you will never bang a curvy Latina
Why even live bros
Agreed. Slim Italian brunettes get me off as well. They're just so fucking crazy
that blonde with the big DSLs is going to be amazing when she's fully developed.
let me let you on a little secret, being from CA my self, that most of the time, for most of latinas, they are only going to look good from 14 to 22, right around 23 they start to turn into a fat goblin with an inverted ass and super dry pussy, I know because I dated one to this stage, we broke up, and now I feel much better and am glad I never reproduced with that horrible thing, she looked like the girl all the way to the left when we met in highschool for reference.
Yup, is basically what I got every time.
Doesn't mean shit. I'm sure tards make up 10% of the population.
Ranking from left to right:
The one on the left looks castizo. The one on the centre left and far right look mestizo, and they look ugly.
Yeah, one on the left. Braces are really hot to me tbqh.
How do u know?
Mestizos can come in all looks. My friend for example is a light guy with red hair while his sister looks like your average brown spic.
>also stop posting underage girls, OP
She is not underage. She is over 16 years old.
Why date a racemixed low IQ dog when you fuck a high IQ pure aryan waifu.
Was isch da?
You spelled Castizo wrong, m8
They're 18 right ese? Of course they are. 18yo girls like them sure are great
sure, 18.
Heck yessss. I had the joy of a real spaniard woman before. Bluegreen eyes, brunnette/reddish long thick flowing wavy hair. PHAT ass. Even let me buttfuck her. She even cooked me dinner once. Fun times. She was pasty as fuck, too. Super pretty. GOD DAMN SHE WAS FUCKING CRAZY THO!!! Gave her good dick tho so she was cool w me.
Naggy brown cunts.
It's better to die alone then be societally bound.
I used to. They're usually attractive when they're younger but they get fat as fuck in their 20s. Not marriage material.
tfw You'll never have a qt3.14 Colombian gf that likes metal.
You spelled Castiza wrong mate
I have. Don't. They are crazy or their family will expect you to help them with money to bring over the ones still in Mexico.
Hahaha burnnnnn
>when your 7head is half your face
nope nope not clicking dat shit
>pic was the link you did not dare to click
swedish cowardice is not a meme
WTF is that????? :O
Yes but I'm half North African jew and 1/4th Italian and 1/4th Spaniard so I may not count
Aren't all the burgers that claim to have Indian ancestry castizos by definition?
Technically every mix is mestizo by definition, we are just fancy using the old colonial caste system definitions.
That's exactly what dandelion said when he saw his first goblin.
Prove it
look at these fuckin arms
like a goddamn mike wazowski from monsters inc.
Does she like Trump
I'd date any girl that isn't autistic or obese. So far it seems like my standards are still too high to get a gf though.
True, but the burgers spout off all the time about their Indian ancestry and that how they are white at the same time.
But if a hispanic had an Indian great grandmother, he is a worthless shitskin...
or maybe your a fat ugly autist?
Or just pretending to be autistic never going out of your house baka
No, I live in Texas, They look damn good in their teens and 20s but they age like sour cream.
I'm not fat but yeah that's kinda the point, either I settle for an ugly autistic girl or nothing. If it was a sane good looking girl then I wouldn't care what race she is.
Because americans are "muh 1/256th cherokee". No one takes that seriously.
if her face isn't 7 on my polish scale which should be comparable to hungarian scale i'd rather beat the meat
Guess gotta stick to the meat then.
I have don't do it. I learned my lesson.
Not to mention that they keep the absolute worst of Mexican culture
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO GRILLS ON THE CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, post tits.
mestizas are literally top-tier and red-pilled unlike anglo women.
tits or gtfo
I would really like to see one of their muff diving sesions.
t.female soccer coach.
a what?
Im whiter then most you faggots and i'd smash a hot spic in a quick sec. But not the troll ones only the hot ones. Despite all the shitpost on here there's actually a lot of cute mestizas and most have a great ass.
Wtf is a meztitza anyway?
Been dating a Mexican-American girl since 2014.
She looks like a cross between Spanish/Italian and Persian(Armenian?).
Is that meztitza?
They're self loathing mutts.
see spic related