What's the deal with slavic people?

what's the deal with slavic people?

shouldn't they be 1st world already?

I mean it's 25 years since communism

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Germanics are the only ones who can create 1st world countries.
Only Czechs and 15% of Poles are Germanic and not Slavic.

25 years is pretty much nothing if you spend the previous 50 years destroying the economy.

this guy gets it
also our politicians selling our country doesn't help


uhhh what

I know Sup Forums likes to blame jews on everything but seriously now

why be a first world country when we can just dwell on the past and pretend anybody ever cares

Czechs and Poles are quintessentially slavic because they have been ruled by slavic dynasties. In fact, Greater Poland, Little Poland and Masovia are the most polish of Poles and those territories have been always best developed

im not fucking around why would the kikes let a bunch of nigger hating east euros get to first world status?

Jews invented communism so in a way he's right.

nigger Pomerania is objectively the best part of poland and over there half the population has german roots and the other half doesn't know it does

you fucking what mate

if not for Kraków Little Poland would be just more coal eating maggots, and Greater Poland without Warsaw would be a slightly less awful Greater Poland

We caught up to greece and poortugal, i think thats good enough 25 years after getting rid of gommunism. Keep in mind prices in our countries are much lower so the difference isn't THAT big.

Yugos can also use centuries of Ottoman occupation as an excuse.

What is this ?
Btw Cyprus strong not even independent for 60 years and we are doing better than the niggers of Europe
>>inb4 stfu cucked by turkey lol

i already posted the reason once and i'm going to post it one more time

There are no politicians only western jew puppets. Their policies are extremely subversive and subtle, designed to keep eastern europe noncompetitive.

>Russian empire starts modernizing fast
>boom revolution and civil war
>USSR breaks free of control, Stalin purges kikes
>OY VEY, only manage to take it back later and self destruct it
>Yugoslavia is becoming more and more western, the ethnic question is about to be solved as "there are only yugoslavs, no serbs or croats"
>jew infiltrators in Slovenia and Croatia start shit talking
>boom civil war
>postcommunist states have high economic growth
>MAXIMUM GOLLY GEE, EU placed as bait and regulations imposed to shut it down
>w*stern companies buy the """""""""""""""failed""""""""""""""" eastern ones, fire everyone destroy all machines

you're legit retarded

without poznań, sorry

Jesus fuck how is that even possible?

Dude... Were slavs any better before commies?
Slavs are retarded part of Europe, there's no other way around it.
But they are very good host for Jews, so as a Jew I can't complain.

you're retarded

it's not a matter of what jews think. it's a matter of being prosperous and good at managing a country.

these things are OBJECTIVE. having more money is objectively better than having less money. having more healthy years is objectively better than having less healthy years



>only one shot at life
>not born in liechtenstein

do these factors seem like some jewish conspiracy to you?

why do I even post here desu

people here are GENUINELY retarded

I'm thinking of touring eastern europe next summer. I'm 28 and it will be the first time leaving my basement.

Will I get killed? I'm white. It just seems comfy and full of white people, I want to see what a white country looks like. I was gonna go Budapest > Vienna > Prague

Yes you will get killed. I lived here for only 18 years and I got killed 45 times.

thats what a kike would say tho so go kys kike

Poland B salt

we were pretty well-off in the 20's and (most of) the 30's

speak for yourself and your nonexistent country

you're in denial my gypsy friend

you can't accept the fact you're inferior, so you say it's a jewish conspiracy that more wealthy nations are considered superior to less wealthy nations

Eastern europe is safer then the US

kek and witnessed!

not really desu

what is prussia
what is russia(before the asiatic shits came into the empire)
what is yugoslavia

>wants to travel the three probably most safe cities in Europe
>afraid of being killed there

m8, worst case scenario, you get your wallet stolen

some are ok

>Budapest > Vienna > Prague

go to big cities, will be surprised when he sees that they are not 100% white

WWI was much harder on us
WWII was much harder on us
Germs gave us communism
World gave us sanctions
Nato gave us bombs

hur dur why you so undeveloped...

>I mean it's 25 years since communism

What's the deal with Germanic people?


All Eastern countries are safer than the US, except for Russia.

shut up cuck

you cant even drink water in those slavshit hellholes


Portugal suffered a dictatorship for many decades and the loss of its last colonies. They didn't had it easy.

This is retarded. 100% percent of our tap water is taken from underground sources, while you cucks drink rainwater from dirty reservoirs.

Can't really drink it here in Tucson either desu.

>I want to see what a white country looks like.
>I was gonna go Budapest > Vienna > Prague
If you wanna see all-white then either stay out of major cities or go further east.

this is not true, my town has the best water in Europe after Vienna


Also this is absolute bullshit.
Balkans has some of the cleanest water around


Silesia is the best region of Poland i wonder why :) (Germans live here)


>muh communism
East and Slav Europe had lower gdp per capita for centuries because they aren't close to the main trade routes, oceans.

Such countries historically have bigger accumulation of capital, lower transport costs and better infrastrucrure.

For instance, when was the last time Bosnia was on par with the rest of Europe? DURING ROMAN EMPIRE. Because they are very close to Med which was main trade route at the time.

why are pooles such low tier humans?

and why aren't you cleaning your German Masters toilet?

Communism fuck you long time!

i am german myself why should i clean the toilet of my brothers when have poles for it in oppeln?

underground sources can be contaminated

your town is not your country

I've heard this from literally everyone. Everyone thinks they have the cleanest water. Even Indians think they have the cleanest water.

i know, it just confirms that it takes more than 25 years to fix the damage done by shitty dictatorships

I guarantee you our artesian wells are fine.
Meanwhile whole cities in the USA get tap water-drinking bans and must purchase bottled water during droughts.
This has not happened in Lithuania since at least our independence.

Ignore these "fuck slavs" people. It's cause the IMF and WTO have fucked them like they did to the Third World when they saw the opportunity.

>Pomerania is objectively the best part of poland
Pomerania has a bigger unemployment than Greater Poland, it has never had any good education institutions and it had an advantage only because it was a harbour

You won't get killed, you probably won't even get robbed



how ca you guarantee me your artesian wells are fine?

a lot of chemicals can be contaminating the soil and in turn, the water.

purchasing water during droughts has nothing to do with the water being drinkable or not

why do they get tap-water drinking bans?

I'm sorry if I'm sounding a bit anal about it, but your I'd take material with sources over material with no sources.

Romania was still governed by the old commie Jew guard after the Revolution and some say it still is. Everything Ceausescu built by starving the country and with loans from IMF was sold to scrap by these connected Jews in order to make themselves rich. Basically after the fall of the USSR, local Jews have undermined Romania's economy for their own or Israel's interests and after we were forced to join the EU by theses same Jews so they could benefit from their Jew buddies in Brussels protection, the gang raping of this miserable country has only gotten worse. Its hard to prosper when a select group of people have every intention to deliberately keep you poor in order to exploit you economically and its even harder when said people are the ones in charge.

Virtually the only difference is the price you pay for commodities, the base material is worth the same everywhere. Because of the relatively small wages, local production is cheaper, so for example, a stay at 4 star hotel here costs 45€ / day, while in Germany you can rarely find Any under 110€ / day. Capitalism is a weird system.

Just look at the fact that even to this day east Germany is poorer than the western part. Without the unification and millions injected it'd still be a post communist shithole. Before communism tsarist Russia was backward as fuck too. Russian hegemony was a plague for eastern europe.

I can't
Artesian wells are not groundwater wells. They are unaffected by soil contamination
It does, when you can't drink tap water
Because it is unsafe to drink

>I've heard this from literally everyone. Everyone thinks they have the cleanest water. Even Indians think they have the cleanest water.

>jew this jew that

if you're a neo-nazi you probably know that slavs and gypsies are subhuman as well?

It breaks my heart to say it but we failed as a nation.
Democracy only brought scavengers, yugoslavian infrastructure quickly became private property of a handfull of individuals.
Scavenger politicians play identity politics on the predominantly uneducated sheeple while stealing up to 90% of our budget in their personal pockets. Check the literacy maps, lowest level of education in Europe, highest level of corruption in Europe including and especialy the judiciary.

After the yugoslavian infrastructure was seld out, our politicians weren't pleased with stealing just from the budget so they raised huge jewish loans from the imf and used them to embezzle even more money. Two years ago they loaned one billion euros(that's right, with a "b") so they can put ancient macedonian facades on our modernist buildings from the communism.

Someone should just fucking nuke us.

how the fuck are we (and anyone else) worse than bosnia?


>subhuman this subhuman that
>oy vey why are you blaming da Jooz, are you anti semitic, goy?

If you don't know anything about Romania or Eastern Europe in general then at least don't act like you do, you filthy rat. Take Mugur Isarescu for example. He has been the head of the National Romanian Bank since 1990. He is literally the longest lasting governor of a National Bank in the world, and that's right, you've guessed it he's also a Jew.

The Jews are the reason Romania is poor, its literally that simple.

Warsaw is not in greater Poland dipshit.
And on the side note: I never understood the hate towards Warsaw. For example yesterday I've heard a couple of guys from Lodz saying how shitty the city is. And when I realize that they spend 2hours a day on commuting to and from this city in a packed, shitsmelling train, i just want to laugh.

What's the point of the fucking EU, if we're on the same level as all the balkan shitholes even after 10 years in? The whole shitty union is just a money laundering scheme.

The infrastructure is likely to have been affected positively.

Can you look up the ethnicity of the oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine?

pretty much this

Bosnia has a higher percentage of Croats :)))))

>greater poland without warsaw
also your autism is out of place because whole poland except for Mazuria, and east of Mazovia is fairly developed

you're not doing anything special buddy.
by the way you and slovenes talk on this board, people would say you're on par with Switzerland.
you're still one of the poorest countries, in europe, deff in eu

I'd say they're somewhere in the middle when it comes to Europe.

Basically the same commies that destroyed the economy became patriotic capitalists overnight and bought off half of the country. It is getting a bit better because the EU is throwing some shekels our way to be good goys and not protest, but the recovery is extremely slow

>you're not doing anything special buddy.

>half our country got destroyed in ww2
>then we had the commie period where all yugoslavia was developed equally
>then half the country got destroyed again
>now after just 20 years we have double your GDP
I'd say we're doing something right.

>half our country got destroyed in ww2
kek, you handed your pussies to germans in a minute, don't lie you fuck.
it's know what countries were demolished the most, the ones where the biggest battles took, mainly shithole bosnia
>then half the country got destroyed again
> what half of country?are you retarded? vukovar and dubrovnik are not 50% of croatia.

>vukovar and dubrovnik are not 50% of croatia.
>because Vukovar and Dubrovnik are the only places fighting took place
Let me turn that around - are you retarded? Or simply uneducated?
I was literally born in the middle of an artillery barrage, because the hospital in Bjelovar was being shelled 24/7
And in my home town of Daruvar there was hardly a house without bullet holes. Some still do, and many were completely leveled. Just to be clear, that's 141 km west of Vukovar

so what, it still isn't even close to 50% of the country.

It's metaphorical.
>Much of the country*
There. Happy?

that's my point, with all the dick sucking of to krauts and the EU, you're not even two times better then bosnia. kek

Tbh our country is like a training ground for corrupt politicians... And almost nobody cares. The most you can get is some people cursing them in a bar, work, home, etc. and that's all.

Today i read one of the USR's flyers, it's hilarious how fucking stupid they think we are. Maybe most of the country is. Maybe not.

What's the minimum % of votes needed for election currently? I know they lower it every year kek

Only in the center of the capital. That's it.
I prefer to be out of the shitty union for less forced arabs on us and less emigration.
Our country will be in even deeper shit in 20 years with the low birtrate and the huge emigration because of the EU. So only future negatives and no positives.

>dick sucking of to krauts and the EU
What dick sucking?
Also, we joined the EU because it's in the personal interest of our politicians.
I could have told you from the start that it wouldn't be even remotely beneficial. But from what I hear you'll also be joining our little commie family soon, huh?

After the fall of the Berlin Wall Eastern Europe got:

- war (in ex-Yu, not so much in the Soviet bloc)
- multiple waves of criminal privatization, deliberately selling off viable production facilities for nothing to criminals and political mafia, then selling everything worthwhile off to foreigners
- politicians who are basically colonial governors working for the interests of the owner countries
- NGOs, educational and media organizations spewing propaganda 24/7, that aren't even being called out anymore (last time Soros was mentioned in ex-Yu was during the war) and ruining academia with western ideological bullshit
- artificially created "upper middle class/upper class" that's basically brainwashed retards
- criminal political caste that no one who's not in their dirty dealings can enter

tl;dr thanks Obama



fuck you all excuses look at spain we spent 40 years of dictatorship isolated from the rest of the world til 1975 and dispate the actual financial crisis we did very well really fast.

If Franco didn't kill the gommies you'd be Romania tier right now.