Trump scored 14,2% in Boston

Trump scored 14,2% in Boston.






When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes were from rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?

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The greater question is, how can 37,000 people retain their moral compasses in such a degenerate hellhole, surrounded by non-stop propaganda?

So you're saying liberals are for the wealthy elite while Trump is a champion of the poor and the working class?


> rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack

and this is why Trump won, getting the votes of people that libtards treat like trash.


So it's only okay when poor blacks vote how you like?
Would you go on a rant about poor minority communities who overwhelmingly support dems?

Massfag white nationalist here

I keep my sanity knowing that in an instant, I can trigger these retards into the fetal position.

Boston stronk
Thier city got military occupation for a false flag lololol

Thats a huge discrepancy, we should raise money for a recount. Trust me im a computer intellectual theory scientist.

boston is all crony medical and defense
and lawyers surrounding the corruption
like europe

>Trump was a candidate for the disenfranchised working class whilst Hillary was a candidate for the privileged elite
We've been saying this for over a year.

Those 37,000 are the only ones in Boston not working in the public sector or attending college.

So are you saying, my friend, that all votes are not equal?

>When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes were from rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?

So the downtrodden? The ones left wing should be pampering? The jobless and the disheartened? The ones who are left without a voice? The ones who democrats sneer at for being white but who have it worse than city dwelling blacks? The ones who get fucked the most by international trade deals?

Look at Washington DC. He got less than 10%

America is a 3rd world shithole?

>poor and the working class
>rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?

Forget voting, why should these degenerates be allowed to live?

How much food do people in Boston grow? Maybe the toothless hillbillies should just cease trade altogether with Boston. Surely you won't miss the toothless hillbillies.


Go ahead, kill off the rural population and then watch your country fall into DNC one party nation spiral of chaos

>Go ahead, kill off the rural population
So you agree these hillbillies are a shitstain on the fabric of white power? Forget niggers, it's these "non-college-educated" fuckers that need to go first, right? We need to clean our own attic first before tidying the neighborhood, correct?

>says the nigger irish

Patty go beg for potatos

Better than having most of your votes coming from Low IQ Beaners/Niggers

Does private organisations grow food? Money runs the world. If we offer the hilbilly money, he will gladly accept it and bring us our food. Peasants will work for us.

Gotta "run up the score" somewhere


Clearly not all votes are equal since Hillary got more votes but isn't the president.

I have all of my teeth.
I have a fine roof over my head.
Not only do I have running water, but I have clean water that does not require me to use a filter. Can you say that for the sorry excuse for water systems that you see in cities?

Wait hold up, so these Irish guys from Boston who are supposed to be hard as fuck, real sons of bitches, are total leftist faggots? Holy shit in the movies they are portrayed as booze drinking badasses who run the town and fight all the time.

>wanting to live in a tyranny of the majority where 6 cities across USA decides the election

>When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes were from rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?

Wait... I've seen this sentence before. This exact sentence. Is this a copypasta or a new shill strategy?

Are u referencing south park. Jesus christ kid how old are u. U should be in bed

Day of the rake soon

Mate the whole worlds gone go shit over the last few decades, just look at London then and now.
It's like this the world over.

In fact you are right. However, each vote counts equally in the state it is given. It is this way because America is a federation.
In other words, America makes it so that the smaller states are not dictated to by a few very large ones.

No, I've seen movies like The Departed or The Town.

Have you ever been to a major city? Literally the scum of the earth. I wouldn't live in a city if paid me.

Massfag here
Boston and other cities are containment areas


wow you bigot check your privlege you live in a city

>in Massachusetts
yeah ok dumbass

Do you guys have pic related map for 2016 election ?
And also this one:

Enjoy starving to death because, spoiler alert, a great deal of our food is grown, and we aren't nearly rich enough to import all food.
And guess who does most of the farming? Not you fucking democrats, that's for sure

Keep trusting your fed issued debt notes city boy. See how well that worked for the Weimar republic.

>tfw i live in the bluest county in the bluest state in the US

this must be how germans and swedes feel.

Tax a FUCKING Massachusetts. The entire state is a hell hole. OP is a dick. DIE

We have this:

We don't have any percentages for 2016 yet, and probably will not for a month or so. The guy who makes these maps doesn't want to have the data change on him after he starts, so we probably need to wait until everything is certified (and after that it will probably take some time to make all of these)

I think you meant paddy my dear burger friend

I'm hardcore red and I happen to have been placed in the bluest county in Florida wtf

I never even knew how blue we were until I saw the white vote map, only blue county in FL
