Holy shit! You can't make this up!
Sup Forums hates Jews, and yet their leader and official spokesman is a Jew
>official spokesman
Pathetic cuckolds think they can troll Sup Forums but just end up embarrassing themselves with their terrible posts! Sad!
Not really a Jew.
Hey everyone i'm gay. Did you get that i'm gay, that's right i'm a massive fag. Get it, thats the joke guys, I like big black dicks up my asshole. I'm counter-culture now. I'm gay. I like men. Dildos are good up my boy pussy. Offended yet? We're rebels.
Witch one is the Official ? there is so many
Good parody btw my wife is a doctor.
>Sup Forums's leader
Just hang yourself, nigger.
A faggot jew
>Sup Forums hates
>their leader
>official spokesman
Sup Forums has no leader. Believe of otherwise is mental retardation.
Is she also a faggot?
And I dont need no such things as "Officials" to represent me .. I can represent myself
Sup Forums has no leader. We only obey to Kek Himself.
Dear MSM, please tell us who our leader is.
The problem isn't Jews. It was never "Jews." It was always Sabbatean-Frankists who believe the POLAR OPPOSITE of Judaism.
>Anonymous Peruvian basket weaving forum
Pls go
This is our leader fuck boy.
Repeating numbers are our spokesman.
>Sup Forums
So many jewish subverters...
Poor idiot. Ideals are our leaders, purity of blood our commands, righteousness our strategy.
many such cases
Most of us don't really like him that much; he's just a useful faggot who triggers SJWs.
>Sup Forums hates Jews, and yet their leader and official spokesman is a Jew
We don't have a leader, stupid.
>Gay, so he can't be accused of having straight privilege or being homophobic
>British, so he can't be accused of having American white male privilege
>Of Greek decent, so he can't be accused of being racist
He's almost the perfect mouthpiece. The only trouble is that he's still a man, so he's subject to being called sexist. He combats this by appearing overly-flamboyant and mentioning about how much he "loves women" in all of his speeches, though.
This, desu. Libtards don't know what to do with him.
Holy shit! You can't make this shit up!
You can be Jewish, you just can't be "A Jew," you know?
Like, we're not anti-Semitic, it's just THE Jews specifically we hate, and only because of their actions, not their "Jewishness."
No, this is our leader.
Awww this is were it is from the fucking 666.. Some branches of Sabbateans actually converted to Islam, in emulation of Zeviāin 1666, the Ottoman Sultan had forced Zevi to become a Muslim.[8][9] The more radical branches even engaged in orgies.[10] In Frankism, orgies featured prominently in ritual
Will the real Sup Forums leader please stand up?
Fuck off Styx you retarded fucking twat.
sorry .. youtube.com
My leader is Swiss. Wtf are you talking about.
Our real leader
What on Earth did he mean by this?
>Official spokesperson
I don't have a leader you faggot nobody deserves my sword.
He's catholic though.