To the non English speaking countries of Sup Forums
How did you find Sup Forums? How did you come to Sup Forums?
To the non English speaking countries of Sup Forums
How did you find Sup Forums? How did you come to Sup Forums?
I came to Sup Forums when I was 15 in 2004, when I was looking up "gore pics" on google.
I come to Sup Forums because it's a bigger LARP than /x/ and it's hilarious.
>I come to Sup Forums because it's a bigger LARP than /x/ and it's hilarious.
I going to give you the real answer nobody wants to admit.
>browsing for lolis, and nude celebs
i migrated from Sup Forums
I was on le r/Sup Forums looking at funny banter screencaps
I wanted to call an Indian poo in loo, so i came here
i was a kid browsing the webs trynna get my loli fix
same desu
came to Sup Forums because /new/ was fun
a friend of mine showed me a video called the "Sup Forums killers" about a guy eho posted pics of murdered women on Sup Forums that was an actual serial killer.
so i got curious about this savage place, so i came here.
it called me
I don't remember.
I was on a Russian board (2ch), then moved here when started to explore other boards around the world. Also I train my English here, because this is the real communication with idioms, slang, daily phrases, insults, bantz, not a fucking stupid story in some old English tutorial about Marco Polo and his very fucking interesting travels.
Why don't you use hispachan?
Why Sup Forums?
Thanks to Sweden
I saw a meme about Captain Sweden but couldn't find the source. I reverse searched the image and ended up in 4plebs Sup Forums archive. Read the whole thread and decided to check the website.
I got called a shitskin the very first time I posted, that's why I made pic related
>Why don't you use hispachan?
Memes are funnier in english
I camebhere after some somewhere posted a link to a vunch of 4chans banters. Than i came to Sup Forums i went on Sup Forums by accident. Thing is Sup Forums not onlynis funnier but it also stays on topic, aomething that Sup Forums is unable to do due to all the 12 years old
Not him, but, Hispachan is shit.
Are you white? Could you take a picture of your hand for example? To prove you are not a shitskin, I'm really interested, because I thought people in your country look like picrelated. Not being white is not a crime. you can be whoever you want.
came here last summer from ifunny because i needed content to steal and put watermarks on for reddit points
Hispachan is shitty af
Also, Sup Forums is full of underage retards, I can't post in /pe/ because the fucking Dross-cocksucker forbid immigrants to post there, and /esp/ is full of normalfags.
i don't remember.
Sup Forums died, then Sup Forums died. Sup Forums is shit, but it's fast moving and vaguely reminds me of old Sup Forums. i'm a boardless refugee, really.
ED->Sup Forums->Sup Forums->Sup Forums
Finnish imageboards probably. I lurked Sup Forums first time years ago but then didn't lurk for 5 years or so. Now that I've found pol I spend more time here than in Ylilauta.
from ragecomics in 2011. i visited Sup Forums then Sup Forums then Sup Forums
Find Sup Forums?
>on IRC
>some guy starts posting CP
>links are from Sup Forums
come to Sup Forums?
>once a month I visit all boards
I always knew about Sup Forums but didn't care about it. I lurked Finnish board quite a long time which was time to time like Sup Forums and sometimes there were threads about this place. The Finnish board has transformed into children playground with stupid tags etc. and so I moved here.
>How did you find Sup Forums?
Sup Forums
>How did you come to Sup Forums?
Sup Forums was leaking on Sup Forums
Someone told me to "go back to my contamination board" on /x/ years ago before I ever visited Sup Forums
Hello Vasya
via JVC (the french Sup Forums but full of niggers, censorship and multikultu mods), i was exhausted of having to create new mail adresses each time i faced a permaban from a (((mod))) so i eventually came here. Since then i've been addicted to real free speech, activation of my almonds via repetiting digits and habbenings.
>tfw you missed the old days
But Im Artem
I just got used to visit this place, everytime i go to other similar sites i just get annoyed by spanish, seems like the quality of jokes and use of memes gets shittier.
They gotta go
I migrated from Sup Forums when war in Syria broke. And found my home.
Early 2006, looking for gun wallpapers.
Zimmerman trail.
Don't go outside tunnels. I warn you.
>be funposting on a Diablo2 trading forum called D2jsp
>people keep mentioning Sup Forums when anybody says something edgy or racist
and here i am since then
Okay, I will answer. I was looking for politically incorrect books and came here. Unfortunately (or fortunately), in my country, for such things could going to jail or smth like that.
Also I fight degeneracy, lol
I was reading about Anonymous and read that they were formed in Sup Forums so i lurked there for a year before coming to Sup Forums
>I lurked Facebook while preparing myself to the Uni
>Found 9gag
>Lurked and copied the attention-whoring posts over there till I got bored of the same shit
>some user talked about Sup Forums
>Found Sup Forums
>Lurked and copied the attention-whoring posts over there till I got bored of the same shit
>Eventually visited Sup Forums but it was too cringey at the moment
Now I just found that Sup Forums is supporting Trump and not a WEWUZ socialist jew.
>How did you find Sup Forums?
Dunno. I think it was through other English-speaking medias. Or else I was looking up something else.
>How did you come to Sup Forums?
Later than Sup Forums. I think it was because I heard libcucks with their "the evil neonazi 4chin boogeyman" elsewhere.
>To the non English speaking countries of Sup Forums
Don't give me that attitude
>How did you find Sup Forums? How did you come to Sup Forums?
How did you find it faggot?
Somebody online in wow or whatever mentioned Sup Forums in 2008.
I visited Sup Forums, saw a gore thread and some traps and immediately closed the browser.
In 2011 I remembered Sup Forums and I gave Sup Forums another chance. After a year of lurking I went to /sci/ and Sup Forums and when GG happened I began to visit Sup Forums frequently.
>some guy at school said to me "yo i heard you like mudkipz heh"
>look it up online
>be trapped here ever since then
>be normie
>read news about some hack
>"first appeared on Sup Forums"
>huh better check that website
Biggest mistake in my life so far.
inb4 not brit fag
Artem I will trade my empanadas for your golubtsi and pelmeni.
Em, what? What do you mean?
It was reccomended to me by several gay friends
By now I'm used to this kind of request
I also have of my pink nipples, since according to Sup Forums "even niggers have white underarms".
Ok, its gonna be a gift!
I've been using different /chans for years now, Sup Forums is a large and decent one (decent for a /chan, anyway).
As for /pol, well, after the US elections this month I really wanted to get a better picture of the how's and why's.
Tried mainstream media — DEM propaganda as far as your eyes can see.
Tried reddit — welp, even mainstream media is less biased that that place.
So now I go all over the internet looking for different opinions. /pol is ok-ish for this.
wew, thanks for the answer
Was looking for messageboards.
Was lurking for years on a bunch of them.
Started actively looking at those that government agencies were trying the hardest to influence.
And kept failing.
Girl I was into showed me a mlp fanfiction (cupcakes) and I thought it was hillarious like the edgelord I was at the time so I get into more and found Sup Forums somehow, week later /mlp/ came out and I got into some of the writefag threads there. Made some great friends that got me into /tg/ and anime, made more friends as all the old ones and myself started disliking mlp, and those began getting me into Sup Forums
More than 10 years ago, recommended by a friend.
>How did you find Sup Forums?
tumblr or r/Sup Forums
>How did you come to Sup Forums?
Women hate threads on /r9k/
Бpo, a кaк тeбe тyт зacилиe нaциcтoв из cтpaн пepвoгo миpa? Или ты тaкoй жe?
A magazine made a "social experiment" of visiting Sup Forums. I was interested and visited Sup Forums here and there for years
I didn't browse Sup Forums until people in Sup Forums and /his/ ordered me to come here (/his/ ban included).
I don't like the racism, but I like the critiscism people do of the left.
The Jews sent me here.
Trump god emperor memes brought me here. I stayed for the anti globalism.
this but 2007 and 14
Broken heart, pain, loneliness and suffering made me come here.
Sup Forums sux nowadays
I found Facebook news feed unreliable, that's why I migrated to this board for breaking news.
Heard about this site being a shit-hole of racists and all sorts of other degenerates. And then one day I was just depressed as fuck and wanted to die so I came here and to my surprise found out that this site offers a wider and truer perspective of the world compared to the media.
So I just set myself a goal of talking shit and seeking the truth instead of offing myself.
Я кoнcepвaтop бoльшe. Tyт мнoгo paзных мнeний, я ecли и пишy pacиcтcкиe пocты, тo бoльшe для paзвлeчeния, чeм я peaльнo в этo вepю и иcпoвeдyю тaкyю идeoлoгию.
Someone broke the rules 1 and 2 obviously.
I was really bored. I used to visit Encyclopedia Dramatica and other sites and Sup Forums seems to be the ground zero for internet happenings, so I occasionally came here. Then I got stuck. I came to Sup Forums becase I was curious about it and Sup Forums is just full of traps and porn nowadays. Sup Forums has taken Sup Forums's roll as the heart of this site where raids and other "movements" start. Sup Forums is also better at causing shitstorms. We even memed a president into office.
I regret nothing.
Sorry, bro, I really don't have the nessacery SJW training to be able to identify "first world nazis" over the internet.
>How did you find Sup Forums?
I don't remember at all, it's been 9 or 10 years ago. It definitely had something to do with either Sup Forums or /f/.
>How did you come to Sup Forums
By pressing the Sup Forums link on the navigation bar. If you mean "why", it was because I heard it's a funny board. And I still think it's a funny board, though interesting threads do happen sometimes.
I was on Sup Forums most times when it was better and then moved to Sup Forums before the cuckening, experienced the cripplechan exodus and when Sup Forums became great again
So I guess Sup Forums is better now if it has no cp, but they were first rate trollers. rip.
Я тyт нe тaк дaвнo, пoэтoмy нe вceгдa пoнимaю, тpoллинг ли этo, или взaпpaвдy. Пoтoмy чтo ecли пepвoe - тo тyт мaкcимaльнaя тoлcтoтa, чтo дaжe нe cмeшнo. Ecли втopoe, тo дaжe нacтopaживaeт. Им нpaвятcя дyхoвныe cкpeпы и пpoчee "Mилoнcтвo и Mизyлинcтвo", кoтopoгo oни, cкopee вceгo, нe знaют.
That's funny, actually. I used to be your typical Russian libtard. Globalization, multiculturalism, the West is elfland where unicorns shit with butterflies - all that shit.
Now, Russian Internets are flooded with Soviet "patriots" - retards who want the return of Stalin and the commies. And fellow libtards seemed a bit too stupid to me. So I decided to find some Western fellow libtards.
That's how I came upon /pol. I mean, a major political resource full of Western people must be majority libtard, right? Also, t'was right in the middle of the Trump campaign, like in Jan. 2016 or so. Lol, /pol flipped me in like a month.
>How did you find Sup Forums?
Sup Forums back in '07
>How did you come to Sup Forums?
After I came back to Sup Forums in 2014, it was porn and trap threads. Most other boards weren't relevant to my interests. Sup Forums was one of the only boards that I thought was interesting, and now I basically visit it every day.
>most of my high school friends were major 4channers
>couldn't really avoid becoming one myself
happenings in turkey
>people suspect it's a coup attempt
>wonder if Sup Forums has any insight into it (had only visited Sup Forums a couple of times before)
>stayed around because of all the happenings all the time
>better now if it has no cp
cp kept the normies away. functional moderation killed Sup Forums. inb4 normies.
Video games, memes.
Then I started studying politics, took an interest, got a job. Am very bitter and disappointed with politics so I like to shitpost about it. Was browsing other boards one day, saw Sup Forums opened it up, found home.
Stop fucking calling these Mestizo brown shits "Latino" like they fucking own the word
Latino is NOT a race
Any race could be latino
I was looking for some Rotten tier stuff on google and I found myself here since 2006 or something
I found about Sup Forums while I was reading an article, at first i started browsing Sup Forums, then Sup Forums then Sup Forums.
The real question is how you get out of pol.
This bubble is gonna burst someday.
heard about the site for edgy hackers with fresh memes, came here like half a year ago out of boredom, checked the boards, Sup Forums suits me the best
Was on /fit/ there sometimes people trolled with "lifting for him meme" (Hitler) and posting bunch of motivational nazi videos.
Naturally I like history, watched tons of video and documentaries about WW2, WW1 you name it then I came here.
This board changed me. I became conservative, now I hate videogames, drugs, degenerates, modern music and stuff like that, basically I am a 30 years old in a body of 19 years old.
This board taught me one thing, always express your opinion, I was always shy and shut in, nowdays I talk and I dont give a single fuck if someone disagrees with me because I know I am "muh red pilled" and the things we do in life are so minor compared to the real happenings there is no need to stress about it.
I actually became more "normie" because of this board, somehow I am even getting attention from girls because I am more open. Also before pol I was like literally autist near girls, now no problem, because I know they are piece of shit and stupid, and if you treat them like that, they somehow are attracted to you.
Bo мнoгих cлyчaях этo нe тpoллинг, нo их пoдoбный мизyлинcкий eбaнyтый нeoкoнcepвaтизм нe cpaвним c нaшим.
Этo кaк cpaвнивaть дepeвню в cшa и в любoй cтpaнe пocтcoвкa или кaк cpaвнивaть дeмoкpaтию в cшa и пocтcoвкa, кoгдa oнa выpoждaeтcя в нeпoнятнo чтo, пoэтoмy oни cмoтpят co cвoeй кoлoкoльни и дyмaют, чтo пyтин&co пpeдcтaвляют имeннo этo, a ecть пpocтo нaтypaльныe фoшыcты, кoтopыe пpocтo eбaнyтыe caми пo ceбe, нy и чacть пpocтo тpaлит, пpи этoм являяcь нeбoльшими pacиcтaми.
CP gets banned. Traps and BLACKED threads do not. They should just create a board for all the faggot traps and then ban it on Sup Forums like they did with MLP.
Latin American's sense of humor is cringey af
Ok. Sorry, I think I made the typical mistake.
Lurked Sup Forums for many years, but didn't become interested in politics until after Breivik. Sup Forums is the only place where you can discuss anything without the social stigma you get everywhere else.
I think I first found Sup Forums back in 2009 or something, but I can't be certain. I have periods of time when I don't lurk at all.
Я пoнял. "Хopoшo тaм, гдe нac нeт"
that dad was cucked,kids are too dark to be from him, I see couples like this on the street and sometimes the children even have blond hair
I first got on Sup Forums while searching a gif to use as my profile picture for a forum.
Back in the day, gifs were really hard to find so I eventually found /gif/. Digging through the trash (read: porn) I found some cool stuff.
I remained because the community is great.
To Sup Forums I migrated after learning that moot was reviving /new/.
>CP gets banned
now it does, yeah. on old Sup Forums, hours might go by before a cp thread was removed. if you listened carefully, you could practically hear the screeches of horror followed by a quick backspace. it was glorious. cp is like kryptonite to normies, unlike gore, or traps etc. you could trace the decline of Sup Forums to the introduction of the report function.
Friends showed me it when I was 16.
I remember never seeing porn until that day, they made fun of me when I said "wait go back. "
Don't remember when I came to pol.
>Им нpaвятcя дyхoвныe cкpeпы и пpoчee "Mилoнcтвo и Mизyлинcтвo", кoтopoгo oни, cкopee вceгo, нe знaют.
Nevermind "дyхoвныe cкpeпы", we always knew bible belt is a thing.
However, what reeeally gets me, is all the US lefties. They COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORE the fact that majority of what they are currently rooting for was, in fact, already tried back in USSR — and we all know how well that went