Is this real life anymore?
Russia's border doesn't end anywhere, Vladimir Putin says
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It all belongs to Mother Russia
What did he mean by this?
Gib clay.
mmmerely taken out of concept.
We are the globalists now.
Give Alaska, Arkansas and Michigan back, rightful Russian clay
The globalists will win in the end. Anything we do just delays their plans by a few years.
everything is just rightful russian clay.
>biggest red pill
>colonist were really russian sleepers
>America is nothing more than a russian proxy state to show how capitalism fails
>Russia is love
>Russia is life
I wouldn't give two shits if Russia took back Ukraine and Belarus, but if Russia touches any of our fucking clay it's on
>our clay
>assuming everything isn't russian clay
>stupid fucking burger
The goyim know. Shut it down.
Did he mean
A) Globalism
B) The world belongs to Russia
hmmmm...what could they mean by this?
gee, i wonder who is behind this post
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''your"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" clay
happy thanksgiving ya cunt
>implying Russia isn't American clay
in the end, it all belongs to us.
Aztlan belongs to the Rodina.
fuck off, commie traitor
russia is older, superior, has more nukes, has better woman, hates the jew more, has more clay, do i need to go on user?
>The globalists
Oh you... it's the "discalists" of course.
мы хoтим миp
Flat-earthers BTFO.
Did any of you retarda actually watch the video? He was talking about "border doesn't end" when talking about how they won the space race.
>Arkansas & Michigan
They aren't a country then. Russian territory is up for grabs then I guess.
Except they didn't win. We did
But user only two of those things are true
"When the Russian Tsar fishes, World can wait."
They were literally first at everything.
I second this, Russia in all honesty won by quantity of achievement, but we were still the first to put a man on the moon so there's that I guess.
USSR 2.0 incoming.
>What do you have for us?
>I know all borders, all country shapes and capitals.
>So where does the Russian border end?
>The Russian border ends through Bering strait, with USA.
>The borders of Russia don't end anywhere!
>But it's a joke!
He means that Trump is our plant and now US belongs to Russia.
>Arkansas and Michigan
I guess freedom was nice while it lasted.
Yeah and no one gives a shit about that because 1.) Its obviously fake and 2.) Accomplished nothing. Russia says its borders don't end because they will colonize mars.
one rubl was deposited to your account
git gud pham
I don't have any problem with that as long as they sign an agreement of not opening portals to hell.
he means that you can walk along the border forever
It begins.
Based Putin memeing again.
Russian banter knows no bounds.
This pic just gave me cancer. Thanks asshole.
Visit Russia before Russia visits you
That doesn't change the fact that it is our clay first.
>all land under the eagle's wing
o fugg
i thought russia sold alaska because they couldnt defend it from the british empire and if the british were right on their doorstep that would be very bad for them, so they sold it to america
Get raked.
I noticed they've been promoting the ideal of a Russian Orthodox army sweeping the earth in their moves. Reminds me of the old commie propaganda.
Is he going to give that kid his kiss of putin? Muh growbawwizm. Muh war with iran. I mean russia. Muh rothschild commerce secretary
They was the best deal we ever made since the Louisiana Purchase.
It's true though. You guys didn't know what you were selling. You could've had a nice plot of North American soil, but you sold it.
They were also desperate for money during that time.
Russia has always spent too much money on wars.
>tfw the midwest was french
>tfw the midwesterners are the biggest french bashers in the US
Will Russia ever give up Konigsberg and the Kurils?
Open borders!
Where does the perimeter of a circle end?
>with Trumps help
>the midwest was french
except that's completely wrong. It was german.
Everyone who sold their colonies in North America was in a dreadful need for money and knew it was just a question of time between either the british or the americans took it thanks to demography.
You still find royalists whining about New France today but objectively unless the royalty sent brutally millions of french in North America (which they had probably no intention to do) in 1800it was only a matter of time before eiter the british colons or the US colonies tried to claim it.
Alsace is rightful french clay !
Anyway the germans arrived mostly after 1820 until WW1, it wasn't really populated until then.
Owned by the French and then later populated by Germans and so on.
Alaska, Yukon, Oregon, Washington. That will be enough.
He means it loops back on itself, like a circle or any polygon.
>Arkansas and Michigan
It was an important duchy in the Holy Roman Empire. One of Alsace's dukes was the Emperor
Don't listen to the shills they want to divide the soon to be Super alliance of Trumps America And Putin's Russia.
Shills will do anything to free the West
>Alsace is rightful french clay !
kek will smite you for eating frogs
The world belongs to the fascists.
and it's bad how
Prepare to give Alaska back, silly Drumpf supporters who think befriending Russia will turn out good.
> tfw you claimed the richest agricultural land in the New World and sent a bunch of fat bastards with beads to run trading outposts in it
Russian world is everywhere where Russians are.
Well, he's technically right.
It's a closed curve. No beginning or end.
>first flight
>first sputnik
>first landed on the speck of stone and dust
>people still can't agree whether that was real or fake
That's Spartan as fuck Vlad.
>When asked 'how far Sparta's boundaries stretched" King Agesilaus' replied "As far as this can reach" brandishing his spear.
tfw, visited Crimea before it became russian and then visited it again.
>get Alaska and all its resources
>still stay poor as fuck because of corruption
>Remember slavaboos, Russia is your friend! J-just protecting our national interests! :)
he said it was a joke right at the end.
"eto shootka"
means "it's a joke"
russia strongk
and? any difference?
help us anglo, ill grant you aryan blood from our western neighbours
it's just a prank bro
I'm not your fucking bro, muhammad.
You will never take our Arkansan Ultisol.
He can have us as long as he builds a wall between you and us
t. Mitten
I have a better pic 4 you
>Europoor in charge of American history
Why would they? They are unopposed.
you know that we have not got the money for Alaska? the ship that was carrying gold sank, so technically the transaction is not completed.
less extremism, more freedom, 2mm+ russian citizens
He meant that Russia is inside every Russian and always with you, and you don't stop being Russian just by crossing some geographical border. So there is no Russian borders for those who were born inside Russian borders. For Russians borders really don't play a big role since you can travel Russia all your life in all directions and always stay in Russia. In some small country - you can travel 1 day and thats it - this is the end of you world. So geography has a specific meaning to us.
Very simple idea that can be very easily be misunderstood and misinterpreted. He said to a little boy and not to some world leaders on the international summit so mind that. But of course Western propaganda machine will use this quote out of context to further portray Russia as the imperialistic monster.