What if globalists are actually the good guys?

What if globalists are actually the good guys?

What if the sky is green and the grass is blue?

You realize he has made his fortune off of manipulating foreign currencies for his own benefit right?

>cannibalistic pedophile sadists are the good guys

The globalists are fags that need to be hanged

>cannibalistic pedophile sadists

Shills don't deserve sources because they never provide any themselves. Enjoy your thread.

It would be written that way in the history books, yes

>everyone who asks for sources is a shill
alright pedophile


lmao I mean just look at pizzagate, its everywhere


What if Latvia is actually a superpower?

A global government will inevitably result in dystopia.

A pointless world of uniformity is the good guys. Check.

What if you weren't a retarded autist?

Good guys don't orchestrate fake revolutions

What if Donald Trump was actually a Cheeto?

NO fuck em, that aint liver spots over all of those elite old men faces, it's fucking corruption manifest.

confirmed globalism makes weeaboos.

believing everything from the dailymail, ROFL go outside talk to someone whos not a retard like you and ask about pizzagate, I guarantee you will look and sound like a fucking retard, i hope you get beat up too FAGGOT

if if if if if if if

They'll get rid of weak countries like latvia so that's something

>anti-semites attack the Jews
>but nobody knows about the (((Latvians)))

>a bunch of vague connections with leaps of logic = proof
It's just a pizza place that is in a location that is frequented by politicians

What do you mean by "what if"?
Still, I would rather be the villain then.

>literally lobbying for a new world order where law is enforced with total control and the white race is "diversified" just because they are white.

asking for sources for everything is reddit as fuck. google is one click away, lazy fuck.

has this been photoshopped or is she rly that thicc?

kek. literally lena dunham tier. what was bill thinking?

>educate yourself
All I find are articles on how pizzagate makes no sense

Then they are the good guys and many people were wrong /thread

>Hillary "basket of pornstars who say Trump raped them 20 years ago" Clinton "went high"
>mire of muh soggy knees
>wide margin Clinton held among female voters
Life hits you hard
