Was 9/11 an inside job?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

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We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s


fuck off wayne

Yes of course

for the 151616513168161646546161641681616166161616546849415165198+4574451541681616816*6168468161616816811671681646161+1616168161681611616161*46846846161161651651651 : yes.

Why do we keep having these threads? Are they sliding us from Jill the Shill trying to win the election for Hillary?

Yes, now fuck off.

TRUMP knew Truth on 911


t. Architectural Engineer

depends if you look at it from the plane or the building pov


Why are you asking?

mfw begin reviewing the evidence

yes, obv.

Yes but I'm bet non of you know what was used to do it.



I don't want to get suicided - you right, Gage is our guy.

lol oh kay just curious - I don't care how it was demolished. Just the evidence of demolition is overwhelming.


kek, was your aunt a teacher at Sandy hook?

The single best source on the topic and all other sources are wrong or not as informative

Free shorter and less informative version free in YouTube under "War by deception"

The official story is complete bullshit. Ill say that much.

And 6 or 7 alternative ones are bs too.

Yeah like the aluens did it and holographic planes BS. Agreed. But definitely the official one for sure.

Oh come on, tell me which one is the nuttiest, that you certainly know is total bs. Make my day.

Intro into subject



The nuttiest while being "plausible" ( aliens have better shit to do im sure) is that no planes hit the Wtc. The pentagon and shanksville sure. But planes certainly hit the Wtc. As to the origin of those planes, well that can be questioned.

I dont think any planes hit

wasn't an inside job, but insiders *did* help cover it up

Don't know if it was an inside job, but sure thing is that it was kind of a "blow" job

No. Was it manipulated afterwards? Most definitely.


Here is your (you)

you're not playing the game ;c
that's how i know Corbett is their asset, also his wording struck me as su•per•flu•ous

I willed it

I did an inside job in your mom last night m8

> post a hook nose and his employee talking about that

makes sense

no I'm serious. even if they did they certainly didn't bring them down.
I just think the video footage looks suspect at times and also many people on the ground just hear explosions, not a jet banking sharply and hitting a tower or 2.
I haven't looked into any of this stuff in years so I'm a bit rusty but I was very interested for a time and the no plane stuff did make a lot of sense to me.

it were angry muslims, used and trained by the cia (probably thinking that they are terrorists too) with funding from saudi arabia and the US government giving them the opportunity and not preventing it

also they made sure it comes crashing down
he doesnt say who the bombs planted, but why deny the existence of them there if it werent your guys who did it

Not an argument

ehem, same as pull it - and you fell for it?

Well yeah, I didnt say the planes brought them down, only a retard would believe that. But I remember watching it and literally thousands of eye witnesses saw planes hit the buildings. Plus hundreds of amateur video shows planes. If you wanna know how the explosives got planted in order to do it, because obviously people didnt run up and plant them that day. Look up the ACE elevator company. They just so happened to "win" the contract from the company that had been servicing the Wtc since day one.


thanks bro, i might look them up but to be honest I'm done with it all now. was exhausting and we arent really any closer to the truth today all these years on.
I'm really not even interested in who done it but i hope one day we at least find out how it was done.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't know alrdy

thats boston isn't it?

>jet fuel can't melt steel
>melted steel was found
>termite can melt steel
>termite was found


No, 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
Skyscrapers collapse from being on fire all the time.
And when they do, collapse, they don't crumble gradually but rather fall down at free-fall speed.

This is a known fact and there's nothing shady about 9/11

Yeah that pollock posted a boston pic, go figure

Pretty sure the planes came from outside the building.


>building 7 came down with no plane hit
>it came down in a totally symmetric way
>it came down really fast
>building 7 had lots of investigations involving corruption
>BBC gave the news that it came down before it actually happened


You don't and that's what's so funny since you take pride in being such great seuths. Meanwhile I'm expanding my list of their influence to this board. Only 1 real thing was mentioned so far and in a dismissive manner.

Dont forget that the section hit in the pentagon just happened to have ONLY been populated with the team that was investigating the missing 2.3 trillion dollars that Rumsfeld announced on sept 10th, oh and he was suppose to be there too, but wouldnt ya know it, bless his heart he was running late.


what do you make of this?
does the steel or it could be aluminium cladding turn to dust in mid air OR does it fall into the smoke?

>lot's of people gained a lot in 9/11
>the US government
>the people being investigated in building 7
>the people being investigated in the Pentagon
>the building owner


isnt it likely that there were either flammable or explosive materials in the building already? and i dont mean materials that were set there for destruvtice purposes, just machinery, or pipes, or fuels, etc. etc. that most buildings have, that, when receiving massive amounts of force, flames, and trauma, could cause the explosion necessary to take the building down?


i dont think your picture is in support of you point...

Well, they worked in the towers. Of course it was an inside job. They weren't working in the fucking park, were they?
>Swedish intellectuals

people claim that it was the fire
>in Brazil we had a much worse fire in a much weaker building, it never came down, not even close
people claim that the impact was strong enough to bring the buildings down
>that can't explain building 7
>people involved in construction know that's bullshit: youtube.com/watch?v=cSSwXvsEX_c (Trump telling the truth)


Any American who believes in this conspiracy bullshit needs to be stripped of citizenship immediately


as if it's a question.................


read my post, is this not possible?

if there were domestic stuff powerful enough to bring one of those buildings down why are professional imploders still using common explosives?

> implying the towers would just bend

isn't he

Oldfag here. Question 9/11 on 9/11 while watching live the entire day. Building 7 bothered me that day and continues to bother me today. It was a chaotic day and scene, but there is no good reason building 7 should have fell so perfectly. It was hit by debris. The you watch the BBC news video where they announced that building 7 collapsed, while building 7 was clearly in the background of their live feed. Just 20 minutes later building 7 does collapse in on it's self like a text book demolition project. I have no idea what all happened that day, but it's clear some shady shit went down.



He took an insurance policy out recently because he just bought the place. That's what you do

Debunked famalam

yes, but it wasnt just the domestic stuff, fuckin' moron.....a fucking jet crashed into the side of the building, too

hurr durr, why dont professional building imploder use jets? fucking idiot

Was was meant by this?


Jews did it.

Revelation 13:1

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

Bush was in Sarasota on the morning of 911.

Which is where the flight training occurred, and where the Saudi Prince's daughter lived, who fled the country a week before the attacks

what the fuck about believing a jet could bring down a skyscraper makes me a leftist?

good fuckin' lord, man. you really must have a bad life. i feel bad for you and your bad life. you must have had bad parents and bad (or no) friends. probably because youre such a bad piece of shit guy


it's not about power although sort of is

late here so i'm gonna go to sleep got to do something tomorrow, just gonna say the truth has been
posted, well sort of, just try to list all of the alternative explanations then you're bound to hit nail on the head, still none of you really looking for it found it, just the shills know and throw garbage on you, it's a shame no one came out and defended it, good night and have fun

yeah but how, and what was actually done?

Gonna bookmark it and check in the morning :D

Does it matter?
The Americans are to blame because they let those fucking planes hiit the towers. It's the ultimate redpill. Americans are incompetent idiots. Who the fuck let's a plane go rogue and head to NYC wiithout shooting it down? TWICE?

No. For the simple fact something would have leaked out by now implicating the government. With the amount of manpower it would have taken to stage an operation like this some asshole would have said something, or leaked documents.

Best 911 doc
Ryan Dawson's work is good too

>For the simple fact something would have leaked out by now
They are all dead now, user.
Dead people don't talk.

Bolan Stronk!

explain the planned terrorists drills that day, it confused the good men trying to protect us

Stein-11 was a khazar job.

>the planes came from outside the towers

>original claim by government says that it was the fire that made the steel weak that then made everything crumble
>if there were anything more the government would tell to stop the conspiracies

the only way that your argument would make sense is if there were something explosive in the planes
>the government never said nothing about explosives in the planes, even tho it would calm the conspiracies

also, explosives in the plane would never explain building 7


Yfw collecting quadruple insurance for double attacks AND double inside jobs


Wow you sure know the ins and outs of insurance


yes someone did a bad job of putting the plane inside the building and now there is a freedom tower

Urban Moving Systems

Clean break document.

Clean break details America's strategy for defending Israel. It involves removing Sadam Hussein from power and destabalizing Iraq. Then Libya. Then removing Assad from power before an invasion on Iran in order to neutralize Israel's enemies.

The authors of the Clean Break document stressed the need for a "Pearl Harbor Incident" in order to galvanize the american people for war in the Middle East.

Clean break was made by devout Zionists with the help of Mossad and Israeli contacts.

Who do you think is to blame.


>double digits



WTC7. Not struck by any aeroplanes. Not damaged by debris. Collapses as though destroyed by a controlled explosion. Please remember that the passengers on one of the planes had overpowered their captors and brought the plane down in a field. This plane was going to hit WTC7.

WTC7 contained detailed records for the FBI and DOJ.

Israeli commando's and mossad agents had rigged all three towers to explode and collapse before hand. Fire fighters reported explosions being heard in the lobby and basements.

Urban Moving systems had access to the WTC buildings a week prior to the attack. In addition the security firm guarding the WTC buildings was an Israeli security firm.

Also google the truck found to be carrying large amounts of explosives heading to the brooklyn bridge that was stopped.


this based eternal anglo. bump for justice

killing thousands of innocent people for shekels...
that's the most jewish thing ever made

there is more, it was also an occult ritual orchestrated by jews.