Sup Forums is now a civic nationalist board.
Sup Forums is now a civic nationalist board
Pol is now a Buddhist anarchist board
You can be White nationalist and still accept a limited amount of free negroes, provided they are exceptional individuals like the one pictured.
Sup Forums is now an Islamist board
You have NO reason to not want this man as a son-in-law.
Yeah exceptional negroes can become honorary whites
>living with hypocrisy
Fuck off nigger
Sup Forums is a White Nationalist board.
Looks like the future son of Bill Burr.
this famalam hail chink jesus
Sup Forums is now an anime board.
I'm a black American nationalist. And personally, I'd like to see a new mixed American identity so we can finally get rid of identity politics.
I honestly don't know how he does it. Black people, especially women, smell like shit all the time.
this tbqh habibi
I'm more of a cultural nationalist desu. I don't really care for your race, as long as you conform to our values and norms and aren't raping women for Allah
Eh, I guess I could settle for this. Less of your kind with a healthy culture would be ideal.
And maybe not even less just a healthier culture
There will always be white people, black people, or more lightly skinned / darker skinned peoples. Therefore, they will never stop with identity politics if it still gives them rewards.
but Sup Forums is a libertarian board.
>babbys first Nationalist movement
Only a delusional fool ignores the ability of the White race to manage other subspecies of humans for their own benefit.
I'm a white American nationalist and I agree. There not being an American identity anymore has been ignored for too long in favor of race baiting and other bullshit distractions.
Yeah, but if we stop immigration and let people make free decisions, the country will develop a new mixed identity based on that.
This is the best case scenario. Seek to preserve American values under the American people, regardless of race. This would include our Constitutional freedoms, as well as our free enterprise economic system with free, but fair trade.
Definitions of white, black, or Asian separate us. American must come first, and it must be defined by land, not by race.
Better to be Civic Nationalists than fucking liberal hipsters or full blown Commies.
Sup Forums is now an Ecofascist Neo-Luddite board
Sup Forums is now a NatSoc board
wtf I love jews now
>unironically wanting Anglo Brazil
>civic nationalist
why not just call yourself "dems r real racists" cuckservative who enabled these white guilt faggots?
White people are superior to everyone and there is nothing you can do about it