"Occupy Democrats" memes are like parody. I refuse to believe even hardcore liblols are this juvenile.
I don't think he's said anything about the death penalty, and I'm sure he's for letting the states decide on that.
My liberal friends like and share them once in a while.
>unborn children are equivalent to convicted murderers and enemy soldiers.
Trudeau is starting to make sense. Are all leafs cucked faggots, or just most?
When did he say anything about this?
Hes less pro war than hillary.
>murdering a child with tweezers and stirring around the goo right before birth is fine
>killing isis people who have sawn off heads, lit people on fire, slowly bled people to death
>allowing someone to not be raped/murdered within their own home
>trying to peacefully kill a murderer who has killed countless times on release
>doesn't want people to die in the waiting room
is not fine
>le "you're not pro-life unless you support cradle-to-grave benefits" meme
Leafs were a mistake.
Wtf I love war, the death-penalty and anti-healthcare now
I am now a #primitivistlethalinjectionmissile
To protect your life
>Pro-death penalty
To prevent and discourage murder of others
Since when has he ever said he is pro-war?
Forcing people to purchase expensive coverage is not the way to do it you stupid democrats
I'll trade our californians for all based leafs
guns just grow legs and kill people I guess
you can't be serious
you CAN'T be serious
that's not even a fucking position, he just wants to replace Obamacare with something less shit
Yes but those are distinctions which would require more than 1.5 seconds to contemplate, so much too nuanced for occupy democrats.
As should any loyal American given that they are protected under the Second Amendment.
>pro-death penalty
As should anyone wigh a brain. Why should society waste tens of millions of dollars keeping the scum of society alive?
He hasn't caused a single war in his entire life. Clinton on the other hand...
More like anti-awful policies lol.
Definitely better than the morally indefensible pro-death camp.
This, I swear it's the greatest satire of liberal cognitive dissonance I've ever seen.
I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with a post stating so.
>pro guns
For people to defend themselves against tyranny
>pro death penalty
for people who commitedserious crimes
>pro war
against ISIS and invaders
>anti healthcare
I'm pro healthcare myself, by healthcare isn't a right
>pro life
because murdering an innocent baby because you couldn't keep your legs shut, is barbaric
Only time abortion should be legal, is if the baby or mothers life in in danger
>inb4 muh bunch of cells
No, it's a fucking living human with it's own DNA, and it's not the mothers organ. The labia isn't a gateway to birth either.
>but muh mothers cord keeps da baby alive n sheeit
Yes, just like a machine keeps a dying fucker alive in a coma for repair. Should we unplug that machine too?
>pro-death penalty
Has Trumpet ever said anything pro-war or pro-death penalty? I know he's anti-war for sure because he wants to keep neutral relationship to Russia and other "warworthy" countries, unlike Hillary. I have never heard him say anything about death penalty.
Are occupydemocrats just throwing every insult in the book just to be sure one of them hits? It's like arguing with SJWs: they dump every buzzword on the table as if it would make their arguments any better.
>tfw pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-choice, but anti-war
Not because of the killing, but because we're spending over 60% of the fucking national budget on it, and we already have enough ships in the water to take on both of our closest rivals' navies even if they work together. Blowing up illiterate goat-herding sand niggers with million dollar bombs is a disgusting waste of resources.
And Obamacare actually raised prices for insurance in some states, like the one I live in, which is the most important one to me. I freely admit to being selfish.
thank god i don't live in cuckcanada
when did he say he's anti-choice?
>murdering a child with tweezers and stirring around the goo right before birth is fine
More than 99% of abortions are done in first 3 months. Those are not children but fetuses.
>love trumps hate
do they have any real evidence that trump is a hateful person or is everybody saying because somebody else said it?
Some of them are, especially if they are gonna have a single mother parent and end up gangbanging