>be me, 24 yo lebanese male
>living near border with israel
>download tinder
>put hitler as profile pic
>like all israeli girls
>check tinder next day
>banned for harassment
>totally worth it
Hitler tries to make amends
Topkek op
Actually kinda funny/10
Why are Lebs in Lebanon so much more awesome than the trash we got sent?
Trees>Leafs IMO
Carlos Slim is Lebanese. You're alright though. That's kinda funny nigga.
If I'm kinda funny on Sup Forums I guess I qualify as a comedian here in lebanon
>tfw no gf even after death
gj neighbour
Obviously. The illegal immigrants are not the best people. They are scum.
Holy fuck these quotes feel like they are describing me.
Am i the next hitler?
have a (you) my man
>ITT, cucks will defend their Jewish masters and shit all over Moslems like good goy slaves
good job Lebanese bro!
I want her to fart in my mouth.
nice ID you got there, don't go around mollejing people in this thread
You did nothing wrong.
Jews are mad God won't give them their land back peacefully. They have to fight for it :(
They want other people to suffer with them.
Bumping just to piss the Jews off because they believe everything they do is off limits too public discourse.
Holy fucking shit toppest of all keks lebanonbro