Can Sup Forums tell me the one place in the world where the most gruesome violence is happening...

Can Sup Forums tell me the one place in the world where the most gruesome violence is happening, on a small or big scale? Like vivisection, torture, mass murder, places where it feels like you go back in time a thousand years except for weaponry.

Hard mode: No IS or any mudshit crap

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Or Somalia. Same thing really.

Sub-Saharan Africa.

Probably Central America.

also Central America and South America.

Aleppo, Chicago, most cities in Brazil

Anywhere with brown people.

Acapulco, AKA the most dangerous city in Mexico


Their president was the head of an organ smuggling operation.

Honduras and Ecuador

Central America. If I was on my PC I'd post some gruesome drug cartel webm's

ey algeria arent you at war now?

South American cartel violence

Everyone in this thread is wrong.

Papua New-Guinea is the most horrific place on earth.

Literal cannibal death cults control the interior of the island, and rape any child they don't want to death and then eat the body for "power".

Niggers and South American's do not have shit on authentic psycho-cannibal tribals of the pacific islands.

Not currently but maybe in the next years

Do you have sauce?
i thought cannibals were going extinct...

Washington Dc. at those elite kike parties.

Right now, Best Korea is doing Auschwitz 2 - Electric Boogaloo

No my friend, the 'tradition' is still a way of life in PNG.

Raping the FUCK out of little kids is basically a hobby of every man on the island, and PNG's even have riots in port moresby if they are not allowed to rape.

Running a mine in PNG is also about supplying the miners with children to rape, since they cannot travel home to rape kids due to living in barracks. Messy work, since they also want to KILL AND EAT the children when they are done with them.

Completely normal for them, btw. None of the bat a lash.

shiiiieeeet, do you think they will use the masturbation machines?

>since they also want to KILL AND EAT the children when they are done with them.

fucking kek, children as a way of payment, why didn't we think about it sooner? I think Papua solved the monetary crisis

If mining doesn't work they can always become campaign managers for dodgy old women. Pretty sure theres a city in the states where they would fit in just fine.

Congo. Child soldiers, child rape and no 'real' government. Every settlement is flanked by dense jungles where you can disappear quickly.

NK camps are very bad but not really as bad as Auschwitz in some ways, contrary to popular belief you can be released from them

highly recommended read, autobiography of someone living in a NK camp -

>dated 2009
Kim jong-un was not in power before 2011 and has been executing people Warner-Bros. style