
Fucking nice.

>the left wing seems to be particularly salty

Conan got ass blasted on his own twitter. Hahahahaha

I thought Irishman were immune to cucking like this. Irish fought tooth and nail to get any respect in this world. Connor should slap him

Thanksgiving is the celebration of genocide. Native Americans are still fighting for their land to this day.

I recall the redskins selling their acres of land for beads and blankets



Being a celebrity makes you a cuckold softy.

It is part of the jewllywood contract.

Literally one tribe did this

Nice, lol

MA is fucking pathetic and so are it's sons.

Not funny

Is Sup Forums 13?

Too late no backsies.

jesus h fuck he's a creepy bastard


That would be Indian giving

> Native Americans are still fighting for their land to this day.

By doing what? Running casinos and getting drunk?

I hate Irish Americans so much

Who's this semen demon?

I seem to also recall white men selling their land to the rich and their agendas for "muh jerbs" and "don't give muh tax dollars to niggers!"

What now, faggot?

Here's a clue. Look at the first two letters of your ID.

t. Conan

Jesus that was pathetic

Go back to r.eddit

Or neither jokes were funny at all

I used to really like Conan.

Why he does this, Trump went to his show at NBC several times because of The Apprentice...

Its almost as if this thread was designed to occupy our time with meaningless bullshit.

Is meat being angry an actual phrase or does this not even make sense as a joke

Nice non-argument. Now whine some more as your country is being "taken" from you as you continue to zealously and excitedly hand it over tot the rich, who then replace you with third worlders, you fucking idiot. Frankly, you deserve everything you get for being stupid.

>white men
>after trump won
Shouldn't jokes make sense?

Naw, just someone against someone on the left so faggots applaud them,

He is a leaf

is this post supposed to make sense?


I miss the miliband memes


Hold the fuck up. Conan is a leftie but he is one of the least obnoxious ones. Like Zizek. He never had lefty propaganda on his show before the election

>fuck you don't ruin Conan for me

fucken owned

for the past year conan has become the biggest lefty cocksucker on tv. He is even sometimes worse then current year man and stephen colbert. I used to really like him too but his constant bad jokes about trump just drove me away. If you gonna make a joke about trump at least make it funny.

Conan has sucked for ten years.


Even though you're a Leaf, I agree.

>If you're gonna insult me do It properly

But it is the democrats who want to import more turd world trash in the US.

I think you misspelled 'being drunk all day'

This. His joke is stupid to begin with.


What did he mean by this?

conan was great
until taking over jay leno's spot got to his head
he's been nothing since then

The first time I looked at his picture I was most certain that I saw a red-head jew with a jew nose wearing a blue yarmulke.