Pol, I am somewhat depressed. Tell me about a prospective future too look forward to and be inspired by. Paint a pretty picture.
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drown yourself in shit poo
At least you're not a nigger
Learn java and then kill your self cause your country is poop
That app that lets you find a toilet is coming out soon.
hey buddy. first don't listen to the crap on this board about Indians. second travel asia. many beautiful places.
Aspire in become a General, get the codes for the nukes and launch them on Pakistan and Israel.
Less poo poo?
Won't happen though, lmfao.
if you guys had a population reduction system like china things might turn around three hundred million should be the pop for India to be made great again
If you are not afraid of death and you want to get out of your environment, you could always join the military. The best being the marines.
OH wait, that's right, your name is Dhairat and you smell like curry, you can't join the US marines living in India.
Have you tried looking into different career paths? Do some research on the military in your country and if they have any valuable prospects
I would have loved to join the Indian millitary but I was science student and I have shitty eyesight from years staring at a computer. I wish there was a war or something so I could get drafted. I really wish there is some natural disaster or something so I can find of reason to live in the chaos that ensues.
Fucking faggot
If you're here, shithole that this place is. That's means you question the way things are around you. That's good. You can speak English, that's also good. You don't have to follow the supposed destiny of poo-river people. You understand that your community is shit. But you don't have to stay there. The English language is a passport to the first world. I can't say I know your situation exactly, but if you want out, know that this burgerfat believes you can go to a better place and lead a life in the first world. Somewhere with clean water, infrastructure, good jobs, wherever that may be.
You should start by leaving your country
Try to find a small job or look at some hobbies that might interest you and keep your mind off of things
>lives in India.
>wants even more caos
Nigga, your problem is boredom. If a war happened, I bet the military would easily find a better soldiers from the other 1.1 billion indians that exists instead of you.
Why dont you buy a cheap bike and go travel?
A Royal Enfield costs about 350 dollars. Go discover your country and yourself.
Weirdest chess game ever.
Only staying in he game to see how much glory Trump restorers to America and possibly the world. That and to get drunk and high on lsd some more.
I don't want a comfortable life merely for material gain. India has major issues but I can live reasonably comfortable life right here. However, I do need a reason to live, something to strive for.
In the future, people of India might stop shitting in public streets and destroying your own culture.
Killing yourself is pretty stupid, desu.
As for future motivation, I don't know. It can't get much worse, can it? That's something, I guess.
>tfw going through all of the Indian toilet reviews and writing "Warning - Witch!" in the comments, rating it 1 turd out of 5
Don't be sad Poojet
Go to a religious service, say the words and interact with some people. Then go and ask some girl you been interested in her name. Start small.
You will be superpower in 2050, that is something to live for! But seriously, exercise and watch your diet, find someone to open up to... these things will help relieve the blues.
Pick one
here Pajeet, smile a bit
I have only one advice:
Sideways for attention, longways for result. End it.
I guess that is something. I still enjoy meeting them ladies. Sadly, India doesn't have much of dating culture and its really hard to develop a relationship into something serious. I am thinking about using "online dating" but I don't want to loose my sense of dignity.
You can help conquer Pakistan once and for all.
I don't understand but thanks for trying Mein Furher.
your choices are that pol meme image that is around, the one with lifting, studying, and then is up to you, either suicide, become a nazi, form a family or become a god.
Hopefully, but they have nukes so it's a lost cause.
you eventually die and get set free from (((earth)))
>I am thinking about using "online dating" but I don't want to loose my sense of dignity.
There's ~1.29 billion of you. Is someone really going to pick out pajeet #1125232544 in the street, from that dating app? I doubt it.
Just do it if you want to.
BTW, POL is surprisingly kind. For all the confrontational posturing that goes on around here, y'all are some compassionate muthafucks.
Ahh, that sweet release. Will love to be back in the dark country they call oblivion.