How can I understand the middle-east?
Syria, Israel, Iran, everything. The conflicts and problems of the last century.
How can I understand the middle-east?
Google it, user
Try converting to Islam and marrying your 9 year old niece
How does one separate the reliable from the unreliable? There is a crap ton of information and many of it is contradictory and has been spun through various propaganda machines like the U.S.
I'll marry your mother and sister instead.
Muslims ruining shit and Jews stealing desert parts
your question should be: How can I make my life interesting enough to not care about the situation in the middle east?
Basically this. Perpetual war with the clan down the road and with western powers stirring the pot through proxy wars. The whole abrahamic religion thing didn't really help either, it just made a bigger us versus them split.
First read this
Then this
And follow the Syria threads. Pretty much all you'll need.
It's not that hard. People in the Middle East want to live their fucking lives like anywhere else. Israel wants to wipe everyone in the Middle East out who isn't a kike and take over all their land. USA wants to make a lot of money by trading in weapons, controlling drugs (like poppies) and stealing oil.
That's it. That's the entire story of the middle east for the past more than a half century. Anything added to this is fucking lies.
I'll give you short version. Sandniggers were doing their thing when suddenly all these assholes showed up and called themselves Great Powers. They proceeded to curve up the reigon in a way that guaranteed instability and internal conflict in the area, just in case they ever needed to withdraw.
Some time later this insane thing called WW2 happened. Then the only remaining sandnigger state (Iran) got gangraped by Soviet - UK assault, so that burgers could feed commies guns. After it was over, everyone went "fuck this shit", and decolonised the region, except the commies. Commies stayed.
Sandniggers tried to go back to being sandniggers, but commies were hellbent on spreading the red plague. Instituting multiple surprisingly stable, if brutal, communist light regimes in the area.
Then commies went bankrupt. But sandnigger commies didn't. Burgers, the only remaining Superpower, weren't happy with any sort of commies anywhere in the world, plus hey bonus oil. So they did their damnest to feed remaining traditional sandniggers guns. With those guns, some of the sandniggers overthrew some of the commies starting multiple rebel groups. But since they had to blame someone for why life became more shit w/o commies they had to blame someone. Long story short they rammed a plane into burger towers to prove a point.
Burgers unhappy, with this outcome, made up a bogus story about WMDs and invaded the region. After they found no WMDs, burger people were tired of the war, and nigger - no not sandnigger, burger nigger - got a elected in exchange for pulling out all the troops. Thing is, if you pull out troops after destroying what little government there was with military intervention, people left there tend to hate your guts. And given number of guns commies and burgers fed into the region, they had enough to deal with normies in the region and revive a caliphate.
Welcome to the clusterfuck.
Yes, all I want to do is steal land, I'm not human and I don't want to live in peace
Jews run almost everything
Gulf monarchies are under the Jewish boot
Saudis too
Iran are the good guys
You may be, but your government is playing crusade simulator while they can get away with it cause lol US ally.
Finally, an honest jew.
everyone in the middle east hates eachother and it is endless war until the jews win
It's pretty easy - monarchies with tons of money fund religion to distract from their corruption + Jews being Jews.
>Sandniggers were doing their thing when suddenly all these assholes showed up and called themselves Great Powers. They proceeded to curve up the reigon in a way that guaranteed instability and internal conflict in the area, just in case they ever needed to withdraw.
You are talking about the Ottomans, I presume - British/French empires merely ate the decaying body of a previous Ottoman empire.
well done
>he admits it
cant be bothered to lie anymore?
Use your brain.
You forgot about the French and the Brits after WW1.
Well, I don't wanna sound like I don't hate muslims, but you did steal the mudshits land, this is a fact.
Democracy in a nutshell
If you on this board Sup Forums and you didn't understand it right now and you need to ask!!!
There is little hope in trying to explain complex situation like this.
One of oldest saying explaining this in one sentence:
If no one know about what is all this mess
It must be about money.
Simply and straightforward Big Business Big Coalitions of Countries see Big Money and they fight each other directly or by Proxy on soil of country unfortunate enough to be in middle of this.
Read a lot of history and books.
Or just check Wikipedia.
>Or just check kikepedia.
No. Don't.
Lurk moar. Start with the syria general threads
To all observers: Sup Forums is still under attack. Do not participate in frivolous threads. Suspend your interest in such threads for 2 more months. Right now we need to focus on american/world corruption.
Search for threads about: cfg, pedo, korea, twitter, kanye, ???
Ignore all : who is this 4 chan?, athiest debate me, racemixing, ___ did nothing wrong, etc.
Just hold off on the usual funposting for a bit, because the usual channels of inquery are literally being shut down. See twitter, reddit, news orgs, fbi, etc
It's the most neutral source out there.
>says the guy living on stolen land
You forgot Saudi Arabia wanting to rule over the rest of the Middle East by any means necessary, so they purposely fuel divide between Muslims to try to rally the rest of the Middle East against Iran, the only country standing in their way