User, can you believe our country was stupid enough to elect Trump?

>user, can you believe our country was stupid enough to elect Trump?

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All you gotta do is talk about how hillary was sponsored by the top 1%...
Who can deny this being a problem? Unless your family is part of the 1% of course...

>sit down quietly
>offer to say Thanksgiving grace
>"Thank you, God, for President Donald Trump"
>fill up on liberal tears

>I know right? Anyway, here's my Christmas list

I hide the power level, since I still want free shit that I'd rather not buy myself.

Those people all look like upper middle class conservative leaning folks to me.

If your family doesn't share political ideals it's broken

>Sieg Heil
>Heil Trump
Watch them go silent

Statistically, the chance that an all white family would be entirely anti-Trump is quite low.

What a good little goy you are.

>he's never been to Massachusetts

>*adjust cape*
>*walk away*

That's how you do it.

For all the shit we get, Anti-Trump people are the absolute worst about having to vocalize their opinions. Even more so having lost. Even if 90% of the family are Trump voters, the 10% that are not will damn well make sure everyone knows it.

Why is this meme pushed by omega virgins on Sup Forums
Don't they know the majority of white women are Trump supporters

Nice try jew, causing division within families is a classic jewish tactic. Besides, most of my family voted Trump if they voted.

>tfw my entire family voted Trump and are all conservatives

Eh, even there friend. I hear you, but odds are you've got an ally or two being tactful at the table.

My parents asked me not to bring up politics cause my sister is super salty and they know how easy I get under her skin.

If she brings it up I'm supposed to just be passive about the conversation.

What do Sup Forums? She's the only one of us who voted for Hillary

>Scott get out of my seat.

Can you believe Hillary Clinton was stupid enough to employ a pied pipper strategy? And she actually got her choice?

Trigger her for lulz

Just say the DNC fucked itself over by not nominating Bernie. It's the best way to be anti Hillary without directly supporting Trump

Respect your parents wishes as long as she remains silent. If she lets out a peep then destroy her.

"Hillary sold classified information and wepons to Saudi Arabia. There is documented proof on wikileaks. If you refuse to acknowledge this, you mist accept you are willfully ignorant and vote based on sex."

Only retarded Liberals and Conservatives will bring up politics.

Call her out on her bullshit. When you let one member of the family get away with shit they become conditioned to whine until they get what they want.

It's how SJWs grew under tolerant liberalism.

My family is very politically divided, we have a strict rule to keep all political arguements on kikebook and only kikebook

My nigga

Aunt Cathy did you make your famous mashed potatoes again this year?

Yeah, at least one or two would be pro-Trump, especially if out of state.

>Sanders should have won.

>tfw I pissed of my entire cuckservitive family when I called my grandpa a good goy and said that Hitler did nothing wrong when he started babbling on about the war

I would sperg out and yell at them about Gassing the Kikes and sending Nigger apes back to Apefrica.

I'm getting too senile to care.

Walk past her and whisper "Trump won"


>Tfw you live in an all Mormon family
Man fuck Utah

Roman Catholic possibly Jesuits


If she brings it up she's clearly looking for an argument.

Put her in her place if she doesn't have the humility to accept defeat.

Replace that family with a bunch on ignorant spics and you know the minefield of salt I'm entering tonight.

All you need is one anti-trump person in the family and everybody gets an email not to talk politics.

I am sorry you cant bring your black boyfriend home for Thanksgiving

>To be honest I think it's more of the democrats fault.

>Bernie Sanders has even said it. Trump captured the heart of the Middle Class. Whether or not he's good for the Middle Class is moot. He convinced them he was.

>You can't blame the voter for voting. You have to look at who the parties were offering, and their platforms.

>And it's pretty clear the Democrats alienated the white, middle class when the white, middle class was still a major power bloc in elections.

That's how I do it. If you don't wanna reveal your power level, position yourself as someone who was for neither candidate, then spend the entire time shitting on the democrat's election strategy. Because by god, was it a horrible strategy.

Just drive home the fact that democrats lost to the guy when they had him saying "Grab them by the pussy" on tape.

There is no reason for that. It's like they brought the special ED kid into AP Calculus, and the retard aced the test while the rest of the class bombed.

You don't need to congratulate the retard. It's okay to shit on the rest of the class.


>my sister who is a huge Bernie supporter and generally worthless layabout was in town
>I figured it had been a long time since the family was all together so I invited everyone out to dinner
>we were mostly having a good time
>degenerate sister was talking about how her Dr. Who tattoo was almost done with brought uproarious laughter and joy to all at the table
>I decided now was time to trigger her
>I looked at her and said "Trump"
>she flies off the handle
>calls him a racist, rapist, and whatever else Comedy Central told her to repeat
>starts crying
>fully triggered
>starts telling us she was raped
>complaining she is addicted to Oxycontin
>all our fault, of course
>storms off from the table
>parents agree it will be awhile until we invite her to dinner again

I swear the proceeding story is true.

Same, I can't imagine how horrible it must be having to be around relatives that are Hilary voters and sjw.

Can you believe the majority of Americans rejected a dying corrupt homosexual pedophile?

>I swear the proceeding story is true.

Nigger you better have a good story after a cliff hanger like that.

Unless you meant the "preceding" story, in which case, fuck you for teasing me.

This is a good tactic.

Whenever they bring up how mean Trump is, just remind them that Hillary was worse and she only got the nomination by cheating.

I can believe it. The USA is full of stupid faggots.

>tfw you personally redpilled your entire family and convinced them to vote for trump


>"I wouldn't call it stupid."

>Dr. Who tattoo

You should remind every day how fucking lame she is for getting that.

Our country? :DDDD

Are you sure you aren't the stupid ones here??? :DDDD


Haha if i was an oxycontin abuser, id be upset about a Trump presidency too.

yeh hehe...


>be chink
>family thanksgiving
>everyone is a businessmen or high government officer
>mfw everyone starts partying over how Trump won
everything worked out better than expected

>talking to liberal and overall failure in life aunt this past week
>Goes on and on about how trump doesn't want to adhere to dated "traditions" like staying the white House and having a press pool.
>Tell her who cares where he stays as long as he does a good job and the press are lying snakes and don't even like him anyway
>she says it's because he's an idiot
>tell her how they are all in aunty clintons pocket and emails showed they even would get preapproval from her before posting certain articles
>She says it's well known that the wiki leaks email are doctored
>Tell her she's wrong ala trump (Kek) and that she's being willfully ignorant since the FBI had a whole investigation into them and wiki leaks has never been proven false and has plenty that proved them truthful.
>She calls me a fascist and cries about them cutting her social security again
If that whore says anything today I'm going to tell her nobody wants to hear it anymore

>tfw my family will be the complete opposite of this



just a leaf...

Reminds me of family gatherings in my Catholic upbringing desu.

>big family dinner
>half Portuguese
>they shout every word
>chew like animals
>talk shit in Portuguese then smile at you

Id welcome the distraction

Loaded question fallacy

>I'm not a drug addict xD fucking junkie scum

Check your priv fgt.. Not everyone's brain receptors are the same and oxy is sometimes the only option!!!!!

Take out your notebook.
Write down all quotes
Write down names
Write down addresses
Make sure that notebook has a cover with gold embossed title "Watch List"
Put on your full length black leather trench coat.
Click heels

Sorry, I meant preceding.

>Roll up my sleeve
>they see my pepe tattoo
>everyone is visibly shaken, dad stutters "y-you're part of the alt-right"
>I exclaim "Hail Trump!" victoriously
>all the women start crying as my penis grows erect
>proceed to fuck them all raw while calling the men out as the cucks they are
>the women become my good Trumpist bitches while the men go commit mass suicide
>singlehandedly impregnate a dozen women with my manhood
>thanks to all the Super Male Vitality ive been taking I'm so much man that all my kids are born as privileged straight white men
>raise my offspring to become redpilled alpha males according to the rules set out in gorilla mindset
>they eventually become the leaders of the free world and get rid of all those god damn kikes and niggers


The ultimate trump card, to be played when she obviously is trying to start an argument whilst she knows the rest will pander to her in order to not let the dinner go to shit:

>Our parents warned me that you might try to bring politics into Thanksgiving and asked me not to respond to it. I respect that and I suggest you do the same.

This will allow you to keep the peace, respect your parent's wishes and subtly tell her that everyone is onto her bullshit and talking about how to make her behave behind her back like the giant child she is

Try to not lay too much emphasis on the parent part, or else you might embarrass them or seem like a tattling child

God-Emperor Trump is my president.

Fuck 12.

>She's the only one of us who voted for Hillary

If you're the majority then what's the issue? Just stop being cucks and bully her way into Trump train

Nice job

Shit man, literally just had that convo here. Just shrugged and told them, "I must be stupid, I guess."


your suppose to say maga not amen