‘massive giveaway’ to richest 1%

You people are fucking morons and literally voted against your own interests. Congrats fuckwits.


I am sure experts will be right this time

even though they were wrong all year long :)

Of course Sup Forums has nothing to say about this, cowards. You guys fucked up by helping this guy get elected.

Not sure what you mean, they're spot on with this dolt.

Fuck off shills.

Rich people deserve less taxes

>Implying the rich paid taxes to begin with.
GTFO concern troll

Sure thing bud. Happy thanksgiving, see you next fall

Nope. The wealthy sit on their money to accrue more of it, literally contributing nothing to the economy. They're the leaches of society.

>put money in the pockets of the white middle class
>cut the bennies of the nigs and spics

Trump's tax plan is a slice of pumpkin pie with a dollop of cool whip right on top.

Their tax bill will still be higher than your annual salaries

Did you fucking read the article, this is an anti-working class move. How much fucking money does one need, yet so many suffer and aren't paid a livable wage?

Why not cut the exorbitant military budget? Those people are basically on welfare with overbloated government contracts.

>MFW I sleep comfy every night

The left, and you, are scum. Extreme PC led to the popularity of Trump. He needs to destroy their freedom of speech.

After that hopefully the left will become more reasonable like it was decades ago.

I can't stand extreme PC fascism, for the record. Neoliberal ideology is indeed a cancer. Both extremes of the political spectrum are WRONG. If you're against freedom of speech and for censorship, I don't fuck with you.

>Implying every pro-trump, pro-right moron on this board isn't a paid shill

>haha! it was all just a ruse to get back at le sjws!

Be quiet, criminal. Your betters are speaking.

No that would be Democrats and niggers.

The richest are the ones that are benefiting from it the most because they are the ones that spend most on taxes.

get fucked, bong.

fake news

The platform of the democratic party:
Transfer money from whites to niggers and force white children to go to the same schools as niggers.

Only dumbasses who live in California can't live on minimum wage.