>Thanksgiving dinner
>libtard relatives tell me how immigration is good because they do the jobs Americans don't want and make food cheaper
>ask me if I want food to be more expensive
Why is this an argument?
>Thanksgiving dinner
>libtard relatives tell me how immigration is good because they do the jobs Americans don't want and make food cheaper
>ask me if I want food to be more expensive
Why is this an argument?
>cheeper food.
they don't have to come here for that. we can import it.
Its more expensive to import shit.
Isn't animal sex banned in N. America yet??
Fucking retard, haha ill pay 1c more for a piece of fruit then
Tell them "Sure, but they must come LEGALLY"
Which is exactly why all your cheap electronics and nick-knacks are imported..
Tell them it's a loaded question.
No its not you fucking cunt. We could have drafted NAFTA without the open border clause for HUMAN capital. We could still have imported shitty south American food for cheap. We still can. Oh, and just about 2% of domestic agriculture is done in America today. The rest is imported. And all of those farmers in the midwest sure as fuck aren't Mexican, believe me.
The notion that immigration = cheap food is the most ridiculous thing I have heard yet. Take the Turkey thermometer and fucking kill your whore family member with it.
No in Canada they assign therapy dogs to people and also its legal to blow dogs their, they claim there's no relation between these two things.
It's a self serving utilitarian argument. What they are really saying is: I'm cheap and I care more about my grocery bill than working class Americans.
Food prices may rise but so will employment and wages.
Not when you do it at scale you fucking moron.
You realize how cheap it is to ship things across the ocean?
Liberals, everyone. They never seem to realize WHY their stuff is supposedly so cheap.
>sister talks about how great John Oliver is
>brings up gender wage gap
>8 year old niece blames the patriarchy
>I leave and probably won't go to christmas.
Why is that kid wearing his slides in the pool?
>Outtie belly button
Fucking disgusting
>we need minorities so we can abuse them for cheap labor
>if you don't want minorities you're a racist
>Do you think it's ok to take advantage of undocumented immigrants turning them basically into slaves?
you're welcome OP
libtard circle argument.
here is a libtardcyclist for u.
its cheaper to import shit
that is why we import shit
if it was more expensive to buy goods from china would any buy goods from china?
ok op here the spics did not invent the machines they use for work(construction,cutting grass) they operate them anyone can do their job but because they flooded the country pretty much everyone hires a spic or two for cheap labor.
They should be pro-slavery then, right?
Less immigrants
Less food needed
Cheaper food
People without jobs who cant find anything can do the 'Jobs we dont want'
Illegal immigrants also do all the crimes Americans don't want and drive wages down.
>It's okay to exploit people so we can have cheaper food
I thought liberals were all about not exploiting people?
That isn't even racemixing. The girl looks like she has non-white blood in her already. Lebanese maybe.
>Oh, and just about 2% of domestic agriculture is done in America today.
wow you're seriously retarded. The US is known for producing lots of its agricultural produce domestically.
>In 2013, U.S. food consumption totaled 635 billion pounds, or more than 2,000 pounds per capita. Of this amount, imports accounted for 19 percent (123 billion pounds)
Tell them we can't just ignore our own laws in favor of cheaper labor. Then you'll have to explain that borders are regulated because each country is sovereign and has their own laws. Economic migrants coming here illegally undermines that sovereignty.
I understand white women wanting to go wild and out of control, but come on, it's disgusting
Another pic of a nigger and a white girl.
Report for deport.
You can only defeat liberal logic with victimhood
you arguments need to be:
>they push down wages for uneducated whites and blacks
>they drive up housing costs in poor neighborhoods due to limited housing supply but 5 or 6 adults live in a single house. Making it impossible for poor families to afford the rent rates
>they strain inner city schools because their kids don't speak english
>they destroy long established black owned businesses because they instead favor their own businesses. Siphoning off black wealth and destroying jobs
>half of their money goes back to south america, which breaks the economic stimulus of consumption
>all those farmers in the Midwest sure aren't Mexican
Farmers in California aren't Mexican either, it's the farm workers, and there are plenty of Mexican farm workers in the Midwest
It's not
Just say there's a lot of factors that determine the price of food and illegal immigration isn't something we should allow to justify slightly lower food prices
well if I import grain and make bread from it, the agricultural product is imported but the food is not.
ur numbers don't compare.
Respond in this why...
"So your answer to high food prices is to allow creation of a subclass of foreigners to do the work?"
"Wouldn't it be better to attack the root cause of the high costs in the first place?"
Of course, they will attribute the high cost to corporate greed...
When they do, tell them: "Corporations are in business to make a profit for their shareholders, a large part of those shareholders are personal 401(k) holders."
Ask them " How much of their 401(k) are they willing to give back to fight corporate greed?"
Canada actually legalized oral with doges
Don't know how they expect girls that fuck dogs to stop after oral but that's Canada for you
Congratulations you're officially retarded (and illiterate)
Point to unemployment and useless college degrees where kids waste their early adulthood to get a degree for a job that doesn't exist instead of going out and getting work experience because the low level jobes that anyone can do are filled with immigrants many of whom are illegal and many of whom are being exploited by being paid less that minimun wage. What's the point in raising mimimum wage to a so called living wage if the half the people doing minimum wage jobs arent even on the books. There's a generation of kids who are over educated and deeply in debt who have never had a job and have no way to get one due to a lack of experience. You want to keep food prices low? Fill the jobs with people we already have and pay them a legal wage. You want to end the college debt crisis? Stop sending everybody to college when its not necessary. Most of the social unrest in the USA stems from asshole social studies professors preaching fake oppression and devision turning a generation into communists. instead of bringing everyone together through common experiences like being qorking class while in their youth we are tearing the whole county apart with nonsemse racial issues and ignoring the huge ones we actively make every effort to ignore.
Food is cheap not because of slave labor you fucking nigger, it's machines and the crop genes also I'm drunk btw and I've never posted before
true. still your numbers dont make ur argument.
>immigration is good because they do the jobs Americans don't want
Ask them who has been doing those jobs until the immigrants arrived.
As long as they bring up bullshit arguments that don't hold up under scrutiny if you have the reasoning of someone over three years old, use this as a counter.
>If we ship back the millions of illegals then there will be less people to feed, therefore more food to go around, therefore cheaper prices.
They won't be able to counter your superior bullshit, because it will make too much sense to them.
> We have no self control when it comes to sex
They're less than animals. Even animals onlu mate when in heat and when they have the resources to sustain themselves and their offspring.
bizarro america relax
>believing this
>I'm a grill BTW
tits or gtfo
...and the advancement of kryptonian technology under President Lex Luthor.
You're a real bonafide idiot
It's not 100% but there is a significant minority of closet WHORES
Usually cuz some guy fucked them up sexually at a young age or something
They also drive wages down. Ask if she wants to earn less money.
As a non-mean (you), yes the US produces a shitload of it's own food and no it doesn't matter how they affect food prices
America is too fat as a group, not starving
I already agreed to that, can we move on?
Maybe u can explain me how agriculture products and sold food are the same? You know what food and agriculture products are?
Ask them if those are good enough reasons to support the exploitation of the poor, forcing undocumented workers to live un-assimilated and below the poverty line, while taking decent jobs from Americans who just want a decent wage for their labor.
Fuck their shit up OP.
Always say that Americans won't do the jobs illegals do for the SAME wages as illegals. Any white bum looking for a job will go pick some tomatoes if he would get paid good. Don't let mr shekelstein convince you otherwise.
Ask them if they are really advocating lower than minimum wages and near slave work status for those immigrants in order to have those cheaper groceries.
As wiser men have said we should be ok paying more for lettuce and we should have picked our own cotton.
Oi you fucking abo kangaroo fucker, argicluture is mostly on tech and the phenotype of the plants
Australians all should kill themselves like their hero with a fucking sting ray
WeK as fuck cunts
These are different but the US does a shitload of buying/selling/consuming/producing
Just go to a library and read that shit
Sup Forums is for the stuff you cant learn elsewhere like MJ was assassinated by the jews for being a nazi
Because your relatives are mentally ill. They have a bad case of liberalismus.
Why should illegal immigrants have to suffer even if it's for our benefit? People who advocate for them are basically advocating for slavery. And it doesn't matter if it's voluntary because some slaves didn't want freedom too. It doesn't make it right to exploit these people.
Nice work understanding jokes you fucking retard.
Malaysians alway love to talk shit on the internet but you are the weakest most timid people in australia. We don't even have to come up with an insult for you because calling you what you are is insult enough.
They're defending immigration with literal racism. A class of people who get the "shitty" jobs that aren't good enough for the locally born class.
Get in here faggots
slavery is ok because they will do the jobs others don't want to do, and we can has chep food
Grill Your Own man boobs You neckbeard
I'm a drunk American you bloody idiot, I guess petrol sniffing Australians wildlife will never learn, dumb inbred criminalS
'So you want to exploit brown people for cheap food and have them do work you deem too low for Americans?'
Turn the tables on them, call them racist, go on the offensive.
I unironically use this approach with family. It always gets my aggressive black uncle riled up in agreement and everybody else suddenly becomes too white guilt to say otherwise.
>he did some tricky fist bump with me today for voting Trump
It's literally cheaper to ship something from China than within the US.
It's true though. America is a nation of nobles. We need illegals because we don't do the shit jobs. When's the last time you saw a white guy working the cleaning crew night shift?
I hate Australians
8======= D
Suck my dick you fucking Abo ogres
Broke ass single mom welfare recieving nobles
You're a fucking clown. Go climb back up your tree you silly malaysian.
>because they do the jobs Americans don't want
Yeah, but this might only be thanks to the subhumans currenty doing these jobs. Nobody wants to be told "hurr you are working with illegal mexicans". I bet there are enough peope gladly willing to do these jobs if they were not labeled with such social stigmata.
true. There were thousends jews in the city when MJ died.
Say them they're being racists for discriminate illegals to do the shittiest jobs, and that they expect that should be paid less than natives.
Enjoy the nuclear fusion.