What eyecolor is this? Pls help
What eyecolor is this? Pls help
Look at the light faggot no one can tell shit with that shitty res and lighting
looks nigger to me
Shit colored, Mehmet
Nigger faggot.
Kys, Achmed.
Looks latinoamerican
the colour of the dick that fucked your mom last night
Nevermind its grey
straight to the gas chamber
wat eycolurr is dis?
dark green / brown cant tell cuz of light
Stop raping my eyes, Hans.
Go back to mexico, Fritz.
Am I white, superhuman masters?
stup rarpen me ees hurns
It's the wrong color.
Der Autismus levitiert in diesem Beitrag, mich deucht er wird stärker.
Am I white Sup Forums?
Explain yourself.
Sorry lad, you have nigger hair.
sorry it fell off after i scratched my eyesocket
I only have THICC eyebrows, I swear!
Sorry, oven is already preheated.
Jk, even people with blond hair have brown or even black eyebrowns.
Thanks for being so understanding. Now let's measure cock sizes my donger is 18.5 cm
Rate my eye