Do Americans actually think Donald Trump can reverse what has already been done? Me and nearly every other sane person realise that America is done.
Do Americans actually think Donald Trump can reverse what has already been done...
i just want a wall
>Me and nearly every other sane person realise that America is done.
Reverse what?
The damage that has already been dealt. You're finished. What baffles me is why don't you just pack it in?
>Me and nearly every other sane person realise that brexit will never happen
>Me and nearly every other sane person realise that trump will never be elected
Now that TPP is dead I just hope he removes Muslims and Mexicans. Don't care what else he does desu
But he won't remove muslims and mexicans.
>Do Americans actually think Donald Trump can reverse what has already been done?
No, but he can set us up to win a civil war that absolutely can change what has been done.
>What baffles me is why don't you just pack it in?
And do what?
Please be more specific.
Your demographics are fucked beyond reapair. Building a wall won't just magically make you white again.
> Me and nearly every other sane person realise that America is done.
>Me and nearly every other sane person
>Me and
Bongs in charge of knowing the language they spread around the fucking world.
Why did you vote brexit? nearly every sane person can see the UKs economy is finished.
So your advice is "Just give up"? Answer me, faggot.
If he starts deporting illegals then their demographics are going to shift rapidly. Why they're not doing this already is a complete fucking mystery.
Yeah, you may aswell
>shift rapidly
Highly doubt that
t. Assayid Al-Mohakkmood
Alright faggot, stop sliding real threads.
To all observers: Sup Forums is still under attack. Do not participate in frivolous threads. Suspend your interest in such threads for 2 more months. Right now we need to focus on american/world corruption.
Search for threads about: cfg, pedo, korea, twitter, kanye, ???
Ignore all : who is this 4 chan?, athiest debate me, racemixing, ___ did nothing wrong, etc.
Just hold off on the usual funposting for a bit, because the usual channels of inquery are literally being shut down. See twitter, reddit, news orgs, fbi, etc
Trump doesn't take office until January. When he does start deportations, he'll do so through the patriot act.
>Highly doubt that
They've got literally millions of illegals over there.
How did they even let it get that bad? fucking hell
You're right Brit ... we're done. C'mon over and take back what's yours
Reversing race demographics won't happen.
But preserving american culture is possible. Basically it needs to be socially unacceptable to NOT integrate. This is what bullying is. Bullying is necessary because it is basically forcing people to conform to social norms. It needs to be acceptable again to bully and ostracize immigrants so they do everything possible to "become american".
>being shit talked by a country have the size of California
we should have let Hitler raze your stupid island
What did Kek mean by this?
By having a porous border with an imploding third world country and being so slack about it that even their presidential candidates hire illegals. And to top it off, they even let them vote.
>yeah dude we should just give up!! XDDD
Fuck off, bong. Nothing is magically unfixable
>Lives in Londonistan
>Thinks American is done
Closing the borders is the first and MOST IMPORTANT step in stabilizing demographics. If he does just that then he will have been the best president in half a century already.
>Me and nearly every other sane person
the correct grammar is "nearly every other sane person and I" fucking paki
>Do Americans actually think Donald Trump can reverse what has already been done?
Probably not, but we've got to fucking try.
>e and nearly every other sane person realise that America is done.
Maybe, but we'll go down fighting.
posting relevant pic
No, we don't let them vote. Only shitholes like California and Jew York let them vote
What the kikes don't want you to know is that we whites have the power to crush our enemies and slaughter the barbarian hordes. This isn't the first time in history that white regions have been overrun by shitskins and need a purge.