Scored 80 IQ , am I even white anymore?

>Be Krautcuck
>Finish school with "okay" median grade overall but shit individual grades in sciences (maths, physics , etc)
>Still choose to do o STEM because all else is shit-tier mental masturbation and SJW indoctrination
>Bachelor Bauingineurwesen (it's Engineering of Buildings idk how burgers call it, IMO on the same level as mechanical engineering)
>It's not dense shit like studying mathematics or physics
>I could do this or so I think
>Understand zero no matter how much I try , despite it being only the first week aka basic spoon-feeding stuff
>A month later still understand shit
>Realize I'm actually a limited stupid fuck
>Severe depression, feel like I'm the most worthless assorment of human genetic material ever to walk this gay earth
>Can't fully accept it , need confirmation
>Do a IQ test
>Score : 82
>Realize I'm lower that most mudshits and the lower end of nig-tier
>White race: EXLUDED

Wat do pol?

(Inb4 - "haha kys ")

kys your ass goodbye

Heil Hitler

Learn a trade

You would have been amongst the first ones into the gas chamber

You know your fate

>Understand zero no matter how much I try , despite it being only the first week aka basic spoon-feeding stuff
>A month later still understand shit

The first semesters are the hardest actually. It's sort of a test to see if the Uni should waste their time on you.

Being retarded doesn't make you non-white, but not accepting it and going to study a trade instead makes you a cuck.

Semester yes, but not the first week(s)

Become a cop, fun times ahead guaranteed.

>be white german
>can't even finish simple apprenticeship because 2 stupid

Hartz IV here I come

Who IQ 130 masterrace here?

this t b h f a m

you probably have HUGE gaps in your maths knowledge beats me how the fuck you made it into an engineering degree. Maybe try working on these and then trying again.

getting 82 on an IQ test bodes pretty badly though I was scoring 105 when I was like ten years old

Dont feel bad though, I'm realistically around 110 and I'm too stupid to be a programmer or engineer for example - median IQ for these is 125 if I remember correctly and people with lower IQ's wont be able to do them.

What I got is barely enough for corporate accounting which I do so you should learn a manual trade or something.

Well... digits don't lie

Goddamnit, don't give up on fighting. If anything let someone else be the father of your kids if that bothers you that much

Haha kys

I don't think a person with an 82 IQ would have or could have written a post like yours. Practice taking some IQ tests, and then retake an "official" one for peace of mind, if you need it.

If you think civil engineering is anywhere near as demanding as mechanical engineering, you indeed are a dumb fuck.

Are you fallingfor about yourself?
Which Ausbildung did you choose that you coulndt finish?

>Tfw 130 IQ
>Anglo wins again


Are you at least attractive?
Don't reproduce

Getting into uni with an IQ so low is a feat on its own. Be proud, retard.

Werde Facharbeiter du Depp.

Engineering degrees have no limits on who can apply to them in Germany because not a lot of people want to go to university and ACTUALLY study, can you understand that? Who the fuck would want to study? All you need is the "Abitur" with whatever grade you can get and you're good to study engineering. This is part of the reason why almost all degrees worth their salt sport a >80% dropout rate here.


142 reporting in.

this has to be b8

Be a farmer or be the best physical laborer you can be, I was like you and got all depressed but it turns out I can do subhuman amounts of physical labor which gives me a strong sense of racial and ethnic superiority over most people.

>Who IQ 130 masterrace here?

Dont insult me

Fuck too low IQ to tag Post
Which Ausbildung did you choose that was So hard?


Fucking hell mate thats actually kind of sad

This is precisely why I didn't go to university.


if I did, I'd study philosophy or meme tier psychology, perhaps history, all subjects I can grasp fluently.

Mathematics I'm dyscalculic, which insta-disqualifies from any STEM field, with except of perhaps Biology, but again, meme subject.

I was actually going to make a thread posing the question if IQ and general intelligence can be increased in a humans life time, by any significant margin, if so how can we implement among the lower specimens of human kind.

Maschinenbaufag detected

I still don't know how anybody could score less than 110 at an IQ test, they are so ridiculously easy with the exception of 2 or 3 mindfucks.
Also literal retards could do civil engineering.

Read a bit, go for a walk, just relax for a few days
Then you do that fucking test again and just don't suck this time.
It's literally just pattern recognition.
I assume math is your problem, what exactly?

>>Understand zero no matter how much I try , despite it being only the first week aka basic spoon-feeding stuff
>>A month later still understand shit

>The first semesters are the hardest actually. It's sort of a test to see if the Uni should waste their time on you.

Yes and also it takes more than 2 week to understand the math and physics part.

Give it 1 year to see if you can at least pass some of the math, if not just change degrees or unis.

You have to go back Pedro.

At my university engineering classes only really start second year. First year is mostly physics, chemistry, math and general electives.

Its not ,sadly

You're probably shit at a few things, but really good at others.

Basically autism.

I am really good at certain things, but suck at most other things.

it is
you did an online test, didn't you?

See: .


There has to be some other reason for your low score. Were you depressed and/or sleep deprived and/or anxious when you took it? I doubt that anyone with an IQ of 82 could even get the Abitur.

nigga you did the proper test or these online bullshit tests? Because according to latter, I'm the most intelligent human bean alive.

I wouldn't really comment on that if I didn't know how it is, for German universities at least. It's not a matter of high-and-mighty mechanical engineering, it's a matter of civil engineering actually being laughable.

Thanks ameribro for the support
I guess I will learn a trade

>I was scoring 105 when I was 10

IQ score as it is calculated decreases by 10 points every year of growth, you know that?

A 10 year old with a 160 IQ has the mind(according to the test) of a 16 years old. That doesn't mean that your IQ will be 160 at 16.

If you don't become smarter with age it will be 100 at 16.

>chosen for Gifted Student Program in 4th grade
>decade later I'm a retard

See my post for possible explanation

That's Savant syndrome , not just autism

No I did an official state approved IQ test

Funny thing is I took 2 on line tests prior and they yielded approx. the same results (80 plus bracket)

what kind of test did you take?
you didn't take an online test did you user

also I was tested 140 and dropped out of university. You can do it if you are dedicated enough

This. Online tests are shit. I was pulled out of school an hour a day for two weeks to take my test. This was 8 yrs ago

>130 iq
>master race
weak shit senpai

>I doubt that anyone with an IQ of 82 could even get the Abitur
good joke lad

Poor guy.

Really so anybody can just try shit like medicine?.

But also i wouldnt get so hang up with engineering.
There are other degrees that can net you way more money and is full of retards with "people's skills"

Like banks...

Yea thats what I tought
In our school there was a guy who couldnt pass his class es and was forced to take IQ text to see wether or not he was a retarded
Turned out he has 130 and was gifted-tier

>thinking you're dumb
>takin a test to prove you're dumb
>turns out you're dumb

It's called self fulfilling prophecy.
Stop your Selbstmitleid

It's got to be higher than 82. Surely your just had a meltdown on the IQ test.

No, not medicine. I'm talking specifically about engineering degrees. STEM in general, I don't think Physics or Chemistry have a lot of restrictions either. If you do any of these "for money", you're doing the wrong degree anyway.

Answered exactly a Post prior to yours

Don't make childreen. Other than that you're fine

Stop being a victim and work harder. That's your reality, accept it and up the effort. I'm always placing my bet on a man of action than one with high IQ.

Flip-side? You should have an easier time socially, which means charisma. This can be extremely valuable career wise.

Play to your strengths, accept your weaknesses and be HAPPY you're woke - That really is your x-factor.

Well with the vocab on IQ tests these days, they are basically useless to anyone who converses with everyday people (as in, none of the words on the tests are useful for anything)

I'd say the ASVAB is a better example of assessing one's working knowledge/intellect

110 IQ here, is it possible to be an engineer with this intellect?

Move to australia and become the wise leader of an aboriginal comunity,

It's fucking .3 points a year (Flynn effect) you fucking Italian shit-tier mongrel.

OP, what test did you take? I don't think a person with an 80-some IQ could produce as coherent a post as you did, especially in another language. You're probably really good at writing or something, but shit at maths. Also, you have to take an IQ test several times to get an accurate average. Your scores can vary as much as 20 points up or down depending on many factors, including mood, confidence, etc., etc.

You do dis krautbro
(Inb4 i cant call you dat because 2 stoopid to be consider es german)

You have to do the Vorkurse and be on Mathe LK level.

>shit individual grades in sciences (maths, physics , etc)

That's the problem, you have to know this school-level shit. They won't spoonfed you the stuff you should know already.

Your verbal skills seem to place you above 82. You must be really bad at the other stuff.

You can improve your IQ and logic by doing such tests regularly. Do a lot of these tests for training, read, follow politics.

Improve yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself is your worst enemy.

I feel bad for you. Go into marketing/trade.
You don't need an IQ for that

You are wrong and right. There are different types of tests, I probably shouldn't have assumed the type of the test, though.

Tfw im actually an autism tier introvert

You're only slightly dumber than the average Sup Forumstard, so it's not really a big deal.

yeah, I can understand that. It can be hard meeting people that pick up on abstact concepts like its nothing while you break your neck. you still can do it, just need to put a LOT of effort into it. the pieces fall together in the end. I have a 100 something IQ. its fucking annoying when I was studying, but I apply what I know very successfully

>so anybody can just try shit like medicine?
no there are quotas, but they work like this:
everybody in germany has the constitutional right to study whatever he wants at a state university (private universities are virtually non existant here) for free. If there are more applicants than spots at the university though, the university is obliged to choose people based on merit (ie highschool grades, former experience, entry exams, waiting lists)

This means that professions that are cheap to train have a low quota, like law, engineering and almost all humanities while expensive programms have a very strict quota, like medicine.

The german state has invested a lot of money to make engineering spots freely available, because muh STEM

IQ is nothing. Autism is true genius which is why the normies despise them so much.
>The most dramatic examples of savant syndrome occur in individuals who score very low on IQ tests, while demonstrating exceptional skills or brilliance in specific areas, such as rapid calculation, art, memory, or musical ability.

do this OP. I think it really helps

Over 300, what now?

If you practice for IQ and your score 250 you are still less than 50 IQ. Everything you practice you get better at.

This is also true. I always had a high IQ but I do a lot of logical puzzles, math puzzles, anything logic related for fun regularly and wince years. I gained an way above Mensa tier IQ with that.

>tfw to intelligent my iq is 404

lol at this fucking thread downplaying IQ, saying the test might be wrong, work harder, or IQ isn't everything, when it suddenly becomes absolute LAW when talking about black people.

Face it. According to Sup Forums you are stupider than the average nigger.

>80 iq
>able to type that out

you might be weak willed and retarded, but it has nothing to do with iq

fuck wrong image


Ruskies confirmed masterrace

Btw every ruskies I key was smartand as fuck and aced in maybe. Russbro are notorious in german schlomos for their mathskills
Russians are not white is the most retarded meme pol came up with

Russians are good at maths because they're Asian. You really do have an IQ of 80.

OP, as well, IQ tests don't accurately factor other mental attributes, such as memory, musical talent, other talents that are too numerous to name. It can derive an approximation of your propensity to have these talents, but is not an accurate measure. IQ tests tend to also bias math over vocab, a weakness that has been well-documented (matrices are an exception to this but probably have their own weaknesses). I've known people who had low average IQ scores but were excellent writers, beyond just using big words; they were able to make connections and write creatively enough so as to make a profession as a fiction writer.

Don't lose hope, perhaps just refocus your attention into another subject.

Make a Ausbildung somewhere nice.
If Ahmed can do it you can too.
First week is literally spoon feeding.
After that it gets a lot harder fast.

these are the kind of false flag posts lefties take and screen shot to try and "btfo" Sup Forums

Ausbro gives me hope.
I indeed was told to babe aethetic talent
Love for äußer posters increased by *2

t. Sergej

Even I've scored 113, I'm sorry man.

We're destined to be failures bro

148.8 IQ here

If you're not a sadistic medicine student you should kys tbqh my dude.

Gehe in die Politik, lege dir einen falschen Doktortitel zu und werde Minister.
Das machen die alle so.