Should we let all non-european whites migrate to Europe?

should we let all non-european whites migrate to Europe?

I mean they are white and we are all white nationalists who want a home for the white race amirite guys?

That uyghur girl doesn't look white. Literally an Asian with blonde hair.

I don't want anyone who isn't European come to Europe.

looks finnish t b h

you mean finnish?

they are eurasians, it depends on the admixture

here's a Putin looking Uyghur

not russians. they would annex us like krim

then European culture is what matters, not being white?

>Selectively pick white looking ones who are a tiny minority

Yes we are whitou do not bildou the wallu justu liku Chinesu.

They are not white. None of the illegals flooding europe are white.

Syrians are mostly brown shitskins

It's funny how not a single refugee you see looks like this



i want /leftypol/ to leave

I never said they are all white

dude some of them are red haired or blonde

Why talk about the 0.01% minority anyways?

ThatĖ™s like saying that some of them are arhitects

If they did, auntie Merkel wouldn't let them in.
It's only humane when they're not white.

i think those are africans pretending to be syrian

this is what eurasians actually look like

I think what OP is trying to say is: "Should we cherry-pick the white ones and let them into Europe?"

You can import whoever you want in your own country. For my part, I want every foreigners out of Italy, even the European ones.

Based Fins


nice meme, look up Nuristani on google

the point is having white nationalism is a fucking meme

Italy sucks except for Toscana, Florence, Sicily and very North Italians which have the best people.

no, genetically they are still sandniggers, even if they sometimes appear white
race is not skin deep


yes but it depends on how much arab or asian blood they have, except not Syrians or Uyghurs, or Lebanese because the are Muslims

>Himmler was obsessed with finding all of the small isolated central asian pockets of indo-European proto-Aryans

fucking arabs man, they are a genocidal cancer, they wiped out so many interesting peoples and cultures, they turned the cradle of civilization into a permanent Muslim shithole

Pashtuns, Berbers, some Lebanese and some Kalash are muslims too

Yazidi looks like she's gonna fuck you up hard and she's not even 5.

t. Salvatore Mimmo Cammarata from Gela, Sicily

t. Abdallah Karim al-Milani

How's the oil?

If anything we should move you shitskins out

People that can integrate get to immigrate you faggot.

ha ha nice one lad


It's been unbearable here lately

>white nationalism is a meme
Not at all. Explain how ethnic nationalism is a meme?

As a white of European descent living outside Europe I'm actually interested to hear euro's opinions on whites moving back there

40% of lebanese are Christian, m8

The answer is no.
fuck off we're full

I'm okay with it, prefer a billion times of non-whites

>white is an ethnicity

who told you that?

i wouldnt mind south africans coming back home, i feel terrible for you guys. be safe okay?

well you guys are different cuz your culture is European based

if you guys had integrated into Bushmen culture or some shit no fucking way we should let you in

no problem if diaspora return to the old home.
but if you have mixed blood with niggers or other abominations, you must fuck off.