>Get a BA in English
>No Jobs
>Take 1 year of welding technology
>Jobs flowing out my ass
Really gets the grey matter going.
>Get a BA in English
>No Jobs
>Take 1 year of welding technology
>Jobs flowing out my ass
Really gets the grey matter going.
>college is over rated
Is this news to anyone?
Then how come they keep telling us to go?
cause they can sell expensive textbooks (not the only reason tho)
Because you have to pay (((them))) $10k+/year to go.
OH, I see.
I'm in debt bro--but welding will help me dig myself out.
I want all white collar office workers to get fired--so fucking useless--especially the females.
brainwashing. there's too many retards who have no business in college. we really need to reduce how many classes colleges have. there's way too many unnecessary ones
>BA in English
Well here's your problem.
College is overrated, sure. But at least pick something useful.
Also many jobs require you to at least have a bachelors degree in something
Why does Sup Forums have such a hard-on for blue collar work? Is it the anti-intellectualism?
handymen are in short supply and people will pay oit the ass for their service. when did people stop teaching their kids DIY skills?
I'm not a smart person so I never went.
I wanted to be a column writer/journalist or perhaps a quirky english highschool teacher.
I will never be those things--because I am a man (huge discrimination against males in teaching).
Anyway, yeah--welding--they keep trying to get girls into it, but they just plain suck too much.
sure. But if you work for A decent company that hires from within and know your shit, doors just open.
Then say you go to a different company for the same job, do you think they would rather have someone with a degree that theoretically knows what they are doing, or someone who HAS ALREADY WORKED IT.
wedling is hard, even negroes can speak English
>Get useless degree and act like a fag
You're a dumb faggot.
>Then how come they keep telling us to go?
It is big business. And government lefties cannot tell people that going to college only makes sense if people go into tech, hard science or medicine. It would upside SJW liberals.
>implying intellectuals all contribute to society
Take a look at Nietzsche, he wanted to fuck his sister and created many self-hating cucks. Blue collar work has a far higher success rate when it comes to contributing to society.
Because it's a profitable business.
Not for you, of course, but for them it is.
This. The first two years of college are basically your high school classes all over again. It's really a pain the ass.
I have heard that employers usually favor education over experience though
>It would upside SJW liberals.
Aren't they in super mega deep debt too? You know, for their supremely useless degrees?
Meanwhile I'm a supply chain manager for an american engineering company in the fortune 500 kek. I dont even have a degree in supply chain or accounting all it took was good english five years ago.
And no trump is not taking that job back because they do a lot of shit in europe and its not technically outsourcing.
What kind of raging faggot retard homosexual made this picture and why the fuck did you save it
>spend 6 years half-assing my way to a BA in history
>6 months after graduating get hired for a comfy, easy office job with 55K starting pay
>getting my first promotion and raise in January, have been told I will be making 63K or so
>live in a very low cost of living flyover city so I can live like a king
So glad I never have to do another minute of manual labor for the rest of my life. Did landscaping and some construction during college and it made me want to kill myself.
Actual welder here.
Yeah, there's plenty of $13/hr jobs. Whole bunch. If you've got 5 years experience and are a master at fabricating from scratch, you might even get 14.50.
>Be me, making $18.50, considered good for non-union
>Get weekly calls from temp agencies for the shit work described above, respond with my most condescending lel
>yeah but there's lots of overtime!
>recommend the mexican coworker I taught to weld in spare time
>you get what you pay for
>six years for history degree.
>got two TESL certificates
>teaching English to newcomers now
>can easily go to asian countries to fuck tight yellow pussies and make $$$
>was a newcomer myself four years ago
Yeah community colleges offer better training in most cases and most you only take the required courses, none of that elective bullshit. Unless you're going the STEM or doctor route, it's useless
Fucking this, I'm forced to pick a number of unnecessary and useless classes to go along with my major that might not even be as useful as I thought once I'm out.
If you're going to college for anything other than STEM and you don't have a job lined up, then you're being conned.
I got mostly A's and a handful of B's in my history classes. I just didn't give a fuck about gen ed classes, plus I rarely took more than 12 hours a semester.
Doesn't matter since I have a great job in spite of my shit degree and how long it took me to earn it.
Single mothers and the children of single mothers.
>tfw 95.2 male job
Feels great
You've heard wrong for 9/10 times
So you couldn't find a job as a teacher nor could you get a gig with Buzzfeed and all the other internet websites that produce dross?
You are the problem, not your major.
what are some good jobs to get nowadays?
> Live like a king
Lol my first job with an EE degree was 85k in the midwest. Now making 150k working remote for a company in california while still living in a cheap as fuck Indiana town.
security guard
Edu admin user here. I've seen social work majors graduate with 150k in debt. Still torn on who to blame., the uni for charging out the ass knowing this person will never pay it back, or the student for being so fucking dumb to take on that kind of debt with that kind of major.
Don't believe you one bit--you didn't even state your "occupation".
DBA, cyber security, networking, data analyst, financial analyst, day trader
What I'm saying is: 65k is nothing and you're a faggot.
No offense to anyone but I could make six figures without my degree. I have respect for anyone who can, however.
You could easily work on a English bachelors. Just go over seas, it's very easy to be a English teacher.
I make between 80 and 100k a year as a Union Pipefitter. My job isn't that hard. Lots of OT. Always something different. Office work same 4 walls everyday...fuck that shit.
Welding will always have need for workers
Because you're a white male and you need to take on $200k + of debt before getting your first job to have your privilege checked?
>Just go over seas, it's very easy to be a English teacher.
No it isn't, trust me, I tried.
The market is so over-saturated with "english teachers" that they treat them like slaves/servants/oddities/jesters--in the 90s they were valued, now they are a joke, to be treated as a joke--to be paid a joker's wages.
If you go to college, you go for things like law, medicine, some coding related stuff or web security, or data base management. Humanities will give you a job only if you want to be a journalist or a teacher
Couldn't get job in subjective field where you would probably just have to type out propaganda. Does menial work while still having knowledge to use as they see fit. I would call that progressive and multi disciplined.
I'm in Missouri. My rent, gas and groceries are dirt cheap. After all my bills/expenses are paid each month I save about two thirds of my take home pay. Feels good man.
Insurance underwriter for a big health insurance company. All they wanted was any degree. I knocked the interviews out of the park, which is the main reason they hired me despite my lack of experience and lack of connections.
65K is nothing if you have to live in San Francisco or NYC, but if you're a single childless male in flyover country it's more than enough to live well. I see people on this board freak out over the chance to make $15-20 per hour doing blue collar stuff so don't tell me the equivalent of ~$33 per hour is nothing.
and welding is great only when you have actually firms to give you job. If the industry isn't there, then there won't be jobs
>some coding related stuff or web security, or data base management.
You can go a decent community college and get the same education for thousands less.
>good goyim certificate paper
Where you at dog? Get me a job in 1.5 years from now? I can legally work in the USA.
I'm gonna make sure I get into orbital pipe-welding.
Just wait until I get my Estonia-located robobusiness going. Off comes the good paying welding job.
t. CS master
Jokes on you, I'm into robotics as well.
Further jokings on you--robots often fuck up and need humans to correct their mistakes.
Agree. ESL teaching is now considered bottom of the barrel. High paying gigs in KSA with Blueforce or some other contractor, but downsides are many. Always funny to see ex pats working at hogwans in South Korea claiming they have the best job. No, you don't. it's shit, you are paid a low wage in comparison with Korean teachers, the parents of the kids you teach in general think you are just another expat loser who couldn't make it in your home country.
Weak bait
Not my robos. They are the best. Company is in stealth mode right now and seeking B-round funding. You gonna know of it soon enough.
This. Im making 44.75 an hour but if I'm not working shit doesn't matter.
Buddy, robots can weld under ideal conditions, but the technology isn't there yet for robots to barge in and just replace all welder forever--especially if there is rain.
So true lol. Asians like me see ESL teachers in Asia as jokes.
Also, you sound like a fallout side-quest character.
On my previous job there were more than 50% women.
It's a hell. Constant fighting, gossiping. You literally can't focus on a job. Or they even try to sabotage work for whatever reason. Never again.
>tfw no tuition fees in Finnish unis
>tfw Master's degree in EE and no debt after uni
>tfw thinking about retards going to college to have a arts degree
>tfw retards paying a shit ton for their arts/whateverbullshit degree
How come there are so many countries with an education system that handcuffs the youth to (((their))) financial system? Also, why are the people so retarded not to see through this faulty system and take a proper degree instead if they are still paying for it anyways. Certainly feels like these people have no sense for reality, and only think about their shitty feelings.
Dirty Jobs should be required viewing for high school freshmen.
fuck oath mate
almost 1/8 of my degree (3 subjects, 4 per semester, 3 year degree w/o honors) is bullshit project management / information systems shit.
i'm doing computer science, I want to do computer shit not bull shit.
I don't know how it is in Finland, but kids (most people under 25) in America are complete retards. They simply don't know that those degrees are bad. Kids here go straight to college from high school with very little life experience and it's down hill from there for many of them. Shit, the vast majority of people who wind up going to college end up dropping out.
Mandatory military service for 1-2 years might be a good prerequisite for attending college in USA.
>asian american
no one cares.
Yes, I advise many students and am clear how much it is going to cost them, and compare it with what they are going to earn. I've been surprised in my 30 years of academia how many kids "feel" they need to study art, women's studies, social work etc.
>look up job search
>higer paying jobs have BA+ required
>go to college
>look up job search
>3+ work experience in related field required
You have obviously never been an English teacher. I went to vietnam for a couple of years and got paid, along with room and food. Really easy shit.
It doesn't have to be anti-intellectualism, it's common sense. Trade job openings are huge right now. Ask the people hiring what they want and they'll tell you "warm bodies". Blue collar work has always paid decently because it's harder work and higher risk.
30 year experience, primarily in International education, years as an academic advisor as well as an administrator with the South Korean Ministry of Education. I'm glad you made the most out of your experience and took advantage of all that was offered, but most don't.
Many people who have become craftmen earn more than many college graduates in Germany,
Says Pablo
As much as I hate college liberals I hate rednecks bragging about being uneducated and thinking they are superior, intelligent people for it even more.
Are apprenticeships even a thing in the Anglosphere
what about finnish taxes, slave?