Will trump prosecute Hillary or not?
Will trump prosecute Hillary or not?
his advisors don't want him too
I think he won't be able to. At best, he can make what she did before have harsh consequences, but I doubt he can make them apply to her
(((they))) wont let him
No, I dont think he is going to do anything really. He's backtracked, back-slid, softened or reversed on about everything now. Theres nothing left for him to reverse on.
How is he going to do that? Hillary secretly met with Jill Stein to have a (((recount))) in three key states. The recount will show HIllary won all along, and Trump will die shortly after under mysterious circumstances. (screen shot this. The plans are already in action)
He won't. The people he puts in positions of power will.
Hillary is still going to jail, it just won't be Trump who is directly responsible for it. It would be a terrible move for him to pursue Hillary, in a lot of eyes it would make Trump look like a dictator and a spiteful thin skinned angry man who takes out his political opponents.
It's better for him to keep his hands clean. If he can simply make sure his 100 day plan is fulfilled he is going to be received much better than if he started his presidency by taking out the person who ran against him.
There are a lot of complications here.
Wasn't Wall confirmed?
Record: Corrected
Yes, but the shills keep pushing the angle that Trump is breaking all his promises and softening his stances. Complete bullshit.
We'll see in 2017.
But I never thought this was a good idea since it would make a nation look bad if a president directly prosecuted a former rival candidate. I didn't even believe he was going to do that when he said it during the 2nd debate, it felt like a trick to me, to throw her off balance.
She deserves to be jailed though, no question about it. She is still under FBI investigation for her foundation so we'll see what happens.
I don't know the rules exactly but Hillary conceded already.
Jill Stein doesn't like or have any ties to Hillary.
What she is doing is just a scam. She is scamming millions of shekels out of liberals who wanted Hillary to win.
One of the states they're checking doesn't even have voting machines. This is the most blatant scam I've seen since Bernie ran for president.
He will. He's just acting nice and playing the game of politics until he's in. Plus "he" can't do anything about it, only a prosecutor can. She will be indicted months after he's in. He's trying to calm the media and the libtards. People who say he's backtracking don't understand politics, esp American politics.
It is not Mr. Trump's position to prosecute.
Hm.. i dont think that Trump will do anything aganist Hillary Clinton. Clinton will be a free woman
No. Putting a former political opponent in prison, no matter how corrupt, will just cause more problems than it's worth.
The best case scenario is many months of media accusations of Trump being a corrupt politician who is trying to establish a dictatorship, as well as terrible approval ratings.
The worst case scenario is impeachment.
Most likely scenario is either nothing or
Trump is playing 5d intergalactic chess with her.
>double digits will confirm
Retribution will come unexpected to the Clintons by the hand of Trump.
Hopefully not, they have shit on the Clintons, but the Clinton have a lot of influence. It would be better to have them by the balls and use them rather than imprisoning Crooked.
An important virtue of any great emperor is to be merciful.
> All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Trump has already many of those and he needs to keep them. It will be hard, because he is surrounded by snakes.
I feel bad for people who unironically thought trump would prosecute her. Some people are really fucking stupid. I wouldve voted for trump but that doesnt mean im gonna believe everything he says holy shit you guys.
Here's a list (screecap it if you want) of things trump will never do
- deport 11millions
- restrict abortion
- he will not stop any '''''''''''''''progress''''''''''''' such as gay rights, pornography and tranny rights
- prosecute hillary
- at best, mexico will pay a fraction of the wall
- bring back manufacturer jobs
- decrease or even stop the national debt apocalypse
- slow down immigration or the white population decrease
- he's probably not going to stop any muslim immigration. If he does it's gonna be at a insignificant rate
feel free to give an argument you braindead autist
pro tip : you wont
Obama already reveled him that Hillary has been dead for months