Bumping for details
and nothing of value was lost
Why do they highlight their races? What the fuck?
>white people do it too
I just hope that the trial is at least as good the original Zim Zam
wasn't present for it, but I gotta see a Jaffa Calling 2.0
The school appears to have done little to remedy the situation.
After being violently attacked twice in two weeks because of her race, the mother of a 12-year-old girl attending a school in Kansas City where whites are a minority says her daughter “doesn’t want to be white anymore.”
School website:
Been going on for years:
Can we talk about how a mexican and his mother killed a black teen with their car in Texas and then fled to Mexico?
Looks like a thug. He was probably doing wrong.
shit someone killed gary coleman again
why do all blacks look alike?
Fucking Jaffa. Was watching live and posting on pol when he called. Truly one of the greatest days in pol history and my own personal life.
Pic related
>mfw my psych 101 teacher tells us that everyone thinks people of other races look similar for some bullshit psych reason
>mfw computer programs come out that determine how similar faces are
>mfw black people and Chinese people are almost indistinguishable even to the computer program
>whites and even latinos are all easily distinguishable
Why is he so smug?
I'd shop Garner out of that. He seemed like an alright dude. He didn't deserve that shit.
Fuck Trayvon and Brown though.
Dudes fucked. He could have argued self defense if he had called the cops or stayed at the scene. He went home and ate dinner though.
Yea, Garner actually dindu nuffin.
Well ok he did do some petty crime but that ain't worth getting killed over.
>literally a morbidly obese nigger with a rap sheet a mile long standing on corner selling cigarettes and mix tapes
wow jeez that guy sure was gonna contribute to society eventually amirite
gosh they just killed yet another innocent productive black member of society huh
fucking cuck retards
>killing people over their past records
I admit he's pretty shady but we have due process for a reason. If we do lynching n shit we're basically just white niggers. We gotta get them in the court of law.
Clearly it's Nipsey Russell
Isn't that the Sup Forums lady?
They didn't kill him
He's a fat piece of shit who died of a heart attack
Shit happens, who cares.
Anyways this looks like a case of some old white guy who finally got fed up dealing with niggers
Didn't they choke him to death
>Anyways this looks like a case of some old white guy who finally got fed up dealing with niggers
Honestly I don't really blame him too much, as much I support the values of due process and being rational, I realize that after a long time you just get bitter and easily pissed off.
So someone murdered someone else and they're being charged with murder?
Don't really see an issue here.
They had him in a head lock for a few seconds, normal arrest tactic for someone not complying, and then he died in an ambulance because he's 350+ lbs + asthmatic + heart disease
Its also like, niggers get away with these small crimes constantly
Stuff where, you knew that nigger just stole something but nothing you can do about it.
This happens constantly, it's just black on white. They ignore that, but this is national fucking news that deserves months of attention.
Doesn't fit the (((narrative)))
this kid might have actually not done anything, the guy that killed him just shot him then went home and had dinner
>I admit he's pretty shady but we have due process for a reason. If we do lynching n shit we're basically just white niggers. We gotta get them in the court of law.
"muh principles" don't work in a multicultural empire bro, pic related
stop virtue signaling and get a fucking clue
Because their was obviously racism involved/ Plus, whites have privilege on their side. It's literally a Tiger killing a Rabbit.
Don't fret brethren kek has spoken
We are in the new age "The Millies"
by reloading
Maybe he was hungry
You gonna take the side of a nig based on what the media says?
charged =/= convicted