Are you
>Team Maaaaynestreeem Meeeteeeor
>Team Richard 'Sperglord Naziboo' Spencer
Post memes to show your allegiance.
Are you
>Team Maaaaynestreeem Meeeteeeor
>Team Richard 'Sperglord Naziboo' Spencer
Post memes to show your allegiance.
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New Right
Fuck that Larping manchild Spencer
Fucking neither this movement is reddit tier and ontop of that there are so many different parts of it that you cant even generalize everybody under the same fucking label.
Seriously this is right wing identity politics and it needs to fucking stop
>stormweenies are okay with this savages living longside Europeans because of "muh white nationalism"
There is no team Spencer he is a fake made up by all the Jews in the media.
>they had no impact on the election
well gee that's convenient isn't it
>New Right
Just a bunch of #spiritcooking deniers and pedo enablers.
Thanks for correcting the record (((OP)))).
I was never part of alt-right or the nu-right.
The Alt Right doesn't fucking exist
>PJW starting to use buzzwords "dark" and "fester".
>The entire """"alt right"""" movement was about wearing silly hats and "having fun"
If this faggot is just shedding a label that's been tarnished, I get it. But there's no indication that that's what he's doing.
The only indication he's giving is that he's an opportunistic retard who thinks that at the very time the alt right achieved it's greatest success and influence, it's time to jump ship and degrade everything it was ever about.
What a fucking myopic retard.
This is literally this shit they did with "New Atheism"
Fuck Paulog Josiah Watermanson
He is a retard that people think is smart because he has a Cheeky Bongland accent
You're literally a fucking moron.
>D&Cing this hard
Has (((Watson))) been one of the chosen all along?
The New Right is even gayer than the Alt Right, literally NuMale tier. Stop twisting the word right-wing into a pretzel, it's ok, you're all Nazis in the face of the left anyways
I only pledge alligance to my king and the church.Fuck Masons,Jews and niggers
Why are people obsessed with coining meaningless terms?
Spencer and the 'alt-right' have been around for years. It's only after that faggot Milo took it on that it became popular and turned into something else.
Spencer is the actual founder and creator of what everyone refers to as the 'alt-right'
Hey look, they found a way to try to paint a blue pill red. Coating scratches off though.
As a liberal, I find ironic racist Sup Forums new right hipsters more vomit inducing than even the most hardcore bigoted neo-nazi. And I bet you it's one of the few things that neo-nazi would agree with me on 100%
So you're a pro open borders Saudi-loving neocuck
Fuck the alt right, fuck the new right. National socialism and fascism has no place being grouped in with those faggots.
they're both faggots, jesus fuck, all PJW had to do was come here for 2 seconds and see all the flags and brazilian and indian posters
Sounds like not all Muslims. Sup Forums BTFO ONCE AND FOR ALL
PJW seems confused actually, now I find he's also a 'Classic Liberal'
Before the election
>The left is eating itself, kek! My how the pendulum swings!
After the election
>Fuck the alt-right, hurray for nuright!
It's almost as if the alt-right gained traction in the MSM only to vilify people voting for trump, to get people to turn on each other - is this a divide and conquer tactic?
Wow no wonder your sad little island never became a real nation.
"Post your hue hue goy, split yourselves up like we planned you to do!"
Seriously, enjoy having the euro as your currency, giving into jewish subversion without a fight is the true sign of a Brit.
In the United States we believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Ranting about gassing the jews and right wing death squads is a dark minority corner.
Race wars and #BLM bullshit is not what the movement is about, it's a distraction.
I am not a sheep who follows some random e celeb retard. If you are one you need to fuck off.
If you don't want America to become México you are an SJW, goy :^)
>New Right
nu right
>Spencer is the actual founder and creator of what everyone refers to as the 'alt-right'
Yeah, but Milo etc. are who actually made it "popular".
You can cry "CO-OPTING MUH MOVEMENT" all you want, and yeah, they did, successfully.
It's hilarious how stormweenies denounce Milo and jubilate how successful their movement is, in the same breath; No, you dumb stormfaggots, your movement is not popular, Milos is.
That being said, all these fucking "movements" are retarded. Watson is correct in that its just turning into identity politics.
I don't even see why people think the alt right are "nazis", their faggot leader did a couple salutes and thats it. The rest of of the "alt right" as we saw launched a massive damage control operation.
>I'm a classic liberal
>That man is attacking me, he called me a classic liberal!
>I'am a classic liberal
>stormfags getting cucked in real time
lel. get fucked.
>oy vey these white goyim are starting to figure out how to work for their self interests!
They helped in getting trump elected but now they're just useless, they need to get redpilled or gtfo.
Stop trying to divide us, we work towards a common goal so what does it matter?
>identity politics
Yeah, right. Either you "save" Western civilization so the people living there are Asian and black or you save Western civilization so the people living there are white and native.
You cannot be a nationalist and you cannot be against the globalist agenda unless you are against mass non-white immigration.
Anyone that disagrees with me is wrong. It is not like being a SJW, it's a fact that if we don't start protecting whites and white interests, whites will be mixed and their own home countries controlled by non-white immigrants.
Classic liberals are equivalent to modern day conservatives.
The meaning of a liberal has changed.
In the future I can see being called a liberal an insult.
>MSM sings one tune
>(((((((redpilled internet news coverage))))) sings another tune
here, take the superior minimalist merchant
My god the right has become as autistic as the left
>'N-no this is m-my movement!'
'You're not the real right I am REEEEE'
I have never seen a psyop as affective as this current one. First people got played on twitter regarding that time wasting PIZZAGATE shit.
Now everyone on Sup Forums is being manipulated into joining a concern troll brigade regarding spencer.
FFS you are all such weak pussies.
We don't give a fuck about Race. We care about America and her freedom.
Sign the pledge!
Infowars has always been controlled opposition, just watch Alex Jones' debate with David Duke where Alex' kike producer comes on camera and spergs the fuck out on Duke, shit was hilarious.
Spencer did nothing wrong, fuck all you kike shills.
People with his accent are generally looked at as stupid in the UK
t. I lived in the city he's from
Let's pay attention to the MSM? What's your endgame?
Angela Merkel can describe herself as a civic nationalist. It means nothing. White nationalism or bust. Those who've taken Spencer acting like a sperg as an opportunity to try to turn the movement in a different direction are all crypto-kikes. They've outed themselves and they can fuck off now.
team maynestream meteor are newfags and shills, majority are somewhere inbetween the two camps you listed. it's not an either/or-situation
Stormcucks push glorified sharia law repackaged for white people, fuck them
>he doesnt know the "New Right" was created by us to get normies on board and normalize right wing ideals with millennials for the time being
I just wish these fags would leave or get redpilled. Everyday I lose more hope in pol seeing this shit.
Not having a sperge lord as a leader of a group of sperge lords
If Spencer is the alternative right then it is career suicide as well as intellectual suicide to remain under that label.
Spencer and his ilk are a minority thankfully and I would not want to be represented by such untermensh.
Stormniggers will hang on the day of rope. Culture is far more important than ethnicity and fascism only breeds corruption.
I have no idea who is Jewing who anymore
>normalize right wing ideals
Like how natonalism is bad?
Let's all be libertarians!
You know everybody can see you samefagging like a fucking faggot, right?
My main problem is the endless fucking larping.
Alt-right group created by Media.
No one called themself alt-right until Media claim it.
Look, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with either Spencer or Watson. I just think Watson is naïve if he thinks ethnicity is independent from culture.
This bickering however is counterproductive. If anything shills like OP keeping this going are the real "controlled opposition".
>Culture is far more important than ethnicity
thats a good laugh. going to tell my family that joke over dinner tonight
Stop trying to make your own definition of redpilled. Redpilled means many things and one thing it doesn't mean is identity bullshit. Believing in neo-nazi garbage is just as much bluepilled as anything else. Redpilled is being able to see the big picture without preconceptions. Fools.
so redpill me then do I just need to spam gas all jews, race war now, and right wing death squads to be redpilled?
Discrimination and rules are one thing, but you are going to have a hard time selling genocide to sane moral people.
Shills please go.
We need a 'new right' as much as we need a white nationalist movement.
Shift the Overton window to the right. Trump did an interesting thing in mobilizing former blue-dog democrats to vote as a group with other undereducated whites.
From there, a new right should be built. Neoconservatism has to go, and if the left doesn't shirk globalism either, it's going to undergo a radical, violent change.
And, yeah, it is identity politics, I guess. Creating identity politics for white people shifts them over to right-wing ideals and keeps them there, though.
>It doesn't matter if whites die out as long as the blacks/spics/muslims "share our values"
Oh look we're right back at the cuckservative media approved opinion
The Alt right is a blanket term for anyone who is right wing but doesn't fit into the Christian Conservative America right.
They aren't a single group with a single ideology, other then they love America. This meme needs to die.
Look at that faggot. Beat him in WW2 and would do it again. Little manchild with his faggot mustache. He didn't stand a chance.
white ain't an ethnicity
And Paul is bending his fucking knee again as soon as someone steps out of line in the movement. That's what a SJW and regressive left does Paul, they throw everyone under the bus as soon as they come under some scrutany, thanks for showing where your allegiance lies, faggot.
Fuck off leaf, pol has always been predominantly natsoc/fash since before this election. It's what everyone considered being "redpilled"
>Classic liberals are equivalent to modern day conservatives
You're an idiot. A classical liberal is more like a proto-Libertarian.
Modern day conservatives are a bunch of corporatist cucks with no love for liberty whatsoever.
t. "oldfag" who didn't even know this place has IDs and samefagged four times in this thread
>I'm so scared of the Left and the media, they might call me a Nazi now!
>anyone who doesn't fit into Christian conservative America right
translation: everyone who is a selfish, culturally Marxist brainwashed degenerate.
leave me alone in my feels desu
PJW is a cuck lol. Shills must think we like him.
Oh wow what a fucking cuck race traitor.
Maybe people like Gavin Mcinnes are right when they tried to push the Alt-Right as an umbrella with a wide spectrum of views. It's not too late to keep things this way. Paul Joseph Watson is just a really weak follower, be basically copies Cernovich's lead and has never really been credited with anything substantial at all. He is a loser and before "alt-right" the Info Wars group called themselves Alternative Media.
Can you only think in fucking binary terms?
pol has always been natsoc, being natsoc or fascist has always been the majoring factor in being able to call yourself "redpilled"
leafposting at It's finest.
you fuck off burger. I've been using Sup Forums forever. They didn't create the term redpill. There was a movie that came out when you were a baby called the Matrix. I suggest you watch it.
fuck off newfag
Ok this is what happened.
The alt-right was this clique of twitter politically incorrect bunch that memed for Trump outside of Sup Forums, there were some operational corssovers but thats it.
Agter trump won, Sup Forums revealed its power level and got called on its bullshit because we -are- right wing SJW. Just look at this board ffs.
They are both fucking faggots t b h f a m
Nigger I knew what I was doing, I wanted to post pictures so I went on a ramble linking my posts.
Except sites like the Dailystormer and TRS have seen an explosion in visits in recent years and it is something that is genuinely growing quickly. Why "coopt" something in the first place if it didn't seem like something successful? Milo is frankly just as irrelevant as the alt-right, he's from the UK but I guarantee 99.99% of Brits have no idea who he is.
>we need to save Europe from multiculturalism and Muslims
>what? keep Europe and America white? No thank you, we want it black and brown
LMAO Even the defenders of the white race are cucks.
Daily reminder that stormfaggots are literally der untermensch.
t. a literal jew
I'm glad Richard had the people Sieg Heiling. We don't need cucks that are afraid to be called a Nazi. It's weakness, the word has lost all it's sting.