Trump working hard
You'll never see Hillary do this.
Hes a really nice guy
Who cares now? He will never be the president.
Electoral college will pick Hillary in December.
How did we fuck this up fellow centipedes?
What happened?
He's training to get the nigger stink out of the white house
He needs to do it himself so he knows it's definitely done
what the FUCK was this recorded with
What a guy
this is pretty cool. im happy he won.
Fucking kek. I would love to see Hillary doing this.
>How do you do my fellow humans?
>BM/WW couple
>get instantly triggered
I think I've been to exposed to cuck threads
Nearly brought a tear to my eye. What a modest and grateful man.
What were you trying to prove Russia?
he looks so damn adorable and he did all those jobs without complaining like a little bitch. he only used words as "fun, great, amazing and good"
this man is awesome
He's a nice guy
He's not averse to hard work. He didn't have a husband's coattails to ride on
>I hope it's not a vishes dog
>It's Hillary
>arf arf arf, you know?
why do I have a huge grin on my face?
I understood that reference
here have a thread theme
trump is cute. CUTE!
Thank you OP.
i'm barely 40 seconds in and needed a break to find and reattach sides.
Quite funny seeing him like this, but still clearly the exact same personality as in all those political rallies, interviews, debates etc. He just can't help it kek
Trump is a wonderful man.
Perhaps if I had a vagina I would be dating him.
This, I don't know why this is so funny to me
God I'm so happy this is our president now
What a guy.
if he were a democrat it'd be
>AMAZING! Donald Trump learns more about working class America
Jeb never stood a chance against this man of men.
She'd get tired after 30 seconds, start screaming and throwing shit
>I think I've been to exposed to cuck threads
>to exposed
>not "too exposed"
I guess you also haven't been exposed to dictionaries yet either!
fuck off hillary shill
how does it feel knowing the entire year of shitposting was wasted?
not funny exactly, just heartwarming
he's such a charmer
imagine requesting dog walking and the donald arrives
Trump seems like a real genuine fellow
Made sure to save this bad boy for just this occasion.
It says "brewer" but it looks like coke with too much foam
you're suppose to push the tap against the side of the class dumb cunt
At one point she was a normal person I believe, when she was young, wasn't she?
Such a nice guy.
I really hope that wasn't a Guinness.
she's such a drunk degenerate
Serbia-kun how long will you keep at this?
I said it om Twitter and I'll say it here: If she gave Bill that much head, Lewinsky wouldn't be famous.
how retarded
how can you not know how to pour a pint, or at least get coached on it?
Hillary is so un-presidential looking.
even looks like a woman
pssshht, as if
jesus fuck this man just oozes american love everywhere
also, dem melania hard nipples
it probably is "brewery" and that is a stout beer
>nice man
Come on Sup Forums, let's not get retarded. It's clearly a PR move which benefits Trump and was edited and released on television. I don't think he's an asshole but calling him a nice man after seeing this is intellectually dishonest. I don't know how a forum can simultaneously believes there is an elite pedo ring in a random pizza shop and be convinced of Trump being a nice guy based on this video.
His actions in his presidency will make me reflect on his niceness and even then with the secrecy around being president will disrupt the judgement of who Trump really is.
Good =/= Nice
No one outside of Reddit actually calls themselves a "centipede," you fucking faggot.
What's the difference Spainbro? Obviously in the context of human behavior.
wow, your having a hard time tonight
What a guy.
He's always so nice to everyone.
>this serbian cuck crew again
Where's the other serbian faggot who posts the same shit?
Seems disdainful of all the low achievers around him. A little condescending and then when the dog comes out he seems genuinely nice.
Being good is doing simply what is right, disregarding ethics, being nice regards ethics and can end in not doing something right.
Lapsus calami
Trump is such a likable guy. Christ, it's unbelievable the absolute madman did it and won the election.
> walking dog
> cleaning
>serving food
"Those jobs are tough, you have to be sharp, you have to be smart" - blablabla
All memes and shilling aside he seems like a bit of a cunt with the service staff.
dude how long have you been shilling for hillary now? how many months of your life have you lost? I bet that girl you likes will still talk to you if you try, you just gotta leave here first, sorry bud, this place isn't good for little serb turds like you.
Never trust a serb. Its a saying worth keeping in mind.
Trump's serving a black bull and his white woman. Trumpcucks BTFO.
yeah i thought it was fun
that little doggo liked him, it's a good sign
Yeah i wonder what ole Donald was thinking.
Fucking leddit fag
>local user believes people can only think on one dimension.
>local user thinks people that are skeptical of Trump are against Trump
Enough of this bullshit. Why are you disavowing skepticism?
Okay. I understand that but the reason for
>nice man
is that I referenced everyone who literally said Trump is nice just because they saw that video.
In the context of the video, there is really no difference of Trump being good or nice because what he did is was not a exclusively being nice thing, meaning it could be said that he did a good and nice thing right?
If I were to give a dollar to the homeless man, it could be said that it was a nice gesture and it was a good gesture.
From the shit mouth of a third world slave. Bet you find your master adorable when they leave shitstains on the toilet for you to clean, cholo de meirda serrano huevon.
What happened to you Serbia? You used to be a pretty cool guy
for USA
Calla cholo sobon chupapinga.
>calls themselves a centipede
i have literally never been on reddit. wtf is the "centipede" in reference to?
>tfw he will never serve you food and clean your house.
>Why are you disavowing skepticism?
I'm just saying that I haven't attacked you on your looks, and, believe me, there is plenty of subject matter there
Meta kek.
Look at those women's faces when they see him. There is no doubt they would all let him grab their pussy.
Necesite regresa
>I hope you give me a big fat tip (, black man).
There was a series of videos comparing Trump at the Republican debates to a centipede attacking its prey and now the children on Reddit are all "Us 'pedes dude am I right? xD xD xD centipedes!". It's embarrassing.
>so there's a little piece of lint!
>now it's gone!
>mfw Trump tries to go on undercover boss
They got cucked by NATO
>so there's a little illegal immigrant
>now it's gone!
i love that guy
my grandfather is like that
sadly, he never got a small loan of a million dollars to become rich
He's a big guy.
>those glove
He really is germophobe...
Do you know what people do in hotels?
>64,424,986 people voted for a hag that can't tap beer
where is the purge when you need one
Germans are p. scary 2bh