Yfw God is real

>yfw God is real

oh no I've gone back in time again


>yfw gods are real


>yfw pepe is Christian

>christcucks claiming foreign traditions

why am i not surprised.

>believing in the deranged ramblings of a demiurge pseudosatan
>2016 anno not domini
Wew ladderino...

>literally no one else in this thread remembers this shitpost

Sup Forums got young

>implying christians weren't the shitposters 99% of the time.

>Egyptians associate frogs with floods/fertility
>Christians associate frogs with resurrection
It's not a huge stretch to think the two aren't related but it's also not quite the same.


yeah not like there is a biblical event involving a plague of frogs before a washing away of a civilization


christianity started in a similar middle east area. so similarities like that arent surprising.

but the obvious fact is it was egyptian first. just because christianity picked it up later doesnt make it theirs.

>lelele easter is SO christian amiright guys? XD

The concept is very much the same.

They cant quite word it to properly describe how they mean it.

The idea is like flooding dried up land. You destroy/flood/wipe away what is there, and allowing for the right conditions and space for the birth a new crop. Kind like tearing down most of a house and then reinforcing the foundation and building an even bigger sturdier house

I fear that we are the plague of frogs, and there will be a great flood-tier event(nuclear war/winter) causing mass death and collapse of the west. This will usher in the birth of a new civilization that will learn from our mistakes and grow stronger than our has.

but user Christianity is all about enlightenment from the old ways.

Its like complaining your kids are unoriginal because they come from your bloodline and you had dna that they have first.

>but user Christianity is all about enlightenment from the old ways.

no m8. taking traditions from foreign areas that have nothing to do with your religion is not bringing "enlightenment" its just a tool to convert locals.

>taking in another concept and growing from it
>being just a tool to convert locals

maybe its about global enlightenment and growth of humanity as a whole by coming together in the pursuit of knowledge, compassion, and enlightment as a species.

>buzzwords im going to pretend christians cared about for the last 2,000 years.

i know your local priest has probably done a good job preaching that sort of thing and convincing you that is what christianity is about. but thats all recent rhetoric thats been added in the last few decades.

it doesnt have basis within the bible. at best you can cherry pick some verses and do some heavy interpretation to get that.

Im actually only recently finding my faith again.
Because i researched time travel/quantum mechanics oddly enough.
"he first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you" - werner heisner

I advise you to expand your view and research yourself. I dont go to church but im going to start now. I've woken up user

im not a fedora tipper.

There is more to religion than the abrahamic ones that plague Europe and America.

ive been to church.
user look into where the "christian traditions" actually come from. because if you read the bible yourself you realize that they're unrelated 90% of the time.

Mfw god told me my family is retarded. and thats why i'm spending thanksgiving alone.

I need a new family, famlam.