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Has anyone ever been tricked harder than the people who believe that the native americans are actually the victims here?
Muh noble savages
I have no idea what this Standing Rock is about and I hate it, all those normies virtue signaling in FB sharing news about it and recording videos of themselves holding a rock.
redpill me on standin rock
"Veterans" probably some faggy conscientious objector types.
They were offered 50 million and refused now the company went around their reservation. So 0$ money for them now.
Look at a map of the pipeline sometime and tell me what part of Native land it goes through.
Spoiler alert: none
The natives are protesting because they were originally offered a large amount of money to have the pipeline go through their territory, they turned it down because it wasn't enough, the oil company decided to just move it, and now the natives are crying that they missed the biggest payday their "tribe" will ever receive again.
>peaceful unarmed militia
So a bunch dudes with beards will become human shields. Okay that won't last long.
They aren't being tricked
Its white guilt, they could be told the sky was red and if it'd pertaining to the injuns they would believe it
lmao idiots.
Hello Warren Buffett.
how the fuck is this still going on
Every year the identity politics here gets worse and worse. You are guys are starting to become worse than liberals.
We used to be able to admit when their are right. A broken clock is right twice a day, but because they decree it you denounce it.
How do we stop this protest?
You've got your stupid meme backwards. Warren Buffett will lose a lot of money if the pipeline gets built.
> thousands of miles of older bigger pipelines
>THIS is the one they decide to protest
no rhyme or reason, just retards
Fuck no. I initially thought that they might be in the right until I saw the map and felt Jewed out of my emotions. Fuck them now.
so like two guys with beards that were in the reserves that they paid to show up
It's basically injuns saying no to a pipeline going through South Dakota even though they have no legal standing and there isn't any environmental issues
But because they are teepee fuckers the government can't just force them off without running into muh trail of tears type criticism
"Thanksgiving day Massacre" sounds like a chaos-approved event, right?
Are you fucking retarded? Did you actually just say the native american crybabies are "right"?
Please, defend your position in a short paragraph if you will. If your next post doesn't explain yourself, I will not be replying to you again.
>Has anyone ever been tricked harder than the people who believe that the native americans are actually the victims here?
The people who think the Jews are victims.
Fuck off, faggot
Indians are just smarter than you
wait are these pipelines above or below ground?
Spare us your platitudes, native, your lectures on the evils of
colonization and cultural appropriation. Spare us your pity and petty
anger, your stories of woe and white guilt.
You talk about your
great culture, your harmony with nature, your way of life. Yet where
has it gotten you? Where are your feats of engineering, your voyages of
discovery? Where are your scientific advances, your technological
wonders, your insight into the nature of Creation?
Even at our
basest, when we dressed as you do, hunted as you do, lived as you do, we
did more then merely survive. We built wonders. We forged epics. We
established monuments in God's name. We carved our names in stone and
secured our place in history. You did not.
We came to America in
search of land, resources and religious freedom. Whether you had
welcomed us (as you did) or driven us off, the result would have been
the same. And in a thousand years you would have not have changed from
your contact with the white man. We would return once again more
advanced and enlightened, to still find you living in your huts, hunting
with bows and spears, communing with your "Great spirit"; a sad parody
of civilization, lacking that special spark to become something more.
you refused to advance, to adapt, to improve, you yourselves doomed
your "culture" to a painful death. To blame us for your demise is as
useful as blaming the sea for washing away a sandcastle.
You had
the run of this land for thousands of years, and because you wasted that
time, this land has been taken from you. And above your graves we push
forward, ever improving, ever expanding, constantly reaching for a
higher plain of existence.
Vietnam veterans are pussies. They lost us the Vietnam war. We should have kicked their asses out of our country for losing it.
the correct term is "teepee niggers" "buffalo niggers" "mouthwash niggers" or "savages"
>accepts beads as payment
>doesn't accept cash
Indians are God's mistake.
Native Americans are the sorest losers of all time. They act as if redskins were all one big happy family before the white man came. They were killing each other. These featherniggers are pussies
There is literally no argument you can make against the government doing this pipeline
These vets are being faggots, but then again remember a good chunk of "vets" are just welfare queens to begin with
Why wasn't it built in the town of Bismarck?
Corporate whores and bootlickers ITT
I prefers chugs or wagon burners (they hate that more than Prairie Niggers)
The government isn't even building the pipeline. At this point they're just defending the right of a private contractor to build it.
No using buffalos in a negative wave is disrespectful and anti-American
Remember the Bison is now our national mamal
>isn't any environmental issues
They are worried about a leak poisoning their water, and historically leaks have happened, earthquakes, tornadoes, especially fuck things up (although I don't know if they experience either).
We are technologically advanced enough to be better than this, but because it is cheaper we haven't moved forward.
Isn't the pipeline private? The police are only there to enforce the law
Yeah, we're all corporate whores because some mongols didn't get more free gibs, you faggot.
Above ground except for the river, which it goes under.
>They are worried about a leak poisoning their water, and historically leaks have happened
That's too bad.
Maybe if they had accepted the original offer, they wouldn't have had to worry about this -- the pipeline was not going to be routed across the river until they refused to have it routed through their "land" (desert).
Plenty of folks in Bismarck are against the pipeline, faggot
its so easy to spot the underage anarchists
>They act as if redskins were all one big happy family before the white man came
They were, 300 years before we got there
Then they all got wiped out by plague and the remnants became the warring States version of native mexicants
tornadoes definitely do not happen that far north and I'm pretty sure earthquakes don't either
THey don't care about gibs, they were offered 50 million and said no
They care things that are more important than money
take another look at the map
Just like it's easy to spot contrarian faggots that just support corporations that don't five a fuck about them
This is pretty much what a history book I am reading says about Germania and their contact with Rome.
Why would you intentionally make it longer? Through the reservation was the shortest route and the least expensive. Now they made a slight detour to avoid their lands.
They said no because they wanted more money faggot.
>take another look at the map
Do you notice how it already crossed the river once, and nobody is out there protesting the potential (nonexistent) contamination there?
So inform me, why didn't these Indians meet with the government/oil companies when previously contacted over the last 4 years?
They had plenty of opportunities to work this out. These feather heads just wanted a reason to get in the lime light.
>2 pipelines go on this path
>we want to build a third one below it
>hippies draw the line at 3
who's funding these "protests." only 7% of the 500 people arrested even live in North Dakota
Why would we need another pipeline that's not for Americans and only to be exported?
Injuns are upset that developments are happening on land that isn't theirs, and leftist retards are buying in to it.
Bunch of protesting getting BTFO by cops. Its actually pretty fucked up, cops are using rubber bullets, one woman is blind as a result, another guy had internal bleeding and another guy got shot in the spine, one 21 girl got most of her arm blown off by a concussion grenade, shes probably going to lose her arm now more has happened. I normally back the cops in most situations but the standing rock shit is actually really fucked up and no major media is really covering it.
These people are far away from any major population centres, arent really causing much trouble other than protesting an oil pipe line that cuts through a native american reservation, its up in the air whether its legal or not for them to even build the pipe line.
They are denying protesters access to any water unless its on the receiving end of a water canon, they were spraying them down the other night in practically freezing whether which I dont like because that seems like it oculd be dangerous as fuck.
I feel like they've got some legitimate reasons to protest and I dont think the police should be using such force in my own opinion. Thats all I know really.
grow up
Saved, that's beautiful lol
apologies if this is a retarded question but why don't they do the blue route instead
No American will use that oil, it's for foreigners. Why would I give a fuck about a corporation that serves foreigners
I was wondering the same thing.
Why not go east out of Stanley?
pipelines are much safer than shipping the same amount of oil in trucks
Went through Bismarck, seems like white people were against the pipeline too
Why doesnt obama go down there with the national guard and tell the pipeline people to fuck off since they have no fucking permit to drill?
Fuck these capitalist pigs
You pose an interesting question, actually..
The police don't fire concussion grenades at "peaceful" protestors. They're tatonka'ing out and just taking care not to film themselves doing it.
for easy transport obviously wtf kind of question is that?
>They aren't being tricked
>Its white guilt
>he believes the media
It doesn't cut through a reservation, the govt offered $50 million to buy the rights to pass through but the Indians wanted more so the state bought land next to the reservation and the Indians got pissed because they got no money. They are trying to build a pipeline on land the government already owns and these shitbirds are just screaming and crying because they want money.
and your hippie media is only too happy to ignore what the "peaceful protesters" were doing when this happened.
They were lighting trucks on fire.
These people are scum
Dont they know how many US soldiers Indians massacred?
It doesn't help Americans, why would I care that foreigners have to pay more for oil to pay for harder transportation
Idk, go to google earth and look at what shit is in the way?
Peacefully lighting trucks on fire
You know how many Native Americans have served since then?
>more than you
dont these people have jobs? i mean i work 60 hours a week. how do these people have the time and resources to protest all these events
Same reason Obama didnt do anything this term
Just happy to chill and coast out of office on a nice paycheck
Existing infrastructure is my assumption
Because they do have a permit.
Who cares? It's much easier to transport and safer. Someone is paying for the labor, someone is paying for maintenance, someone is paying for security, someone is paying for materials. That's money in the pocket of the average American.
There is multiple pipes under the river already
warren buffet is paying them to be there
Does anyone have a source confirming that the tribe leaders ignored government emails/correspondence for several years before this even started?
>thowing concussion grenades at civilians
I thought america was the land of the free, where everybody walked with an AR-15, why aren't cops dropping dead over this?
If it helped us become energy dependent, I wouldn't care
The lead ((((((veteran)))))) organizing this event is a contributor to the young turds
>shooting a member of the biggest armed force in america
i dunno man you should try it out and tell me what happens
>expecting a corporation to care about you outside the product or service they provide
>not understanding self interest
U confuse money with currency.
Is it bc u r a power-bottom to federal banksters?
I think it's because, honestly, the natives seem to be in the wrong.
As far as I understand it they:
Ignored emails from government/oil company to setup meetings to talk about this pipeline
Refused 50 million dollars to let the company build the pipeline through their land
Now protesting a pipeline that would be built on land they do not own, meaning they're effectively trespassing for no reason than to throw a shit fit.
>Every year the identity politics here gets worse and worse.
Lmao fuck off back to leftypol then faggot
Your ilk have been crying for the six years that ive been here about how Sup Forums was always "libertarian" but "now" we've been corrupted into evil racists who dont even love and worship nonwhites and how we're "bootlickers" because we dont want to burn garbage cans while chanting "black lives matter"
Fuck you
We don't live in teepees anymore. People need gasoline and heating oil. The rights of a handful of featherniggers don't Trump the rights of the millions that will benefit from the pipeline.